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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Yip, and anyone can be a client through his website, http://www.53x12.com


Yep, back in 2004 when i was still kind of serious about training i subscribed to 53x12.com and found the training programs very interesting (and hard!!!).


Another interesting comment kind of in LA's favour which undoubtly the trolls wont mention...whistling.gif

Courtesy of cyclingnewdotcom





"Lance Armstrong provided a suspicious doping control at the 2001 Tour de Suisse but did not test positive for EPO, according to Martial Saugy, the director of the Lausanne laboratory which carried out the tests.

Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton both testified to the US Anti-Doping Agency that Armstrong had told them that he had tested positive in Switzerland in 2001 but that the UCI had covered up the result. The UCI has denied any such collusion.

Speaking to AFP, Saugy said that Armstrong did not test positive for EPO but his sample was one of the three from the race to be flagged as “suspect." As an "important competitor," Armstrong was called before the UCI to provide an explanation. Armstrong returned another such suspect sample at the Dauphiné Liberé in 2002, which was analysed by a different laboratory.

“There was no positive test on the Tour of Switzerland in 2001,” Saugy told AFP. “Armstrong had another suspect result during the 2002 Dauphiné Liberé. The politics of the UCI at that time, if there was such a result involving an important competitor, was to meet them and ask for an explanation. That was their approach to prevention.”

Saugy said that it was only in 2002 that he realised that Armstrong had been among the riders who had returned a suspect sample at the Tour de Suisse.

“The UCI said to me at the end of June 2002: 'we warned the rider for whom you had a suspect result in 2001, he gave another suspect return at another lab and he would like to know by which method it was tested,'” Saugy said. "The rider was Armstrong. It was then that I learned about it."

Saugy also noted that while Armstrong’s sample from the 2001 Tour de Suisse was suspicious, from a legal standpoint, it would be difficult for USADA to consider it as a positive test.

“There's no way today that this could be defended as a positive result, it's impossible," he said. "Since 2003, procedures oblige taking into account the risks of a false-positive which could verify that urine had not been affected by the physiology of the cyclist or degraded by bacteria.

"This was not done at the time and the urine no longer exists because the rules did not require keeping it."

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I've said it before and I'l say it again. The USADA report and allegations has done it's job. It may never stand up to cross examination but the USADA has called the bluff through an effective "trial by media".

it put a lot of pressure on people and organisation everywhere and taken the biggest scalps. The truth about doping is out. The scepticism in the UCI is now even greater.


The sports come tumbling down. Cycling is dead, long live cycling. Rabobank is right, amateur cycling is where the risk is lower but the doping probably starts there so I'm not sure what they want to achieve except take themselves out of the media spotlight.

I can see more big sponsors walking. With the Eurozone looking like the great depression, I can't see continental sponsors having much of an appetite to stick around. The Germans left, now the biggest bank in Holland....(the other strong economy on the continent)


If LA had decided to contest the USADA report then the findings would be "off limits" until the end of the trial. He could have asked for the court case to be in camera and thus he could have kept a lid on it.


By not contesting the report LA is aknowledging that the report is an accurate reflection of what was happening. In all intent and purpose he admits guilt.

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Think about it. If Armstong paid off the UCI do you think they're going to ratify the findings of the report....


If he didn't then they may ratify it, however that would lend credibility to Armstrong's view that Hamilton is lying, If Hamilton is lying then it stands to reason that the other USPS riders are lying as well since the affidavits all share common information.

Talk about hedging your bets to be able to argue another day.


If they don't ratify he never cheated but paid them off making everything in the USADA report fiction. If they ratify USADA findings then everyone except big Tex is a liar and a fraud.


At least you are consistent in your absolute desire to be wrong on the biggest cheat in sporting history. http://www.observer-...012_steigerwald



More impressive than Armstrong’s cycling, his ability to cheat

Lance Armstrong didn’t lose all of his endorsements. He just lost most of the big ones like Nike that paid him millions of dollars until he ran out of plausible ways to deny being a major PED user.


None other than Victor Conte, the founder of BALCO, the steroid distributor to the stars, who did a stretch in federal prison not too long ago, had this to say: “Lance Armstrong certainly didn’t invent the drug culture that exists at the elite level of sport, but he may have been the very best to ever play the cat-and-mouse game of doping. Lance is simply one of the many athletes involved in the drug culture that has existed for over five decades in Olympic and professional sport.”


So, as great as Armstrong was at riding a bike really fast for a really long time, that was his second most impressive talent. His most impressive talent was his ability to cheat in order to go faster longer than anybody else.


Armstrong lost millions of dollars in endorsements when he decided to stop fighting the doping charges, but he has made over $100 million from them already.


Moral question: Should those companies, who were led to believe that Armstrong was a squeaky clean representative for their product or company, be entitled to a refund?


People like Armstrong are why I decided several years ago to take a “guilty until proven innocent” approach to any elite-level, superstar athlete whose name is associated in any way with the use of performance enhancing drugs.


If I were on the jury during a lawsuit by an endorser looking for a refund, I wouldn’t take that stance.


I’ve gotten myself in trouble for making my guilty presumptions out loud, but I’ve been right too many times to change my approach and I could really offend you if I gave you my list of people I presume to be guilty.


I presumed Armstrong’s guilt several years ago.


That was pretty mean of me when he was going through his epic and successful battle with cancer, but I just never bought into the idea that so many people could be telling so many lies about him.


And, of course, there were those seven Tour de France championships.


By the way, I couldn’t care less if Armstrong injected gasoline into his veins to give himself an edge. It’s his body and I wouldn’t watch the Tour de France if the finish line was my driveway.


Just don’t insult my intelligence by telling me that you’re doing it all by just outworking everybody else.

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Just as cyclists/Sportspeople have been doping for many years, so have the authorities been covering it up for just as long !!


Why is any of that going to suddenly chnage ????


They are all making money and all want to save their arses and protect their income/positions.

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So crunch day for Mr Armstrong, will he be calling DHL to come collect his 7 jerseys and his bronze medal or will he be dusting them off and shining the glass.?


Personally I think DHL should expect a call.biggrin.png

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So crunch day for Mr Armstrong, will he be calling DHL to come collect his 7 jerseys and his bronze medal or will he be dusting them off and shining the glass.?


Personally I think DHL should expect a call.biggrin.png




Hard to call! Some agencies reported earlier that they expected it to go to CSA, others to ratify. I am thinking it's the latter.


If so, do you reckon LA will take it to the CSA?

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So crunch day for Mr Armstrong, will he be calling DHL to come collect his 7 jerseys and his bronze medal or will he be dusting them off and shining the glass.?


Personally I think DHL should expect a call.biggrin.png


Is it really relevant whether they collect or not, I think most people have looked beyond his credibility as the winner.


Just one thing that bugs me a tad.

Yeah he is a douche bag , a liar and whatever else people might want to call him, but I just cannot believe how much energy people are spending throughout the day and almost spending the whole day waiting for the next bit of bad news as if they don't have any skeletons in the closet.


Read another article as to how big a douche he was on a ride somewhere, reading it I can't help but thinking it's someone just looking for attention and riding the Armstrong train again, people are and have been riding that train for years, when it was good and now that it's gone bad.



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So crunch day for Mr Armstrong, will he be calling DHL to come collect his 7 jerseys and his bronze medal or will he be dusting them off and shining the glass.?


Personally I think DHL should expect a call.biggrin.png


Well, uhm, he could always use US Postal Service instead of the more expensive DHL.whistling.gif

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Is it really relevant whether they collect or not, I think most people have looked beyond his credibility as the winner.


Just one thing that bugs me a tad.

Yeah he is a douche bag , a liar and whatever else people might want to call him, but I just cannot believe how much energy people are spending throughout the day and almost spending the whole day waiting for the next bit of bad news as if they don't have any skeletons in the closet.


Read another article as to how big a douche he was on a ride somewhere, reading it I can't help but thinking it's someone just looking for attention and riding the Armstrong train again, people are and have been riding that train for years, when it was good and now that it's gone bad.





Must admit I did not like the piece about when the Lady asked him for a photo next to her little girl. Anyone who cannot even oblige a child`s wishes - no one is that important. I am seriously starting to have doubts about Mr Armstrong now !!


Immediately following a very very brief photo shoot he "ran" back to the bus however was intercepted enroute by a lady with her small daughter. I was directly beside the woman and heard her ask "Mr. Armstrong would you mind if I took a picture of you with my daughter" Armstrong failed to respond however stopped to allow the photo and never uttered a sound to the young girl staring up at him. He then again raced to the bus and re-boarded for the 1.5 hour journey to Lake Louise.

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Must admit I did not like the piece about when the Lady asked him for a photo next to her little girl. Anyone who cannot even oblige a child`s wishes - no one is that important. I am seriously starting to have doubts about Mr Armstrong now !!




I agree with you fully, but saying this, it does smell like a story that someone wrote just wanting to get some exposure through Armstrong who happens to be a headliner at the moment.


If it's true however, he is a box of note.

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Must admit I did not like the piece about when the Lady asked him for a photo next to her little girl. Anyone who cannot even oblige a child`s wishes - no one is that important. I am seriously starting to have doubts about Mr Armstrong now !!


Immediately following a very very brief photo shoot he "ran" back to the bus however was intercepted enroute by a lady with her small daughter. I was directly beside the woman and heard her ask "Mr. Armstrong would you mind if I took a picture of you with my daughter" Armstrong failed to respond however stopped to allow the photo and never uttered a sound to the young girl staring up at him. He then again raced to the bus and re-boarded for the 1.5 hour journey to Lake Louise.


Erm, dude, it says in the text that he stopped for the photo. He did it. He just didn't say "how's your barbie doll feeling today" to the little girl. No small talk. Nothing wrong with that, surely? The girl got a pic with her Hero.

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I agree with you fully, but saying this, it does smell like a story that someone wrote just wanting to get some exposure through Armstrong who happens to be a headliner at the moment.


If it's true however, he is a box of note.


Agreed... but, he might have had a runny stomach that he was embarised about

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Hard to call! Some agencies reported earlier that they expected it to go to CSA, others to ratify. I am thinking it's the latter.


If so, do you reckon LA will take it to the CSA?



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So this could be the day that the UCI admits it was corrupt, incompetent or both. To agree with USADA that they couldnt put their own house in order themselves; and that they defended the biggest sporting cheat of all time, is going to be a hard one to explain.


I'm expecting some mealy-mouthed fudging.

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Scenario #1 UCI supports USADA report, which then implies they admit they don't have any control of anything... - tail wagging the dog.

Big fall out...


Scenario #2 UCI over rides USADA report,

Big Fall out...




[quote name=Joe Low' timestamp='1350890819' pos


So this could be the day that the UCI admits it was corrupt, incompetent or both. To agree with USADA that they couldnt put their own house in order themselves; and that they defended the biggest sporting cheat of all time, is going to be a hard one to explain.


I'm expecting some mealy-mouthed fudging.

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