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Posts posted by Sandro

  1. 35 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

    lets be really honest here, if you want your bike mechanic to be well trained and knowledgeable, you'll be paying R600 - R1000 an hour for labour alone. I dont see many people accepting that kind of charges for work on their bike.

    You're right I'd rather spend less money on a poor job so I can lug the bike up and down back to the shop for them to try and fix it properly and waste my time and money that way. If this were the case then rather quote two prices, a cheaper price for a half ass job or a more expensive price for a thorough job. The last minor service I paid over R600 and the only 'parts' included there were lube and bike wash. I'm pretty sure that didn't take anywhere near an hour so quite frankly I don't believe cost is the issue, quality control and people actually checking work carried out before the bike is released, is more the issue. But what do I know, I'm just a client spending monry trying to get a bike fixed. Anyway I've hijacked this thread enough with my own ranting.

  2. 3 hours ago, etienne_jordaan said:

    The old saying “ You pay peanuts, you get monkeys” is very true.

    Bike servicing and repairs are not cheap, so its not the client paying peanuts. Quite frankly I'm not interested in the politics behind the scenes. The only way forward is for clients to pay for the courses themselves and learn to do their own repairs. This is what I'm doiing anyway. If bike shops just want to focus on sales then they should do just that and be honest about it.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Meezo said:

    What did i miss didn't the challenge on new years? 

    That was the Festive 500 that ended on New Years, there is also the Versus Back to Base challenge thats running from 1 to 10 January to also rack up 500 riding km's. or 50 running km Personally I was only interested in the first challenge, when I have to start renaming activities to suit the sponsor then I couldn't be bothered.

  4. 1 hour ago, HdB said:

    I think I didn't read the Versus challenge description properly, and my virtual rides probably don't count...

    I will probably get around half way with outdoor rides.

    I didn't know that virtual rides don't count? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Danger Dassie said:

    Quite a few actually. But if that’s your only take away, then why post it.

    Because we can still follow the story without the need to jump to conclusions. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Danger Dassie said:

    Daily Mail is the last source to be quoting any measure of credibility. It’s a quasi right wing, sensationalist baiting tabloid.

    Agreed but name me one media source these days that isn't clickbait and sensationalist. One worse than the next.

  7. Rohan Dennis charged in relation to the death of his wife Melissa Hoskins Australian media report that the former rider was arrested and charged for causing death by dangerous driving.

    Various media outlets in Australia have reported that retired professional cyclist Rohan Dennis has been charged over his wife’s death, Melissa Dennis, née Hoskins

    According to reports Melissa Dennis died from injuries in hospital after the incident took place on Saturday night.

    Rohan Dennis, 33, was charged with causing death by dangerous driving, driving without due care and endangering life. He has been released on bail until a later date.

    ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) first reported that local emergency services were called to a suburb in Medindie, Adelaide after 8pm on Saturday following reports that a female had been hit by a driver.

    The news outlet confirmed that the woman suffered suffered serious injuries and was taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital for treatment, but died overnight.

    Hoskins was 32 years old and a mother of two. She and Dennis married in 2018.

    Rohan Dennis is set to appear at Adelaide Magistrates Court on March 13 to face his charges.

    Hoskins was a highly successful pro cyclist in her own right, winning titles and races both on the road and track. As a young rider she was awarded a cycling scholarship by the Australian Institute of Sport and in 2015 she became a world champion as part of Australia's team pursuit squad. Hoskins also competed at both the London and Rio Olympic Games.

  8. From Bull Security:
    Breakthrough success. Bicycle syndicate busted!
    On Friday morning, information was received from a person wanting to purchase accessories for an E bike from The Bike Shop at Wolwespruit Erasmuskloof.
    The owner immediately contacted Bull Security and SAPS, as he was a victim of a business robbery during 2023.
    All units got together and responded swiftly. Units involved Bull Security Tactical unit, Garsfontein SAPS, Brooklyn SAPS Tracing team and Crime Intelligence (NIU).
    The suspect was arrested on scene, and further investigation led us to an address in Serengeti Estate where E bikes were recovered. It was confirmed that the property belonged to the suspects of the business robbery.
    E- bikes were recovered worth R440 000! Property was handed to the owner after identification as per SAP299.
    Suspects charges.
    1. Kempton Park CAS ***/12/2023
    Possession of stolen property
    2. Brooklyn CAS ***/11/2023
    Business robbery
    3. Maxwell ******* SAP14/11/2023
    Well done to all, fantastic teamwork!!!
    Bull Security Tactical Unit
    Garsfontein SAPS
    Brooklyn SAPS Tracing Team
    NIU Crime Intelligence.
    Criminals must know we have zero tolerance for any crime! We will haunt you down.
  9. If you leave them alone and ignore them then 9/10 they move on and try their luck somewhere else. You give one a klap and then another one gets involved and you klap him too, and then one comes with a scredriver or a knife and then you pull out a gun, all of a sudden you're filling out police reports and going to court. And this is if it works out in your favour. If your only way out is with violence then so be it, but for the other 95% of the times, take a deep breath and leave it be. I'm pushing 50 and it's my age showing here but I've seen enough heat of the moment, split second decisions change peoples lives forever. Even when you win, you lose. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Neville Bailey said:

    The start times in this document do not correspond to the WhatsApp and email messages I have received regarding my start time.

    The communications state that my start batch is Q at 7:50am, but according to this document batch Q starts at 7:35am. Which is it?

    "Please be advised that the time difference from the seeding information previously communicated is the correct information.
    The times communicated on the rider's guide are set for batch loading purposes to ensure all riders are loaded into the batches on time."

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