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Posts posted by Capcha

  1. Ok. Spider. Im all for people and their dreams but unfortunately I am going to have to burst your bubble.


    You may still turn pro but it will be in your private capacity. Pro means you gain money through sponsorship because companies have seen your potential to market their brands at the top level of cycling. To get there takes lots of time and you will or will not get there at the age of 33/34 when you have sacrificed everything and been on your bike 5-6 hours a day. At 34 you have past your prime and will start to struggle to keep up with the younger generation therefore no club/sponsor will be interested in cutting you a cheque each month. They will rather invest in a youngster who has talent and results who they know will give them many years of exposure, like a investment portfolio. That being said, you still can race with the top of the crop. you can be a semi-pro with a full time job still giving the guys a hard time all throughout the rest of your life from sub-vets to vets to masters. A person needs a dream in life but I think your dream has come a bit late

  2. This is starting to get ugly. Guys just clear your heads take a deep breath and relax for a minute before something gets said in haste. Either pay back Wyatts money or get him the shades ASAP! There is no need explaining, ur name is already tarnished WRT Wyatt

  3. hee hee hee


    I am no fan of CWC, but this isnt about me.


    CWC - put your money to good use besides yourselves....

    Im not on anybody's side here but looking in from a outsider I can only conclude thar CWC would not get involved as Maroesjka rides for team Intellibus and CWC has a team of their own. That being said, CWC also like their marketing and getting biggest bang for their bucks
  4. Highjack! Had a pain now and again in early hours of the morning and thought it was indigestion untill one morning it literally knocked me to my knees with pain and thought crap this is bad cause it was high up in my chest. Turned out it was gaulstones and they had to remove my gaulbladder as the stones cannot pass and they cannot be lazer treated. Was flippen sore and no cycling for 6 weeks after surgery...but i cycled within 2 weeks

  5. Welcome to the Hub Paul but ur statement holds no ground. everything about high end bikes is better than average entry level bikes from shifting to rolling resistence to response to hoods etc is just better. if u asking the question above then pls dont make out like u know it all. Clearly u need to edit ur original statement. Im really not trying to be nasty, it just contradicting

  6. This guy is taking the mickey out of us. i am positive he started this topic just to get a response. He said he has been selling for years so surely he has knowledge or experience to know one bike from another? If not then i feel really sorry for his clients who have bought from him cause they probably on the wrong bike. Heck he probably thinks a point and shoot does the same as a 30k camera. But im sure he just stated that nonscence to get us all going

  7. Did some mtbiking today. Mostly use the road bike but think i will use the mtb alot more and keep road bike for thinkbike rides and organised races and when i am in Europe. Its just too hectic on the road plus my wife is very panicy since she heard about Burry. Also thought bt Burry while riding countermanskloof. Thinking im sooo slow up this hill...Burry would have flown past me at serious speedbiggrin.png

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