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Malema buys MTB


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Well, they do say that charity starts at home...

And to quote Ritchie Richard from Bottom:

" And in this house thats where it ends too!"

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A, a politician is never a servant, lets be clear on that, Very true that and B, if you lot all want to give Darren Scott a do-over, why not anyone else?He doesn't publicly promote racial hatred It's perfectly plain to anyone with a handful of brain cells, that Malema has been a puppet of the Zuma coalition, Again, very true! maybe buying a bike is him acting on his own for once? Possible, but very, very unlikely That's surely a good thing? For the right reasons, yes


And if you really want to take the politics, the black and white, and all the **** out of it, can't we as cyclists just appreciate another cyclist on the trail?

I can do that

Especially cause he got an MTB, isn't that the holy grail of leave your crap at the trailhead and we're all just enjoying the ride? As you said.

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To everybody who didn't joke about or on this thread ... Get off your " I have plenty of black friends" high horse


Would I be out of line if I offered Julius my Niner RIP :devil:

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A, a politician is never a servant, lets be clear on that, and B, if you lot all want to give Darren Scott a do-over, why not anyone else? It's perfectly plain to anyone with a handful of brain cells, that Malema has been a puppet of the Zuma coalition, maybe buying a bike is him acting on his own for once? That's surely a good thing?


And if you really want to take the politics, the black and white, and all the **** out of it, can't we as cyclists just appreciate another cyclist on the trail?


Especially cause he got an MTB, isn't that the holy grail of leave your crap at the trailhead and we're all just enjoying the ride?




WTF, Darren Scott ... no idea about what you are referring to here.


Politicians are there to serve. If they are not acting in this manner then they are not doing a good job.


My referral to politics and Zille was based on your comment of "Like I said when you lot all wanked over Zille riding the argust, if it was a black politician, all you'd have was racist bull***t. WTF?"

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To everybody who didn't joke about or on this thread ... Get off your " I have plenty of black friends" high horse


I sure hope none of the black (as in race) forum members fall into that category. WTF are they supposed to do?

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give Darren Scott a do-over, why not anyone else?He doesn't publicly promote racial hatred


My bad. He didn't promote it, he just got fired from at least two jobs because of it...

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I for one and keen to swell the numbers of mtb but I draw the line at Malema. If I found him on a trail and I could make it past his convoy of puffing bodyguards I would switch that fat, racist, selfish, thieving, lying, self important, corrupt, rude, confused, militant, faux communist sack of **** into the nearest ditch.


...and I would watch with a grin.

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I thought she was doing Argus, but yeah, Zille for Prez. !!!!!!!!!!


Damned .. typing too fast and hitting that "post" tab while working at the same time.

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I thought she was doing Argus


Dude. A, sort out the avatar and user name, and B, it's the aurgust, or the August, I'm not sure. But you can steal bananas from kids along the route, get hand-ups, and some people here are not using bikes, but running the race...

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C'mon, we need to laugh every now and then.

So what have you done ,look695, in 2012 to make SA a better place?

It is not nice to laugh at the expense of someone else. What have I done to make SA a better place? I am really trying hard to treat all people equal. Many whites grew up with the idea that we are better than the blacks and look down at them. I have had to change that mindset of mine that I am not better. So yes in my business and where ever I go I try and live my live differently and more respecful to others. In that way I am trying to make things better and more positive in my live. It is always easy to talk but to change your livestyle can be challenging. I don't say that I am perfect, but by the Grace of God,I am trying to live more positively and respectful towards others
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