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Hunting - yes or no?


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Are the laws the same in Nambia as here?

I dunno hey. Here in SA we have the National Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephant. I'd be surprised if Nam didn't have something similar.


But that PH should've known better. Elephant are highly social animals and shooting just one in a herd is just k@k form. Also very dangerous as they rightly found out. I agree with the sentiments on here that it's a pity the rest of the herd didn't take them out. It was also a rushed shot at a moving animal, with more elephants next to and behind the target. 

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I dunno hey. Here in SA we have the National Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephant. I'd be surprised if Nam didn't have something similar.


But that PH should've known better. Elephant are highly social animals and shooting just one in a herd is just k@k form. Also very dangerous as they rightly found out. I agree with the sentiments on here that it's a pity the rest of the herd didn't take them out. It was also a rushed shot at a moving animal, with more elephants next to and behind the target.

It is just awful..


I am not sure how anyone can look at a herd and the first thing they think of is where to aim ..they are beautiful animals and yes very social, they all help raise the young ones..it just disgusts me.

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I am not for or against as there are good and bad in every single aspect of life. But I know for sure that if a hunter was killed while trying to kill an animal I would not feel sorry at all.

That video would be quite a bit more entertaining if the elephants trampled the hunters.... I wouldn't feel too bad for the hunters either.

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I am not for or against as there are good and bad in every single aspect of life. But I know for sure that if a hunter was killed while trying to kill an animal I would not feel sorry at all.

That video would be quite a bit more entertaining if the elephants trampled the hunters.... I wouldn't feel too bad for the hunters either.

Agreed. If its good for the goose.... Also, a elephant taking out a meat eating hunter would contributes to the human over population thing, all in the name of conservation of course.


Seeing that that man has what can only be called a Trophy Handlebar Moustache, the elephant could take his head home and mount it at his local watering hole.

Edited by Patchelicious
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serious question / comment. I have always found it quite weird that hunters get such negative press all the time, but fishermen never do. Generally speaking hunters, in some way or other, replace what they take - usually through the huge amounts of money they pay. Fishermen dont. they just take from the wild in, what i consider, a much more inhumane and cruel way. the oceans are currently in a terrible state but we still have this romantic view about fishing.

Go have a read on Salt fishing South Africa. A lot of fisherman are EXTREMELY conservation orientated and super passionate about preserving natiral resources. Unfortionately not everyone does. Not sure how it relates to hunting tho.
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Go have a read on Salt fishing South Africa. A lot of fisherman are EXTREMELY conservation orientated and super passionate about preserving natiral resources. Unfortionately not everyone does. Not sure how it relates to hunting tho.



  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.
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    the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.

Hahahaha! Touché.
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Hi Leeubok

Thanks for your post and information. The issues of conservation and hunting are well understood from my side. I know it’s a topic that will not easily, if ever, be resolved in a way that will keep everyone happy.


I’ve never gone hunting, and would only consider it if there were no other options. In this day and age I don’t believe the majority of 1st world citizens need to hunt.


My biggest issue is with the human mindset and double standards applied to the rest of nature, whereby “we” think we have the right to do what we like on this planet to every other living specie, except ourselves.


I just have one question, which I know will sound ridiculous and be quickly dismissed:

Excluding fueds and war, why don’t we hunt and kill humans as well?


The planet is over populated and heading towards a disaster as a result. There are plenty of humans who deserve nothing less, yet they have every right to continue living?

No, no don't allow hunters to hunt humans because then they will turn on us the weak, poor and... Let them play a game among themselves where they start hunting "trophy hunters".

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Personally I categorise fishing the same as hunting, whether you're hunting for food or pleasure - just do it with minimal suffering for the animal. That is all. I don't like it, but understand it's gonna be done anyway.


Is it ok to hunt for a trophy wife though?


I'll show myself out.

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......Is it ok to hunt for a trophy wife though?...........

I don't like it, but I know it's going to happen anyway, as long as they are not hunted to extinction.


(Sorry Uni, couldn't resist) :ph34r:

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Personally I categorise fishing the same as hunting, whether you're hunting for food or pleasure - just do it with minimal suffering for the animal. That is all. I don't like it, but understand it's gonna be done anyway.


Is it ok to hunt for a trophy wife though?


I'll show myself out.

Let’s be honest, the trophy wife’s are the real hunters in that ecosystem

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Let’s be honest, the trophy wife’s are the real hunters in that ecosystem

They are far more destructive on the hunter in the long run though, so a bit of justice then?

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You can see how this is the same thing right? 


Whether you're having your fun by stalking, or you're having fun off the back of a bakkie, either way the animal doesn't stand a chance, and its going to get killed, and chopped up on your plate.


The difference it seems is the money. Which may be more where the OP was going. 


The lazy hunter pays the farm to eat, drink, be merry and shoot. They create the need for farms with poor animal wellfare which are only growing them as a commodity to generate wealth. This is not conservation, this is preservation (of man).


You the active hunter, may have his own farm which is more sustainably run, and chooses to insert animals in such a way that there will be a small imbalance, which you then hunt. Maybe I'm being generous here. I see sustainable farming as a positive (if you're John Smith and you can't afford the land you own - maybe you don't need such a large piece? Sustainability, self sufficiency is key) Either way by removing yourself from the cycle of mass demand for meat supply, is where we can make an indirect conservation impact. The stats/facts on deforestation and environmental impact of raising cattle for food, and food to feed them, is undeniable. So maybe its not conservation of natural wild lands as we picture it, but I think is a more responsible way to live, and a more indirect way of conservation of the planet as a whole. 


Imo I live in a responsible way, I only have 2 children and my consumption of meat did not increase (actually decreased a bit to keep the dad bod from transitioning into beached whale status). Thus, little contribution to the cause nor the effect  :)

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No, no don't allow hunters to hunt humans because then they will turn on us the weak, poor and... Let them play a game among themselves where they start hunting "trophy hunters".

Ah yes!

Hunter vs Hunter

The ultimate hunt?

Whatsa bet this won’t be as popular hunting bambi, apparently man biltong is not so nice

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