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Everything posted by NotSoBigBen

  1. I don't have the experience many here do but I have seen strange wear like that, not broken off though, when a 205mm rotor was used in a 200mm caliper setup. I was still surprised that the rider didn't notice any strange sounds, scraping of the outer edge of rotor against the metal of the caliper or the pads touching on the little parts of the rotor. I put 5mm spacers in and solved it that way .. he's still riding it like that now
  2. As said before the problem is not the software, app or feature but more between the chair and the keyboard 😉
  3. Having a tough time of it lately ... having just recovered from my last fall. Went for an easy spin this past Saturday, took my customary picture and a few K's later came to grief. No idea what happened, woke up in trauma ICU. Was sent home yesterday, still have a mild concussion and some abrasions ... just rest for a while now! Neuro surgeon says I may or may not remember what happened. All indications are it was a hit and run, some runners found me
  4. Yip its as bleak as it looks ... guess we won't be 'gravelling' through there for too much longer 😒
  5. And in my experience so many times riders put tubes into mtb tubeless tires and then have a puncture soon after ... very good tip that! On the very odd occasion I have had to I find a smallish stone and run it around the inside of the tire to at least try to break off any pieces sticking through. Worked so far.
  6. I always thought that the foam was caused by too much 'Omo' being used upstream but recently learnt that it is formed by 'dissolved organic matter' and is quite normal. Cracker morning on the Highveld!
  7. I have done it, gets a bit tricky with spoke lengths so keep that in mind ... it gives proper wheel builders heart palpitations I believe though ðŸĪŠ
  8. Tailwind out, block headwind back .... why, just why 🙄
  9. I'm happy for you, any other life absolutes you'd like to share? I'm pretty sure I fall short of your expectations in many of them ... Thank heavens I'm old enough not to care what other people think or think about the way I decide to do things for myself and what makes me happy I've made my peace with ebikers, like with most other things in life you get some idiots on 'digital' bikes
  10. A quick spin passed @Pikey's gap ... No matter what's going on in your head there's always joy to be found in a bike ride 😎
  11. And just like that it's back to 'normal' ... wounds healed, teeth fixed 😎 Been stressing about a few things but as always a ride helps not only to relieve the stress but also came up with a plan how to go about sorting it out 😉
  12. I've often heard it said that almost all manufacturers that post weight of their products are generally a little 'optimistic' at best ... not only bike and bike part one's that is
  13. In my experience, and I admit I'm just a weekend mechanic, the new stuff from 11sp up has in fact become MORE fiddly and full of nonsense to set up than older group sets. Chain lengths and especially B-screw adjustment has become an art, on older stuff if you had it pretty close you'd be OK.' I'm sure I'll be crucified by the plethora of bike mechanic experts but jeez I run some crazy mixes of components and new/old combinations of chainrings/chains and it generally seems to work when you get the right mix. I can't see how any half decent mechanic can't sort this problem out ... Like I said quite a few on here, some have even offered to take a look, let them if you can! Charging for non replaced parts, well listen to @Harryn he knows about these things, it's fraud plain and simple
  14. All good thanks mate! He's pleasantly surprised how quick it's healed. One small spot that must close up on the tip of my nose ... A few days 😁 No more dressings required which is a big relief, crappy walking around with plasters and gauze on the lip and nose Off to the dentist Wednesday morning to get that sorted. Need to see him in a months time, might need a small incision on the nose with just 1 stitch, unlikely though Should be on the bike by the weekend if all goes well
  15. Elapsed time, if you sit drinking coffee during your ride that's your business ðŸĪŠ Alternatively stop your ride and log it as 2 different rides then? Moving time is fine as long as it's not a timed event otherwise you get a different time to your actual recorded time .... if that matters? Confusing myself but that's not difficult
  16. 3 weeks since my fall ... At least been able to 'race' the avatars the passed few days. Doctor appointment tomorrow morning, will see what comes from that ðŸĪ”
  17. https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/pidcock-opts-out-of-worlds-in-australia-due-to-racing-and-training-fatigue/?utm_content=cyclingnews&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow
  18. LOL my boet says 'Time pedals and Trek wheels on a Look WTH!'
  19. I've had this bike for a while and since I'm lying around at home decided to give it a bit of an update .... Also red bikes are faster, and yes there is 'scientific proof' ðŸĪŠ 'Actually, it has to do with the length of the wave of light for red in the color spectrum, and that the speed of light is a constant. So because red light waves are shorter, they travel faster because they are not traveling as far. This makes red bikes go faster'
  20. I use an 820 and an older 810 to follow all sorts of routes ... Riding and following a route is a bit of a 'practiced' art IMHO, its not like in your car with well defined roads and stops and you can't hear 'Susie', as my grandson calls her, yelling instructions and info at you. Missed many a turn off and had to go back, it did say you're off course so you know to go back Once you get used to it though it's a great way to ride new routes!
  21. Good thinking Batman! I must be honest I would have no idea ....
  22. I also re-use quicklinks but I must say it's mostly 10 and 11sp ... I have also joined chains by just pressing out the pin most of the way and then pushing it back but again mostly 9 and 10sp They've all worked OK but anything can happen I guess .... just as an aside when a chain like that breaks how do you know, FOR SURE, it is exactly where you have joined it by this method? #EkVraMaarNet I have used a chain breaker , I carry a small one I got from RAV X a long long time ago, quite a few times over the years and it's got me home bar one time when it was just a crap chain on my SS This tool is one of those 'gift' type ideas I give my family come birthdays, fathers day, Christmas etc 😎
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