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Absa Cape Epic 2017


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Cadel Evans and George Hincapie now through WP3

How is Hermida and Purito doing
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That was touching, very cute when you express yourself in this way


Only a pleasure. We all need a little something to brighten up a Monday morning.


All that aside, we're digressing.


I'm not too fussed about the men's race this year. Think this is the year for a good Women's race. Lots of strong Saffers in the mix, with De Groot leading the charge.

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those spaz tyres, they continue to impress just like at the olympics

LOL ja... 


#Grid casing or stronger, please. Tyres are NOT a place you want to skimp on a race such as this.  

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Only a pleasure. We all need a little something to brighten up a Monday morning.


All that aside, we're digressing.


I'm not too fussed about the men's race this year. Think this is the year for a good Women's race. Lots of strong Saffers in the mix, with De Groot leading the charge.

I'm rooting for Robyn big time.



For Amy and Grant as well

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Only a pleasure. We all need a little something to brighten up a Monday morning.


All that aside, we're digressing.


I'm not too fussed about the men's race this year. Think this is the year for a good Women's race. Lots of strong Saffers in the mix, with De Groot leading the charge.

current mixed leaders seem to be losing a large portion of their lead. Granted, this is a long race, so it's probably too early to be concerned about. 


How's Platt doing? Hope he comes back into form... Taking a "shower" at the WP isn't a great sign. Must be hot as hell out there today. 

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