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2015 Momentum 947


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So I'm starting to give thought to tapering for 947. Google tells me, keep training as is, including long runs, up to 7-10 days beforehand, and then drop duration but keep intensity going. What's everyone's view on tapering?


Last normal long run on Sun 8 Oct, or should that be slightly shorter?


Last short ride the day before, or should that be a rest day and last ride be 2 days before?


Or any other cunning tapering secrets?


I've read all the theories/recommendations and I can only offer what works for me.


First, here's a recent article: Detraining: the truth about losing fitness.


Time and time again I've seen my best numbers about 3 days after a super hard weekend. Naturally I feel dead for the 1st & 2nd days after a big weekend, but the Wednesday ride is often a magic day where I feel like I'm pedaling without a chain.


It ties in with that article that says after 2 - 3 days rest you're probably at your best after some hard training (most rested combined with fittest/most ready) before the tide starts going out again.


So I base all my race prep around this notion. If the race is a Sunday then I'll try and completely empty myself on Thursday (e.g. a double or triple Sufferfest session on the IDT on Thurs night). Friday & Saturday = total rest.


Not scientific, just what works for me after much trial and error.

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So I'm starting to give thought to tapering for 947. Google tells me, keep training as is, including long runs, up to 7-10 days beforehand, and then drop duration but keep intensity going. What's everyone's view on tapering?


Last normal long run on Sun 8 Oct, or should that be slightly shorter?


Last short ride the day before, or should that be a rest day and last ride be 2 days before?


Or any other cunning tapering secrets?


What does your normal riding week consist of at the moment?

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Tapering? I think that will only be for the folk that actually had a build up hey...haha

No time for that for me.


Unfortunately this and next week will be MTBing time (my skill set has blown out the window with most of my time spent on road). I have the weekend before 94.7 and would like to do a 120km (normal solo riding pace) and a +-75km (maybe in a group to get to a higher pace). A couple of morning before work rides might just be the trick here. 

Nice avatar  :thumbup:

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I have always hit peak training two weeks before the race. The following week I cut back to 60% of my normal training load and in the last week I only doing easy spinning on the IDT to stay loose.

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Picked up my NSPCA shirt today....looking forward to the ride. These shirts are just the business !!!!!

We (my club) wore our NSPCA shirts on Friday as we wanted to get a feel for the conditions during the heat of the day (in a black shirt). Sadly it rained (or was overcast, so that test failed miserably. But they are really cool shirts.



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We (my club) wore our NSPCA shirts on Friday as we wanted to get a feel for the conditions during the heat of the day (in a black shirt). Sadly it rained (or was overcast, so that test failed miserably. But they are really cool shirts.




They do look really good and should look flippin awesome with 150 odd riders together too!!


Very cool pic of your club :thumbup:


Will give mine a test run on a hot day this week....

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We (my club) wore our NSPCA shirts on Friday as we wanted to get a feel for the conditions during the heat of the day (in a black shirt). Sadly it rained (or was overcast, so that test failed miserably. But they are really cool shirts.



awesome looking shirts. However, that long, green "safari pak" socks spoils the picture somewhat. Hope it's not you. lol

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I've read all the theories/recommendations and I can only offer what works for me.


First, here's a recent article: Detraining: the truth about losing fitness.


Time and time again I've seen my best numbers about 3 days after a super hard weekend. Naturally I feel dead for the 1st & 2nd days after a big weekend, but the Wednesday ride is often a magic day where I feel like I'm pedaling without a chain.


It ties in with that article that says after 2 - 3 days rest you're probably at your best after some hard training (most rested combined with fittest/most ready) before the tide starts going out again.


So I base all my race prep around this notion. If the race is a Sunday then I'll try and completely empty myself on Thursday (e.g. a double or triple Sufferfest session on the IDT on Thurs night). Friday & Saturday = total rest.


Not scientific, just what works for me after much trial and error.


That's an interesting article. Have to say that your approach, largely makes a lot of sense to me. If I've had a hard, but good, training ride at the weekend, then mid-week intervals or hills don't seem affected and nor does a tempo run later in the week, so why can't I ride a 'race' in such a way?


I've also felt that an easy ride the day before a race doesn't work for me either. I don't seem to wake up feeling ready-to-go, but rather feeling like another day's rest would help.


Plan hatched! Carry on training as 'normal'. Fri/Sat rest. Something intense of Thursday!


Many thanks.


PS And this year, unlike previously, no hangover on Sunday.....

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awesome looking shirts. However, that long, green "safari pak" socks spoils the picture somewhat. Hope it's not you. lol

Ha ha - no, I'm the one next to him, holding my shoes in my hand. Maybe this is a better one... 


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I like your bike!

Thanks, so do I... :whistling:


edit: BTW, we saw Tommy yesterday on the road (Amashova).

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after last year missing my start time and then just riding at the back with a mate, decided to do the same this year, on mtb SS. going to be a suffer fest for me, training has not been happening. oops.

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