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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. Makes a few of us..I am not being audited only a bank account verification..but all that is in and 3 weeks later still nada...




    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

    I logged in on Monday afternoon,submitted my return and this morning my refund is in my bank account.

  2. Sjoe... yip, we definitely don't make white bibs anymore, can only imagine it's some very old stock that didn't clear (for obvious reasons) and got thrown in as a sweetener.


    Glad they're comfy at least and thanks for wearing baggies over them  ;)

    I second that.


    I once had the misfortune of sitting behind some guy wearing white shorts in a spinning class. At the end of the class I thought it was just polite to ask him for his telephone number as I felt we had been up close and personel. For some reason he was a offish but he never wore those white shorts again.

  3. Ok thanks, will check them out. Shows how thick my blinkers are. Have stayed in the area a while now and have never ventured off the main road that goes passed there(You have only just moved here and you already have tried them). And when I do go get takeaways its from karaglen or stoneridge from the mainstream places. Need to explore more.

    My wife used to be the editor of Ride magazine so she was invited to the opening of the Anatomic Shop.

    As I come from Durban and she knows I love curry she noticed the shop next door. So we went the following weekend - both to buy some cycling shirts from Victor and some curry from next door

  4. Ouch!! Hope she can be saved! Out of interest, how far was your seatpost into the frame?

    I will have to check.


    It is a standard Lynskey seatpost into a medium frame and at 173cm I am on thebottom end of the frame size so this should not have been the cause of the cracks.

  5. My Gary Fischer built with parts from my parts bin at home. Loving it clap.gif

    This bike did some travelling.


    I bought it in Dec 2010 and shipped it to Jhb to use as my commuting bike.


    In Feb 2011 my daughter went to Stellenbosch so we shipped it back to Stellenbosch for her to use as she had no transport


    In Feb 2012 my daughter got a car so we moved this bike to Cape Town for my wife to use when she went there on business


    In Jan 2013 we shipped it back to JHB and gave it to my son-in- law to use while we found him a bike.


    Then a few months later a hubber was looking for a bike for his gardener so I donated this one.

  6. post-43-0-42202300-1502963439_thumb.jpgpost-43-0-67655300-1502963438_thumb.jpg


    My Lynskey started creaking and I thought the BB needed servicing.


    To my horror the BB was fine but there are cracks in the frame where the top tube and seat post meet.


    The local Lynskey agent has someone who does these kind of repairs.


    I hope my frame can be saved.

  7. Can't believe none of Elton J's friends have told him he looks like a complete knob with that hairstyle. Mine would have let me know straight away.

    As someone who started going bald when I was 18, I say let him do whatever he wants with his hair while he still can

  8. This is my first, but I ride the spruit often. How organised is the start at Marks Park, I am off in batch G at 7h50 so what time should I be there by?


    30 minutes beforehand would be my choice.Going to park away from Marks Park and ride in.


    I am also in Batch G.


    Lynskey Pro 29 SS

  9. I had an encounter with a spitting cobra on Sunday while waking with my wife and our dogs.

    We were on an overgrown path. My dog was in front of me and my wife and the other dog were a little way behind.


    I felt something solid hit me behind my knee. I thought other dog had gotten too close behind me and bumped me with her muzzle. 


    But my wife , who is a snake fundi, said it was a spitting cobra that had been sleeping in the grass and had reared up and smacked my leg as a warning.


    My HR reading on my watch spiked by +-30 beats 


    Luckily for me it did not appear to strike with its fangs as there were no puncture marks (or pain)



    Perhaps we should promote Behardien to the top of the order, like his promotion to capt of the T20 side? [joke]

    The one player that I can't understand how he got into the squad let alone keep his place.

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