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[Event] 2017 Cape Town Cycle Tour - Argus


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What a difference in little personal dramas around this nice ride of ours each year brings! Everytime it reminds of the pressure on pro riders to peak for one race/tour.


Two years ago i was really fit and strong. I had a 1B start and was paid up for the double lap. Alas, at 08;00 I was back in the hotel having a shower. A really expensive and frustrating morning.


Last year I wasn't as fit but the weather Gods smiled on us and I got my 3 hour and second laps done in one go. I helped some ladies and pushed the Rhino up Suikerbossie. Priceless.


This year I am vrotsiek and still getting worse. I would most likely not have started but my 76 year old dad has been training his arse off to do his first "Argus" and I can never drop him. He will need some guidance and help. I am hoping to get him around in about 4:45.


Rather than talking about the inevitable wind - give us a bit more of your personal stories. Its more fun to know about the personal battles.

Gonna be good riding with your dad- just keep him protected from the lunatics.


I rode my 10th Argus with my Dad - his 10th too - deep into his 70s as well - was a fun ride - would have been faster but pushing not allowed by the old man - his ride, his rules.


Good luck and best wishes to both of you for a safe ride.

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No drama on my side. Although I did forget my chip two years ago at the Stellenbosch Cycle Tour so I stuffed my seeding up for last years Cape Town Cycle Tour. I landed up in 2A which to my delight was a very fast group. The winner in 2A came in at 03:03 and I a PB of 03:07. I give credit to the great weather conditions.

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What a difference in little personal dramas around this nice ride of ours each year brings! Everytime it reminds of the pressure on pro riders to peak for one race/tour.


Two years ago i was really fit and strong. I had a 1B start and was paid up for the double lap. Alas, at 08;00 I was back in the hotel having a shower. A really expensive and frustrating morning.


Last year I wasn't as fit but the weather Gods smiled on us and I got my 3 hour and second laps done in one go. I helped some ladies and pushed the Rhino up Suikerbossie. Priceless.


This year I am vrotsiek and still getting worse. I would most likely not have started but my 76 year old dad has been training his arse off to do his first "Argus" and I can never drop him. He will need some guidance and help.  I am hoping to get him around in about 4:45.


Rather than talking about the inevitable wind - give us a bit more of your personal stories. Its more fun to know about the personal battles.

Last year I lined up for my 25th Argus, fitter and stronger than I have been in 15 years because a week later I rode the Cape Epic. But just before 10o'clock I set off with two of my kids. My most memorable Argus ever. There is just no comparison sharing their joy of cycling around the Peninsula with chasing a time and achiving that.


May you fondly remember your ride with the old man long after the memory of a rather fine sub-3 double has faded!

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No drama on my side. Although I did forget my chip two years ago at the Stellenbosch Cycle Tour so I stuffed my seeding up for last years Cape Town Cycle Tour. I landed up in 2A which to my delight was a very fast group. The winner in 2A came in at 03:03 and I a PB of 03:07. I give credit to the great weather conditions.

Usually there are some racetec people at the start of the races and you can get a new chip or borrow one. It happened to me once and I was able to "rent" one that I gave back afterwards and they said Agg don't worry about paying.


Sent from my LG-H735 using Tapatalk

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Definitely too late. Don't worry about standing around for hours getting bored. We are a friendly bunch of people when its just cyclists standing around together. All have a common interest. It's just when we have to deal with motorists that we not friendly......

There is music, people chatting, an awesome vibe and toilets nearby. So get there a bit earlier and make new friends.

Says he who is in a pen with 35 other bikes and a 6:25 roll. Hopefully the nervous 8:30 starters won't be queuing to get in at 5:30 when you arrive.

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So, who is doing a recce ride today? :ph34r:

If you do don't get frustrated. Road works with stop go from Kalkbay to Fishoek, water main repair entering Simonstown, tourist busses and heavy traffic all over Simonstown, road shoulder cleanup through Scarbs - Misty cliffs, Road markings being painted on Kommetjie Road. Be careful and take it easy if you riding.


Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

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I rode the m3 the whole night in dreamland last night. Me and a group of people in business suits and i had to make a sales pitch to them convincing them to use a particular venue for a conference. They were all talking and not listening to me so i yelled "shut up". All while we rode the downhill after edinborough drive.




So, who is doing a recce ride today? :ph34r:

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Based on current weather predictions, what rim depths are you lads going with?



I'm with 40mm

Sitting in the wheels

So, not necessary for 50 or 60.




A little cross wind action doesn't frighten these 55mm bad boys.



Rule 5 and all that.

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So, who is doing a recce ride today?  :ph34r:

Today is not the day to be riding the route. The wind is unpleasant, why risk it? And as the rules are under threat of being irrelevant even rule 9 is overruled.

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Bad news for you Okes afraid of the wind.  :whistling:  :ph34r:

On my way to work this morning (after my last fairly hard session on the bike) I noticed the clouds are piled up high over the Hottentots Holland mountains. This normally means the wind is here to stay for a few days, and that it will be a strong one.


Just heard from my friends doing the TOGH that today's stage has been cancelled due to the high winds, they were suppose to go over Du Toits Kloof today, but the wind is making that too hazardous.

Edited by Wannabe
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by what time today do you think there will be a post complaining of the goody bag and the expo ?


even better, who is going to be the first one to post a pic of the goody bag AND complain.

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