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Everything posted by Dubber

  1. Use it / don't use it Today only: https://www.onedayonly.co.za/delonghi-fully-automatic-espresso-and-cappuccino-machine.html
  2. I've got a cracker deal in the classifieds for a new Canon camera if you are interested :-) https://www.bikehub.co.za/classifieds/146188-canon-eos-600d-brand-new/
  3. With regards to the cholesterol statements above: I am always a bit apprehensive where someone releases some 'groundbreaking' information - but then charges you (hence profits) from this information. However, I have had feedback from relatives within the industry that backs up these claims. So read it with an open mind and make your own decisions: http://www.statinnation.net/
  4. **I am not a doctor** - but if you believe anything that Tim Noakes says then firstly 6.2 is not actually that high (contrary to what the statin sellers will lead you to believe.) Secondly you need to be comparing hdl / ldl ratios as well as particle size - not just the overall numbers. But again, I'm not a doctor and this is your health and well being - not mine. So make decisions you are comfortable with.
  5. My response as above. But yes, I'm not 'racing'. My rides are 70% zone...
  6. Well, that is the paradox right there. If you are running on glucose, yes, you have a limit which you hit - normally around 90 to 120 minutes. But burning fat, your reserves are much greater so you can run 'hotter' for a much longer period without bonking. That's my experience anyway. (I did 100 miler without any carbs until around the 120km mark. At that point I had an energy drink and ate some of the goodies at the refreshment table).
  7. My maximum hasn't increases but certainly during rides my HR is about 5 beats faster for the same effort. That said, I don't feel like I'm working harder despite the increased heart rate. So all in all, its a good thing. Higher heart rate for same effort - more blood flowing, meaning more oxygen etc.
  8. I can't comment too much on Stellies and SSW in terms of accommodation etc - but I can recommend the trails in the area - all good. Northern Suburbs is my hood - so can give you lots of feedback ;-) Safety: Probably as safe as any other area in Cape Town. However, even within each suburb there are good areas and not so good area's. So you'll need to ask around a bit when looking. But I would imagine a lot better than where you are currently. Internet: Most areas you'll get up to a theoretical 4MB line. Some area's are getting SDSL (20 MB) and Fiber to the Home - so again, need to ask around. Schools: Some really good ones - but as Ratty mentioned, you need to get onto a list ASAP. Which schools you can apply to depends on what area you live in - so a bit of chicken and egg. Shops: 3 or 4 big shopping centers all within 15 minutes driving (less if no traffic). Local shopping centers normally within walking distance (but nobody walks ;-) Peer Groups: Durbanville / North Suburbs has the whole spectrum of ages. But if you live in the catchment area for a good primary school, you will find that a large portion of the suburb is made of of younger familys' (30 to 40 year old parents with kids in the 6 to 10 age group). Tygerberg Trails: Awesome! Generally around 10 to 20 km per trail. But you can link them all together to make up an 80 km ride... Good luck with you decisions.
  9. How long you planning to stay? I assume you are renting? A lot will depend on your budget. Northern Suburbs you looking at around R10 to R15k per month for a 3 or 4 bed house. Maybe a little cheaper or more expensive depending on the suburb - but that's a good ball park figure. I ride the Tygerberg trails - out the door, down the road and into the wine farms Family friendly, more of a country life type feel to it than a city life. Slightly more Afrikaans than English - but certainly not a show stopper.
  10. Depending on what the final price comes in at I might also consider a set. Keep me in the loop please.
  11. With all the rain out there at the moment I miss this
  12. been toying with that idea for a while...
  13. Around 12kg on the nose. As it stands there... Not super lite, but not any heavier than my hardtail - so all good.
  14. So after months of lurking around here I eventually pulled the trigger on the carbon frames. This was around September - right before the 'big strike'. The goodies eventually arrived beginning of November. At that point I was doing a lot of road riding - so the MTB frame stayed in the box. Beginning of the year I started collecting all the parts. The vast majority of items off TheHub - only a couple things bought new. With the 100 Miler looming it was the ideal opportunity to break in a new bike and new saddle. I threw the whole theory of never ridding new things on race day (not that I was racing). 164 KM later, no problems at all. The seat post did slip a little in the last 5km's but I suspect that was me being over cautious with the torque. All in all, good experience all round. I might give her a splash of paint at some point but for now I'm enjoying the stealth look. Supplier - XMIPLAY Model - IP-036 Size - Small Gruppo - SRAM X9 all round Brakes - Avid Elixr 7's Carbon Bar from XMIPlay Seat post: Thomson - only fitted post 100 miler. Saddle - Spez Phenom Although the dollar isn't very favorable at the moment, I would highly recommend going this route if you are considering it. If for nothing else but the adventure.
  15. So you only load balancing the two lines? Not bonding them? Who's your provider? Decent speed you got there :-)
  16. Thanks for all the entertainment Kev - all the best with the future!
  17. Looks like Peter and Bella have split from Iplay and started their own company. Or possibly they are just running two different websites Products seem to be carbon copy (see what I did there) of Iplay. But shipping may be cheaper? And I always found Peter's service as good, if not better, than most... http://www.xmcarbonspeed.com/
  18. 16" at xmiplay: http://www.xmiplay.com/ProductDetails1655 I know you are after a 15 " but check the geometry, it might work.
  19. Question for all the guys that have built up a 29er dual sus: FM036 / IP036 What front derailleur did you use (assuming you didn't go 1 x 1x)? I currently have SRAM x9 low direct mount bottom pull installed. (The whole gruppo is 2x10 X9 - with 39/26 up front). The tolerances seem too tight and I suspect when the frame compresses it is either going to catch the top of the chain ring or the rear chain stay? What did you guys use?
  20. When all else fails... http://www.cwcycles.co.za/search/node/cadence%20nutrition%20type%3Aproduct_holder Should be with you in 3 or 4 days at worst. Break the bank and you get free delivery...
  21. Also posted in Unemployed Hubbers - but possibly relevant here too. We may have an opening for a fully automatic coffee machine technician in the near future. Remuneration dependent on skills and experience... DM me for info.
  22. And remember, when working out your body mass, it isn't how much you weigh - it's you lean body mass i.e. muscle mass. (So pretty much your goal weight). If you weigh a 100kg's but want to weigh 80kg's , use 80kgs as the figure. Often overlooked!
  23. check your protein amounts. Try aim for 1g per 1kg of body mass for weight loss. Around 1.5g / kg for maintaining , building muscle. If your lean body mass is 80kg's that's only 80 grams of protein a day - very easy to over do it...
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