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Everything posted by boeing

  1. Ha ha! Hormone! Do you get naturally produced good looking wives?
  2. boeing

    Ryan Cox

    Hold in there bud! You'l pull through!
  3. it wouldn't work like that! EPO is a natural hotmone produced by the kidneys! So I doubt they will give a "vaccine" for it! You could kill people like that! EPO is produced all the time, its natural, its only exogenous when it becomes a problem! Contador's name has come up way too much for my liking! Peurto, O.N.C.E! Where there's smoke! Some German has just got some evidence that his whole dealings with Fuentes has been swept under the carpet with some payments! Bruyneel? Would that implicate Lance even more? Some serious is about to hit the fan! How does this latest information affect the fantasy league?
  4. Here's a question! Why are there no time bonuses in the TT! If there were, Evans would have won! If you eliminate the Time bonuses, Evans only lost by 3 seconds!
  5. Ceramic bearings firstly dont wear as much as your standard, not that this is an issue for a team that has no budget limit! The main reason is probably that they offer less rolling resistancfe, quite substantially! Hey it got them two podium places
  6. Agreed! Its just that there are more tests in athletics and cycling! Football players as well as Rugby players are among the biggest dopers in the world! Cocaine anyone? Rugby players are huge on crack! I could mention names!
  7. I do realise that mechs and soigneurs also get a slice! LOL thats not bad, but in all honesty, whose job would you rather have?
  8. The way I see it is that its not about the money! If I could make pro-tour team, but the catch was I wasn't going to get paid more than R4000 a month, I would still do it!
  9. but are we talking prize money or sponsorships and other deals here? How much does the F1 champ receive in a winning year?
  10. I dont think that the prize money isn't that bad! Really its only football and golf that has even bigger prize money! I think what Barloworld did this year is amazing, however, they are now marked men!
  11. boeing


    Id say wait awhile! SRAM are about to bring out the RED! Its new and improved if you are willing to throw around a buck or two! Apparently its going to be the groupset that will upset the apple cart! I wouldn't call SRAM unproven; they sponsor Saunier Duval! (they haven't seemed to have any problems with groupsets in the Tour at all!) Otherwise the other components will drop in price with new generation groupsets (as was said earlier)
  12. I would like to see evans win the tour, but I feel that its going to be the usual processions! Except maybe Quickstep will be happy to not sprint it out at the end, guaranteeing the green jersey!
  13. of course! a cheat is a cheat! its deception (I hate that)
  14. Two things Firstly, the cycling is moving in the right direction; by catching the dopers we are healing the sport! Or would you all prefer that none of us heard anything and knows nothing and be entertained by some farce?? because the big names are the ones also falling, it shows that a few aren't sacrificial lambs, I believe they are de-weeding the sport! It has to be done! THEY ARE GETTING CAUGHT! THE NEXT STEP FORWARD IS LIFE BANS, I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS! Secondly, by making doping legal, think of the consequences; kids are already pressured to perform in school sports, hence why there are some drugs in school sports already! By making it legal, there will be nothing stopping kids from getting their hands on what they want! (Serious no-no and major health risks!) By making doping legal, could you imagine the amount of money lost through sponsors! It would be a huge step back as a society! those points are only a few to ponder, the tip of the ice-berg if you will! The guys are getting caught, tests are becoming more sophisticated and thorough (hence why no-one uses EPO now; same for steroids, its too easy to get caught!) and eventually there will be an end! What cyclists don't realise is that there aren't major benefits with majority of the drugs. You can get better results with hypoxic training (which is legal)! Major benefits come from the means that help the athletes recover (steroids and blood transfusions)! Doping should be illegal, because to make legal will be immoral, unethical and completely pointless! (do we really want cycling to become like body building)
  15. I just want to know why they dont test the riders more extensively and more riders per day! Its not that long to draw blood! Anyone trying to fight the world of doping is mentally alright in my book! Looks like vino loses a years wages
  16. I find the best way to improve pedaling is to do single strokes for a minute on rollers! When you eliminate the bounce in your hips and the stroke feels fluid, thats when you're getting there! I cycled with Rynaard while he was using the cranks on a training ride (it's weird to see); he rates them highly! Rynaard, you're a legend man! All the best
  17. A lesson Iv learned in the last couple of months is that being the good guy doesn't always pay! Phone this guy EVERY day! He'l soon get the picture! When he starts screening your calls, start using landlines, other people's phones etc till either he gives in or you come to the conclusion that you may never see your pedals again! Im sick and Im tired of being the good guy!
  18. Interesting views! All I can say is that if it was one on one sprints with no lead outs, it seems that Robbie would take it! He seems to be putting in a much faster turn of speed than the others! Robbie seems to be a clever sprinter too! A bit of a fox in the box! Oh and Irish is pessimistic cause the quality of Guinness here is crap
  19. Im pretty sure that Barloworld will get invited to the Protour! Ryan stupidly had that fall out with Corti, so it looks like his contract won't get renewed, which leaves Robbie and John-Lee as the only SA's in the set-up! Mayb they'l get Ian McLeod or a couple of the other local lads! As Robbie said there is plenty talent here! What do the Belgians say? Whenever there is a two, there is a three (watch this space - Champs-Elysee perhaps )
  20. Knew it from the start! He would have been super motivated before the tour started, and when soler hernandez took his stage I think Robbie would have been even more amped! I just find the viewpoints and certain things slightly annoying of our local anchormen! I think you know who I mean! C'mon guys, show a little faith! And he's climbing with the best! Jut needs one more good win, couple of intermediates! Hey it doesn't look like we get points for having the guys in green in our fantasy le tour (Why did I pick 3 sprinters then???) Bugger
  21. It also comes down to your timing of recovery! If you time your next exercise properly (sometimes occurring on the same day) you could cause an effect called Supercompensation, where your body adapts quicker and the results come quicker (basically in lamens terms)
  22. It was bound to happen! Wouldn't go through the tour without one positive! Cycling is going to have to lose a lot of money, credibility, sponsors to start fresh! I think this is awesome for Barloworld; wildcard entry that is performing, new faces, fresh start! There will be a lot of teams dropped from the protour and new ones coming in I think! We shall see
  23. didn't think of it that way! Do you think I can claim from my medical Aid? "YA, you see by getting these R2000 bicycle pedals I will prevent having to possibly have knee surgery later! You see Im only thinking of you guys!"
  24. Kinda know where you go now ey, amdretard?
  25. I so badly want to get a set of sppedplay, but as mentioned earlier, it doesn't exactly fit into the student's budget
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