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cycling clothes for the little ones ....


With our first "event" coming up we searched all over for a "matching set" for the two of us ....



lesson 1 - for get matching set ....


lesson 2 - cycling clothes for little ones are SCARCE ...



Then we stumbled upon Mr Price Sport.  Nothing in their cycling section.  But some really nice options in the running section.


At least we managed to get colour co-ordinated, even though we could not get the exact same for the two of us.



and with the rate kids grow out of clothes - Mr Price Sport is down right cheap.  4 off shirts and one pants plus 2 off 3-set socks all for R750.

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cycling clothes for the little ones ....


With our first "event" coming up we searched all over for a "matching set" for the two of us ....



lesson 1 - for get matching set ....


lesson 2 - cycling clothes for little ones are SCARCE ...



Then we stumbled upon Mr Price Sport.  Nothing in their cycling section.  But some really nice options in the running section.


At least we managed to get colour co-ordinated, even though we could not get the exact same for the two of us.



and with the rate kids grow out of clothes - Mr Price Sport is down right cheap.  4 off shirts and one pants plus 2 off 3-set socks all for R750.


Funny I see this, was just gonna ask about the cycling shorts for kids.

Saw them at the Junior argus expo at Canal Walk but for the life of me can't remember what brand they were and where to get them.

My little ones have been putting a lot of time on their bikes but have been complaining that their bums are getting sore. So I'm looking for those padded shorts. 

Any one know where I could get them, sizes for age 3 and 5.

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WOW ! many memories captured in this thread !!



Hi Chris


Your post made me page through my own kids' cycling pictures and I agree, what an incredible journey! Perhaps one day when I want to embarrass them, I'll post a series from little to grown-up, including the tears after crashing and, wearing body armour together with road lycra. But I'll also include massive smiles, big jumps, many "firsts", races, cruises, fun and games. I'll not trade those times for all Bill Gates' money and all Donald Trumps power!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning of 28 January -




On the afternoon of 28 Janaury the side wheels were removed .... took 9 days and he was getting the hang of it ...


11 February we took him to an area where he could ride on grass - so the falls wont hurt as much ... only two very minor tumbles.




Then Hazendal, few more spills, lots more laughs and lessons learnt.  With Hazendal doing some renovations we started going to Meerendal.  First just over the dam wall, second time a bit further.  Yesterday he did his first 10km ride !  Okay, a 6km and then later another 4km, followed by some more riding at home ...




After the second stint we got back to the restaurant, and while waiting for our drinks he ran to his bike and rode around on the lawn.  He LOVES it !!

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I used one of these . . .  Similar concept to the one Brandon78 advised.  

Work wonders on my carbon bike. Can not really scratch the bike. 

Put on and take off very quickly or switch between bikes.

Works good on my carbon full suspension.

Think it was R550 at Sportmans Warehouse. 

My kid rode on it from 12months till 2years.







Saw one of these at Meerendal on Saturday.


Looks better in real life than on the photos.


Kid is properly strapped in.


Little girl was ENJOYING it ! ... dad looked a bit tired ....

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Last time we rode here, the youngest walked this climb, today, he rode it out!


Edit: spelling, sounded like Afrikaans is my first language [emoji12]

Edited by Stretched@Birth
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  • 5 weeks later...

With each ride Maritz keeps on improving.


The knees are still a bit weak for the longer climbs.  He walks up and rides further.  And keeps on riding and riding .... LANG asem !!



I finally bit the bullet and took him to Hermanus Trails.  There is a short 6km route, but this has no shortcut.  We opted for the 12,5km trip.  6km out-bound, then turns at Plaaskombuis, a nice restaurant along the Hemel-en-Aarde valley.  My wife waited there for us.  Worst case he could wait there while I completed the route and got the car.



We arrived to find a very pleasant 20 degrees, minimal wind, some cloud cover.  A perfect day to ride !



Paid our money, filled in the forms and then headed out on the trail.


At the FIRST steep downhill, probably 500m from the start he had just started walking his bike down the incline when 3 cyclists caught up to us.  They were very friendly and encouraged him to be safe.  We pulled over and let these kind people pass.


And finally we were on our way.  The little rocks along the trail is hardly noticable on a full sized bike, but I could see how his little 20'' wheels were bouncing over the rocks.  He steered around most of it.  Fortunately this eased of very quickly.


Past the river, over the bridges. Such a nice route !!


Then some climbing, and more climbing.  After about 3km he was tired (and I was slightly worried).  We stopped, walked a bit, opened his packet of jelly beans.  And then he was ready for the next stint.  


Once we got to the longer bridges he was in 7th heaven !   :)








A few sweets-stops and we were at Plaaskombuis.  And NO, he was not tired in the least ... immediately started playing outside in the kids play area, running around and climbing the play-structures ....


After lunch we headed back, this would be a 6,5km route along the other side of the river.




Less hills, and less sweets-stops.   :)










Back at the start point he immediately started doing the pump-track ..... rode for a long while, eventually had to remind him we need to get my wife.



Age - 5 years 10 months,

Distance - 12,5km ... possible.  


But you will need some sweets and lots of patience !!  That said, one of my most memorable rides ever.



how else to wrap up the day -




and then a nice long nap on the drive back home



So now I know we can do a 10km MTB fun ride event .....   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:

Edited by ChrisF
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Currently I'm only riding with kid, Older brother did this at the BMX nationals.....





That first jump claimed a lot of skin at Nationals. Especially in the younger classes.

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Riding with kids are as much about the fun as teaching them life lessons .... and keeping your ride clean is one of those lessons






And each time I show him something else.  Tonight he saw how to check and set the brakes.





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Riding with kids are as much about the fun as teaching them life lessons .... and keeping your ride clean is one of those lessons


attachicon.gifDSCN3709 (Medium).JPG


attachicon.gifDSCN3712 (Medium).JPG


And each time I show him something else. Tonight he saw how to check and set the brakes.

I love a clean bike, good teaching him that from a young age. I got taken out the other day from a fellow hubber because my mtb always looks clean [emoji23]


Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk

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I love a clean bike, good teaching him that from a young age. I got taken out the other day from a fellow hubber because my mtb always looks clean [emoji23]


Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk


... uhm ... ja ....  :whistling:   :whistling:


Maritz actually commented on the dirty car .... Will try to wash it this afternoon (I have a rain water tank and pump for this)

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kids and distances .....


Maritz is now 5 years 10 months and doing just over 12km on a day.  BUT he gets tired after about 6km, and needs regular stops.  At 8km he "hit the wall", and we walked for about 500m.  After this he caught his second wind and cycled the rest of the 11,9km, and continued to ride around the parking lot - BUT, by then he is too tired for hills.



There were at least two kids younger than him doing the same route !!


One is some 4 years and a few months !!


In contrast there was kid older than 10 years that stopped after about 7km ......




I DONT push Maritz.  We do it because we both enjoy the outdoors.  Even after 9km he gets off the bike, runs into a field and takes photos of pumpkins ....  Between all the photo sessions, stopping for sweets and drinks, etc. we took about 1 hour 40 minutes for the 11,9km.






All things considered :

- I would rather NOT exceed 10km with him at this stage, not as a single ride.  (Hermanus trails has a proper break half way)

- doubt he would have done this ride in hot weather ...

- a 4 year old completes it, while a 10 year old quits ..... kids are INDIVIDUALS, take it slowly, and build up the kilometers and figure out what YOUR kid can handle

- Maritz is fine with the "distance", but steep hills is still walked .... and probably may be done so for some time still.  





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That first jump claimed a lot of skin at Nationals. Especially in the younger classes.

Ouch  :eek:

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