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Posts posted by manbearpig

  1. Overnight oats in the morning with a banana. 45min into each day another banana. then pretty much smashing a couple of gels and banana at each water point (up to 6 gels a stage). Take the ones at the water tables. Might not work for you but got me through 4 epics and never bonked.  And never had tummy issues. IMHO feeding your fat face on the bike is more important than any other aspect of Epic. Most of the time when you think you're tired you are just out of fuel. I could be wrong though....

  2. So heading to Cullinan/Tonteldoos.... apparently GPS compulsory.  Any klevva okes out there that know what if there is iPhone app that I can load GPX route onto and follow? 

    Technically challenged on this stuff and mtb to be honest. Need paint by numbers.

    Floor is yours.

  3. So I was privileged to meet Deon, a local farmer and trail builder for the Tulbagh area and obviously the 2020 Epic route around Saronsberg. He is a true gentleman and showed me around the “Bone Trail”, introduced me to putting Buchu (plant) in my water bottle and showed what a beautiful piece of mountain biking Tulbagh possesses. I would highly recommend making a trip there if you are looking for some challenging training. Tulbagh is a really lekka little town with plenty accommodation.

  4. Just make sure when you bleed them the "contact in" or "pad contact" adjustment is screwed all the way out. Actually make sure it is all the way out now anyway. Then pump the lever a dozen or so times. You may find the piston in the master cylinder hasn't had a chance to come back enough to let the fluid from the reservoir into the system. You may suddenly find the lever gets more pressure. Then screw the "contact in" adjustment in until you have optimum feel and pressure on the lever.

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