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Posts posted by Hairy

  1. 3 hours ago, Jewbacca said:

    While I agree, I think there is also a degree of 'the journey' that still remains relevant.

    We are all at various stages of our bike journey and there are still LOTS of people at a stage in theirs that want to race or do events.

    While you have 'got the T-shirt' having been there and done that, doing those things has given you confidence to do things away from the safety of a pack.

    The longevity of your cycling probably also means you are past the 'training for' and into the 'lifestyle' aspect, meaning your motivation is naturally internal and a part of your daily life.

    Others are starting out, getting into it, earning that level of lifestyle. Others simply love doing events.

    If the sport was more easily accessible and less race oriented, I firmly believe you would get a lot of people to the startline.

    I agree with what you are saying, I am also curious as to what the growth of the sport is currently for new riders into the realm of cycling ... be it dirt or tar ... and even those confused lots on gravel bikes.

  2. 22 hours ago, Andymann said:

    I did get a bit of admin from the older crowd about it not being a real classic etc, etc, but the rules state the bike needs to be older than 26 years and the Tenere is 29 years so it's perfectly fine.

    There were two guys rallying a 1990's era Toyota Corolla - the original 16v one and no-one was too critical of them so tough - I had fun and I only had to fill it up once!

    15 more years and I can enter on my Fat Bob :P

  3. On 11/9/2023 at 8:50 AM, Gnarly said:

    Lightie on the start line at last weekend WSX in Abu Dhabi, unfortunately only 8min practice on a SX track. Kids didn't really show the potential they have. BUT MAN what a jol they had. 



    Get that pic printed and framed!

  4. 22 minutes ago, Jewbacca said:

    IMHO the complaining is something that has crept into society.

    There will be 500 of 507 things done brilliantly, the 7 will be highlighted and spoken about.

    Ask someone how they are and 9 out of 10 will complain about something instead of tell you about good stuff going on.

    I put it down to an influence from a few areas. Notably the media and social media. Look at the current World Cup Rugby. Most of the press has been about Wit Kant, Barnes/refs being poor, bad hotels etc and not focussing on the absolute radness that the Springboks have created a wholly unified team from multiple socio economic backgrounds and cultures who win for each other. 

    They have also broken down the barriers of 'Quota' whiners, which I think is amazing! 6 years ago it was quota this and quota that. Now? Not a peep.

    But the media and reporting is constantly on about negative, sensationalist and controversial topics so that people interact, fight and feed the algorithm with clicks and comments.

    No one quite realises just how much the algorithms are influencing our lives

    I think you are onto something RE society and complaining.

    There is a little something I enjoy doing when shopping and receive good service from a staff member, when I am leaving I ask for the manager. The managers always arrive expecting the worst, and when you pass on the compliment about the staff member you can see the tension lift of their faces ... then they generally go and find the person straight away and let them know they are doing a great job.

    Win win.


  5. 1 hour ago, RocknRolla said:

    I have a trip (un)planned for this coming weekend. 

    I have a destination, with accommodation for two nights in Hilton. And I have someone showing me some routes in the area for Saturday.

    Friday and Sunday's route is a general direction, with as much dirt as possible (conditions depending.) 

    I have tried planning last weekend, but I find basecamp with the maps loaded on my GPS to be clunky and not intuitive.

    Anyhoo, I have nervous excitement about not having a route, and perhaps this is a good way of doing it.

    Now for the hours to tick by frustratingly slow.

    Take Pitcha's, and lots of them please.

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