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Carte Blanche

Guest DieBees

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Guest DieBees

So here is an interesting question / scenario...


We always complain that we cannot spend enough time on the bike and if only I can spend more time on the bike I would be able to better my times etc...


So I sit and complain about too little time to train blah blah, you know the story, sitting around the table with the boss and all of a sudden he excuses himself from the social gathering and comes back with a letter and says to me that I can have all the time I need to train in a day, in other words, he is willing to let me train for as long as I need per day to achieve my goals and to get where I want to be. (He basically said that he will contribute three hours a day from the company)


First off I ignored the letter, he said in it that I can work three hours less per day, in other words, start three hours later or leave three hours earlier. He kept on coming back to me saying that he is serious, so after a week now, I have taken him serious. Now I am wondering... Is this what I want?



Now having been given carte blanche to train for as long as I need or want to, I have a few questions and need to get some insight on this from you guys...


What would you do? Do you take the offer up? What do you actually do? Do you train like hell?

Do you revisit your goals? This is something that I have always wanted and now that I have it I am confused...



I thought it is a joke, but it is not. Gave me a letter and everything...

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Guest DieBees

Time to put your money where your mouth is!




I will have to make this happen it seems...

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Guest DieBees

What's the downside?


No down side... Only that my work must not suffer under it which is not a problem.


I think the fact that I am on the spot might count as the down side. :ph34r:

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Well, look if you dont take him up on the offer, he will say "see....", if you take him up on the offer and do not accomplish the goals you mentioned, he will say "why arent you training" the only real option you have is to take him up on the offer and accomplish your goals.


Good on him, now make it count you lucky bastard :)

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You've been given, what other people can only dream off. (you too was in the dream phase)


1. get a good fit

2. get a power meter

3. get training with powermeter

4. read and understand

5. get your *ss on the bike

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That is an awesome opportunity! Maybe your leader see's the potential in you. Step 1 would be to properly assess your goals and have a good mental visual of the outcome. Commit them to paper and review daily/weekly. Read 4-hour work week to get some ideas to be more productive in less time.


Then share these newly revised goals with your boss...he will hold you silently accountable, and you will know that. Then as the rest have said, get fitted etc and get going! Share the training metrics with your boss on a weekly/monthly basis. You will still be providing reports, just of a different kind...


Anyway, embrace this opportunity and all the best with your journey to accomplishing your goals.

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Take him up on his offer, but make 100% sure that your work will be better than before. Merely doing the same work is not going to be good enough. The down side (if it is one) is that you will now have to prove to your boss how good you are (1) on the bike (2) at your work. Give it horns!

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All this poitive feedback?

On the hub?

Give it stick, both in the office and on the bike.

Please keep us updated on your progress.

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