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2015 Momentum 947


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With the amount of riding you have been doing, coupled with the amount of Strongish riders in "I" batch if we work together I am sure we can all get a good time.


Good luck with the Shova this wkn


Or if we knew what we looked like even?!

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All jokes aside a friend is doing this for the first time on a Mountainbike and he only did a decent distance this week-end past, I just wonder if he is going to finish.


4 years ago my girlfriend (now my wife) was training every Saturday and Sunday (with the club)...also 2 to 3 mornings in the week, but in the week they were only 2 or 3 ladies / gents training...so I was afraid of their safety and bought a bike 6 weeks before the 94,7 in 2011...as I wanted to train with them in the mornings to add an extra person to the safety sake of things...


Weekends I trained with some of the local friends (as I would NEVER have been able to stick to the CLUB guys)...only 40 to 50km's per Saturday and Sunday...the furthest we did before the 94,7 was +/- 80km's.


Week days I trained in the mornings with my girlfriend and the other that tagged along (+/- 25 to 40km's depending on the time we had before work).

I also stopped smoking that year 25th August :thumbup:  and finished the 94.7 race that year in 3:39...was my most enjoyable 94.7 and have been back every single year.


:clap:  your friend can do it...just get on the bike and train...he WILL finish!!!

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How does the MTB batching work? Is there batch a,b,c,d, etc or sub batches (a1, a2, a3, etc)?


How long between batches?

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How does the MTB batching work? Is there batch a,b,c,d, etc or sub batches (a1, a2, a3, etc)?


How long between batches?

Batches are A1 to A8 if I'm not mistaken, there is 15 minutes between batches to minimize congestion. A1 leaves at 07h00 thereafter every 15 minutes .

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Or if we knew what we looked like even?!

 In the last week everyone will post " i'm wearing this, on that bike etc".

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Batches are A1 to A8 if I'm not mistaken, there is 15 minutes between batches to minimize congestion. A1 leaves at 07h00 thereafter every 15 minutes .


Damn, got all excited cos I got into A batch. But so did everyone else :w00t: :w00t: :blush:

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so whats the chances of getting a re-seed done now ? trying my luck and have sent 947 a nice e-mail so lets see, praying for them to be kind.


After my Shova results yesterday, my Index has improved by more than 50%.

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After yesterday's ride in the buddy batch (Amashova), I think I need to reassess my plans for the 947. I was going to race VC, then ride a second lap with the charity group. Pushing people up a hill is not easy (never mind the number on the 947 route), and it made for a very hard ride yesterday - the distance covered on Thursday - Saturday also didn't help (endurance is there, but the intensity is lacking).


So my plan will be to ride in the charity group only, and be the one (of a few) to push the slow guys/gals up the hills as well as be domestique - fetching water and food at the water points for the slower guys so they don't need to stop). Except this time I will take a mussett with to keep all the stuff in, and not use my shirt (like the pro's).


Looking forward to a fun (hopefully dry) day in sunny or partly cloudy conditions.

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Picked up my NSPCA shirt today....looking forward to the ride. These shirts are just the business !!!!!

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So I'm starting to give thought to tapering for 947. Google tells me, keep training as is, including long runs, up to 7-10 days beforehand, and then drop duration but keep intensity going. What's everyone's view on tapering?


Last normal long run on Sun 8 Oct, or should that be slightly shorter?


Last short ride the day before, or should that be a rest day and last ride be 2 days before?


Or any other cunning tapering secrets?

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I just ride as normal in the months/weeks leading up to it. Do very little the week before.  Treat it like any other long ride, except that this one is with 30 000 others, as I normally ride solo. But I will no doubt get the jitters and anxiety levels will be high the night before. Scoff lots, drink plenty, and stay focused on the fast sections. Its that Pooks hill start that catches everyone if you not careful. Burn too hard there and you playing catch up from then on.


Training is different for everyone I guess, and this year for me is no different - work and family dictate training hours, and this year weekends have been out of bounds. So I have done what I can with what I have available. LOADs of running all year round and from Sept its been a combo of IDT and hill repeats Tues and Fri, a 12k run and Bodytec strength training sessions every Monday and Cradle rides every Weds morning.


D Batch start and we see how we go!

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Where's the Sheriff when you need tapering advice  :ph34r:


Go flat out till the last day and a long 100k full gas the day before and you'll be fine  :thumbup:

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Normally the MTB 94.7 is my last hard ride. Then watch videos while I spin during the week. I hear the intensity thing but I think the most important thing is to NOT do nothing. You can't become fitter but you can become sluggish and easily add a kg.

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So I'm starting to give thought to tapering for 947. Google tells me, keep training as is, including long runs, up to 7-10 days beforehand, and then drop duration but keep intensity going. What's everyone's view on tapering?


Last normal long run on Sun 8 Oct, or should that be slightly shorter?


Last short ride the day before, or should that be a rest day and last ride be 2 days before?


Or any other cunning tapering secrets?


Tapering? I think that will only be for the folk that actually had a build up hey...haha

No time for that for me.


Unfortunately this and next week will be MTBing time (my skill set has blown out the window with most of my time spent on road). I have the weekend before 94.7 and would like to do a 120km (normal solo riding pace) and a +-75km (maybe in a group to get to a higher pace). A couple of morning before work rides might just be the trick here. 

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