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Everything posted by NotSoBigBen

  1. Like with all world champs i suppose it seems to me that it is a bit of a lottery on the day, all the stars have to align AND you must be on the form of your life! The one person who seemed to have that sorted was PFP, I'm more impressed by that than Al Nino's 10th, maybe just me though. That taught those young whipper snappers a thing or 2 about how to win a WC 😎
  2. The same reason there are so many Man U fans?
  3. I give up bunch of useless twits 🤬
  4. UCI MTB World Champs 2022 South African TV Schedule Saturday - SuperSport Channel 206 13:10 Women’s DH 15:10 Men’s DH Sunday - SuperSport Channel 206 08:55 U23 Women’s XCO 10:40 U23 Men’s XCO 12:50 Women’s XCO 15:05 Men’s XCO Thanks to Sean.Badenhorst and TreadMTB!
  5. I watched it here, in English no problem https://tiz-cycling-live.io/live.php
  6. Bad luck for the French in the team relay as their second last rider loses her saddle, they had a good lead going into the second last lap ... Hop Schweiz in the lead
  7. I just look at what has happened to the drop in form recently of the other 'neo legend' and hope it doesn't go the same way ...
  8. Strangely enough not so much pain as discomfort luckily, the wonders of modern medicine. Fortunately my dear wife has looked after me well. Had a follow up visit today and the doc is very happy with the way the wounds are healing. Changing and dressing them 4 times a day is doing the trick. To be reviewed next Thursday and the stitches will probably come out then. Then to the dentist ... Hopefully I can go out without scaring children and old ladies soon! Thanks for the concern mate 👍
  9. Was just gonna say 'apparently' .... tut tut tut There is 'scientific proof' BTW 🤪
  10. Reminds me of a conversation i overhear between my wife and her mate a few weeks ago "Is Jason coming to the birthday party?" "No he's not he's doing some upset fit thing"
  11. To casualty on Saturday ... an altercation with a dog at some speed 🥴 Face looks a bit like from a Frankenstein movie at the moment, broken nose, 3 top teeth gone, missing piece of the top lip and other cuts and abrasions. Lots of stitches, getting TLC from my dear wife. Nou ja ... it'll heal in time So what to do while I wait, ag might as well paint a bike 🤪 ..... or maybe 2
  12. Legen ........ dairy! "Nietzsche famously said, 'Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' What he failed to stress is that it ALMOST kills you"
  13. The cynic in me thinks that it is the same "formulation" just sold at a higher price with the e-bike branding to make more profits 😜 Don't mind me though I'm old and generally miserable
  14. Just a thought, at first e-bikes were needed so that those unfit or otherwise unable to keep up could ride with friends and/or family at least that is the premise from which most argue ... now even that's too slow so a performance chip upgrade is necessary. Any 'analogue' (that is just such a stupid description of a bike) bike riders ever think to slow down a bit to accommodated them? Or would that be too much to do to have them ride with you ... with or without a 'hot' e-bike? Every now and then I'm so happy that I'm a loner when it comes to riding a bike 🤪
  15. I'm old enough not to be shocked by what people will do anymore ...
  16. At least they told me they are not tarring from the water place passed the blue barn back to the Eye tar road ....
  17. Progress is inevitable I guess, won't be gravel for much longer 😕
  18. True it's not like you take the fork off and leave the lockout lever behind on the bar or something ...
  19. Stil bek is heel bek 😋
  20. Ai mate go look there where the MEN are discussing chain ring sizes ... A 36 minimum with a 10 that's what you must have! #JustKidding
  21. Ja nee kyk ou .... ek hou maar die pienk bloes 😳
  22. Okes with some beeg legs here 😮
  23. Thankfully I think I'm over the worst of my 'general air of malaise' The last 30k's hurt like crazy but then again it always does no matter what your state of fitness or health is!
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