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Posts posted by hansolo

  1. One of the reasons suppose. People also have more disposable income and the logistics centers can focus on essential items.


    We can't have alcohol because it taxes hospitals. It's as simple as that.


  2. Looks like the prices for most of the "new stock" has increased quite a lot due to the exchange ratesssss. 

    Lucky I picked one up just in time on the sale! Hope its worth the wait to go pick up...

  3. I just want to have a look at the specs etc. Really stupid that I get redirected to a "non-existent" SA website when I can have a look at the information on the international site.




    Drop Black Sheep Bikes a call. They are taking over the YT agency with a well known SA DH rider ... the site, etc are meant to be in the works, but they can get your bikes.


    I understand it will be easier to get bikes now too with no more no stock or stupid leadtimes.

  4. What lessons have you learned during this lockdown that you will (hopefully) have in place (hopefully not) the next one?A few items for my list:


    - Make sure you have a IDT (and you are sure you have the dongles/axles available).

    - Make sure you have some equipment available for home exercises (kettle bell etc.).

    - Ensure you have enough beer available.

    - Ensure you have enough coffee available.

    - Have a few good books lined up.

    - Ensure you have a good internet connection and uncapped data.

    - Scout a trail in the garden to run/ride.

    - Ensure you have the right tools/spares available to service your bike.


    I think most people assumed we would be able to walk/ride around our neighborhoods.

  5. Are you perhaps trying to bring back comments in the adverts?


    Apparently it's illegal to sell stuff that's fake/Chinese version with branding. It's also against bikehubs policy.

    Matt (Admin) said I can't sell it on the hub. So I have this brand new 30.9mm carbon seatpost that's 400mm in lengte that weighs 200grams just laying around. I would have sold it for R450

    I'm located in Randburg for no reason at all if you wanted to know.

  6. Wonder if the paid volunteers still had to help cleaning up camps and if they still get a guaranteed entry for 2021.


    I still wonder how this will pan out, I get that most of the money was already spent but surely there must be something available for a riders refund. Though globally Ironman must be bleeding with all the events they have had to cancel.


    Service/massage packages is another difficult one, technically you bought "hours" from the vendor so they should be able to still deliver.



    Sad part is they act like they are suffering due to this . And they are not. .
    Or at least my perception.

    And its not only event entries its also the volunteers that pay to be there ( if that is still a thing)

  7. Maybe RockShox revives the Totem, 40 mm stanchions should be plenty stiff.


    I could have sworn some of the SID's I saw was looking pretty solid. This thing makes the fox 32 Stepcast look anorexic.


    Yet on the other end of things FOX is about to release the 38 Enduro fork and RS is still on their 35mm Lyric. One question might be that by the upper end of the scale, its stiff enough and that we dont need even stiffer Enduro forks which might beat you up even more? 



  8. Nope, Calculus is made oversees but the local guys "engineer" the bikes.


    You can perhaps add Silverback as a bike company and look at CSixx as well as Lyne Components who does accessories.



    Pyga makes alu bikes here now and the new carbon Mobu is being made here - their long term vision is to make all their bikes here


    Are Calculas actually built in SA?

  9. I lived in Vancouver for a year in 2006 and loved it, it's a great place if you have an active lifestyle but super expensive. I was back last year for a few weeks and it has changed quite a bit, the locals will tell you it's because of Chinese investors buying up property. 


    I would consider going back but Calgary looks like a better option, there seems to be more work and its certainly cheaper than Vancouver. 


    There is plenty of South Africans out there, mostly doctors.

  10. I'm also solidly in the triple figures and quite tall but I haven't managed to break a frame at the seattube junction. I've had frame crack on the toptube (and repaired after an "interesting" ride home), near suspension pivots and at the rear dropout. I did manage to break a USE seatpost and I think the bushings on my dropper post has a hard life...


    I think most "normal" bikes should be fine but you should try to avoid superlight bikes and forks with 32 mm stanchions. My previous Fox 32 with 130 mm of travel just couldn't keep up.

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