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Has the ABSA CAPE EPIC lost its appeal or is it just too expensive?


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I ride for fun so for me the biggest reason why I would not repeat an Epic or try the Cape Pioneer is they have route designers who are in competition with each other to create the hardest route. I see no reason why I must k*k off to stroke someone's ego.

Edited by I FLY
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Bring back the Knysna to Cape Town route and it will sell in no time!!! The route should never have been changed!

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Better idea: let walmart take over the costings. Then we can all afford to ride it. Oh and change it back to the old route. New route has taken the epic out of it.

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30 Gorillas to do figures of 8 round the Western Cape with a bunch of roadies, I think not. For that moola I can spend 2 weeks in europe riding awesome trails, drinking Belgian beer served by large breasted women, I think so...


But for that 30 gorillas you go get to drop "when I did the Epic" into every conversation.

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Time to train.

Time to recover.


agree - for that time commitment, I would rather do the comrades. Getting ready for Sani is already going to be a big time commitment for me

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I can't ever see myself paying that amount of money for a race...yes it sounds awesome, but I can use that money for other more important things...Epic is a luxury...I will first want to do other things if I had that amount of money before considering the epic....

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I'm not sure what the demand is like for this year but the CE is well known all over the world and for good reason, so probably find international demand is still high and local demand kind of stagnating, but that is understandable due to the high cost AND large variety of similar races available in SA at better prices and different locations.

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30 Gorillas to do figures of 8 round the Western Cape with a bunch of roadies, I think not. For that moola I can spend 2 weeks in europe riding awesome trails, drinking Belgian beer served by large breasted women, I think so...


But for that 30 gorillas you go get to drop "when I did the Epic" into every conversation.


Last year when I finished the epic.... I said to myself...I'll be back...ok so the swissladies aren't that big in the bra dept...

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It also looks like it gets harder and harder. Does it need to be that hard to keep its appeal?

I also preferred the idea of racing from Knysna (or somewhere to the east) and finishing in Cape Town. Feels more like a stage race that way.


laaaik the new avatar pic, where did you get it ?


and I agree, point to point feels more stage like. Once of the things that keeps me from looking into the garden 300.

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id rather use all the money id need to do the epic to buy a new bike. or 2 for that matter.


Exactly, fark the epic, buy a new bike and ride Sani instead.

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All entries for sale have been paid for , either during the short Early Bird entry window or the lottery. So , if it's that money's tight, something must have happened in the household since the entry was bought. This having to pay so far in advance for Races is going to bite a lot more organisers. Money might be in the bank for a full house, but to have a bunch of teams not pitch for the start will show.


What the sellers need to recognise is that the cheapest entry will sell. There is a glut of entries for sale (the Epic Rider Forum is full of them) , but everybody still believes they can get their money back. No chance and the window for selling is closing. If anybody still wants to ride , they have to train from NOW. From next month the pool of potential customers will decrease by 50% or more , in my opinion. Sell your entry for half price, take the knock, but you will sell it in a flash. Do it now, while everyone is still aiming too high.

I got my entry in Novmber for half price, because that's what I offered and was prepared to pay. It's a buyers market now.

The race office charges you R 2500 for selling your entry, by the way. After this year's Epic, the organisers will be worried, that I am sure of. They won't get away with a 10% increase again.


I think you can still finish Epic if you train 10 hours a week from now, if you are currently able to ride for 3 hours without a problem.

Edited by kandui
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OK lets settle this - I will swap my Argus Entry for your Epic Entry..... seems like thats the trend to me - Argus entries wanted Epic entries being flogged.


Sorry couldn't resist....

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Oh and change it back to the old route. New route has taken the epic out of it.

I was told next year will be Knysna to Cape Town, which I would be interested in. But I can't swear by it, because the guy who told me also said it owuld cost 50K per team.10th Anniversary race.

Edited by kandui
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The race office charges you R 2500 for selling your entry,




Remind me, to, on principle, never support a single event they organise.

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