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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. A couple of years ago the Middleburg dam level was so low our eMalahleni engineers were planning how to get water from our dam to the Middleburg dam.


    Then it started raining hard and in less than a week the Middleburg dam wasfull


    Living next to dam makes one realise the effect drought and rainfall has onour dams. Our dam has gone from 38% to nearly 80% since November. Our usageis about 2% per month

  2. Wait till you are unable to ride outside due to injury and have to bid your wife farewell each morning when she leaves for a ride outside in the open...

    I'm using this thread as inspiration.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The tables are turned this year. My wife has a torn rotor cuff so she has to watch me leave. Last year I had a broken collarbone and some fractures in my back

  3. Items already loaded in Rapide basket...

    Only need one thing....

    Convince myself I will ride the SS after the new is gone / convince myself I will have time to ride it between my other 3 geared bikes...


    My SS is my go to bike for all my training rides up 70kms. Beyond that I get frustrated with the top speed of 25km/h on the flats.


    My geared bike waits in the garage for races to happen.

  4. Last year my refund was held back. When I asked why I was told that my 2007return was not on record despite me submitting manually twice( in the days before e-filing).

    It took me a week to find all the documents, redo on e-filing and submit documents. Payment then took another week.


    This year I did my efiling. Next day I was notified that I needed to submitmy supporting documents. Within two days of submitting my documents my refund was paid out.

    It was not large enough to cause SARS current cashflow crisis so I can't beheld responsible for your delays.

  5. As was the case last year, the scholars who took part in this race last Saturday did not drop any litter along the route.


    Apart from a few waterbottles dropped on the rockier sections I did not find one piece of litter when we cleared the markers after the race.


    The majority of the race took place in our wildlife reserve and we would not get permission to use it again if one of our animals died after eating any foreign matter

  6. You were standing in front of me at the start .Your gearing looked a bit low for the terrain .but the twisting singltract keprt the speed down .I was guessing a 34 x 18 would work well

    We run with an Absolute Black oval 34 chainring and 18 cog at the back

    Can get all the climbs in my area but flats are always a mental challenge

  7. Had a great time .Very well organized .Trail is by no means flat and keeps you busy


    Agree with you.

    We rode on our SS bikes and were worried about all the flat sections but apart from one section it was up and down.

    Took some strain in the last uphill portion of the singletrack through the trees near the end

  8. With the new petrol price I might have to get my wife to start commuting with me in the mornings.


    But how do you get an accountant that works for a image driven company on a bike to the office.




    I am a CA(SA) and financial director at my company.


    My boss, collegues and other members of staff are in constant amazement that anyone would want to commute by bicycle ( especially in winter) but it appears that they take some reflected pride as I am often asked by suppliers and customers if I am the one who rides to work. 

  9. I go and ride in these valleys a couple of times a year and always go to this resort for a meal.


    There are some excellent forestry roads with serious ascents/descents. One section is about 8kms with 600m of altitude difference. Another is 2kms with 280m altitude difference.


    I look forward to seeing the Strava maps as I am there on 11-12 June with my bike.


    My profile photo was taken at the start from my friend's smallholding in the one valley

  10. Hook. Line. Sinker. 


    We got a live one here, boys!!! :P

    I always have a quiet chuckle when people refer to CA(SA)s as boring, timid, risk-adverse people.


    Both my brother and I are CAs but have managed to jointly accumulated more than 80 visits to emergency wards over the years.

    After my last visit with a broken collarbone and three fractures on my spine my brother sent a message to say " Try harder". His last accident resulted in 8 fractures of his pelvis. 

  11. Yip. It's works beautifully. Once you know, you know.


    Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

    We have the AB oval 34 on both our SS bikes.


    My bike has horizontal sliding dropouts and my wife's bike has vertical dropouts with a chain tensioner


    No problems with chain tensioning or dropping chains.



    Ordered an AB oval chainring and some Momsen silicone grips yesterday at 13:40. Delivered to my work in JHB today at 13:48.


    Super efficient service and a pleasure to do online shopping with Evobikes.

    Similar experience last week. Ordered a few things and paid via EFT.


    As soon as Janos received POP he called me to confirm shipping address and my parcel was despatched same afternoon.

  13. you are not alone. 


    first they wanted my tax return for 2007 (never before indicated its outstanding)

    now they want supporting documentation for that year.

    I went through that same hurdle.

    Discovery and Retirement fund companies were very organised in getting me copies of my tax certificates. Some were emailed while I was still talking to their helpdesk staff.

    Luckily I had kept a copy of my IRP 5 for that year so the process although a bitter task was relatively painless.

    I got back my 2015 refund within a couple of days of filing my 2007 return

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