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Posts posted by Sandro

  1. AFAIK CPA is relevant here and OP could get a refund. I must say I'm surprised people being so understanding about buying a bike advertised with one spec and being sold with another, even if it is equivalent quality? Unless it says in the ad that specs can vary, this is not on as as far as I'm concerned. Regardless of whether its a good buy or not, or cheap or whatever. They advertised as such and should deliver.

    "Under the CPA, consumers have the right to a refund when they purchase goods or services that are defective or not of good quality. They also have the right to a refund when the goods or services were not delivered as promised or within a reasonable time frame. "

    Retailers can't just invent their own returns and exchange policies.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mountain Bru said:

    I'd recommend doing the Van Gaalens Trailseeker later in the year. Probably one of my favorite MTB races around Gauteng. 

    Firstly - It's in June (I think), so it's not so hot. 
    Secondly, the route is far more inspiring and interesting. The route also has numerous short gravel road sections which allow the bunches to spread out a bit, and for faster riders to easily overtake slower riders, so there's less bottlenecking and getting stuck behind people who get off their bike and block the trail every time there's a rock or an uphill or a butterfly anywhere near them. 

    Awesome, I'll check it out - thanks!

  3. Didn't enjoy it at all, only did the half marathon. I don't understand people constantly pushing bikes uphill or over the slightest obstacle. I'm not that technically proficient but if you can't ride a bike up the slightest incline then you should be training more before you attempt even these fun rides. 80% singletrack with stopping before most uphills. The seeding for MTB rides seems to be even worse than road. I won't be doing another one of these. There did seem to be water though. maybe they ran out later because it was ridiculously hot.

  4. Excuse my ignorance but I'm not sure if I have one of these boards. I got a board for the 947 mtb ride, is this an SAS board? Can't keep up to date with all these different boards and chips and companies changing names or buying each other out. More tiring than the races.

  5. These have to be the WORST timing chips ever created. Used one last week for the Montecasino Classic via the zip tie/holder jobby that I was given and that ended up coming off in the middle of the Cradle after hitting a bump, along with that result. Yesterday I decided to rather put the chip in my pocket and play it safe and lo and behold I have no result yet again. There isn't even a proper contact method on their 'site'. Please can we rather have ONE PERMANENT timing chip thats used for all races that is actually reliable and not a piece of utter *** designed on a MS DOS platform In 2024 surely this is not a big ask.

    Rant over.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Spinnekop said:

    Safety was no issue.  Good hard race and I really enjoyed it.

    I have decided to not do this race again for the following reasons.

    • Race number pickup bull ****.  I sat 4 hour in traffic on Thursday just to pick up a piece of useless paper.
      When are these organisers going to be held accountable for wasting peoples time and money???  And VERY important, where is the environmental responsibility......???? I would love to know how much EXSTRA fossil fuels were burnt just to pick up a number that I can print at home???  Give me a QR code that I can scan at the starting block to gain entry to the event.  I can print my number for 50c in color.  I spent R200 fuel plus half day leave at work just to get a number.  Boils my blood.
    • Seeding was CRAP.  South Africa cycling does not have a seeding system anymore.  We are forced to pay CSA (racing license) to get a better start time.  
    • Timing system can improve.  The chip is horrible.  The mounting system is cheap and can be improved a lot. Give me a permanent chip and number (while you are at it) like 94.7 that I can use every year for your series of races. 
      The results were not correct for the A batch and I can only imagine for the rest of the groups.  

    For me it was the generous 5 toilets for I don't know how many people as well as the late start. The announcer preferred to focus on making jokes and talking *** instead of actully clearly announcing who was starting and where to go. I must say the cost of these races is becoming a bit obscene and I won't be doing as many as I'd like to. It was well marshaled though so big ups to those involved there and I do realise thats where most of the cost goes, it definitely wasn't for the medals. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Herman12 said:

    Would love to hear your thoughts on the 2024 Monte classic. Great race, lovely route but a few things really irked me yesterday.

    1. Seeding. I know this is a boring topic by now but really guys. Yesterday was the worst that I have ever experienced in a road race and actually unsafe.  Trying to carve through inexperienced riders who clearly did not belong in the earlier start blocks was downright dangerous resulting in a lot of swearing and unpleasantness.
    2. Head phones. The organisers really have to be stricter on this. Leading a peloton at speed and trying to get the attention of riders wearing earphones is extremely dangerous and unsafe.
    3. Not having start batches printed on race numbers? I am sure many good peeps decided to sneak up the ladder, knowing that no one would call them back.

    Come on Team Monte. This race has the makings of a great event and certainly one that I will do again, but we have to be a little bit more professional in applying the rules. This is a race not a fun rides with total road closure where one would expect the odd, odd ball.

    Theres a thead on this 


  8. 48 minutes ago, Popit said:

    Enjoyed the race . Felt safe at all times ..

    Is it just me or a Finishtime useless ... have me 30 minutes slower than what I did , and I see quite a few errors . 

    My chip fell off and is somewhere in the cradle, cheap rubbish. Their whole reporting system looks very amateur. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Bichael Dewing said:

    Just finished up and got home from this.. not once did I feel unsafe.. at all.. I did wonder if montecasino is struggling though.. 🤣🤣 no name brand cola and the medals aren’t very nice..🤷🏼‍♂️

    but whatever, that was a Good ride💪🏼🥳🤘🏻

    Agreed, thought it was well marshaled considering the nightmare that is Fourways roads. 

  10. I can't believe anyone can even try and defend this. It doesn't matter if drivers of other vehicles take chances and behave like tools because they have 1 500 kg of metal plus around them to protect them. As cyclists we can't afford to take these chances. The law clearly states ride in single file, it doesn't matter how much space we think should be logically assigned to us on the road FFS. 

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