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Posts posted by Delarey

  1. I've done W2W 5 times and although the nice days are awesome when you ride them, the days you remember are the ones that test your endurance. Very wet ride in 2013, Way over 40 degree on day 1 in 2014 (Race), Severe cold snap, rain and wind on day 3 2015 (Adventure) and severe storm winds on day 1 in 2017 (Adventure). Those are the days I remember. The beautiful days in between all seem to just mesh into one.


    Have fun guys!


    Edit: I learned about chain-suck on a mud ride on W2W. It’s a terrible thing. I think 1x drive trains might be immune, but its worthwhile to check the condition of your front chainrings if you are not on 1x.

  2. I read on an Aussie site that in a position where being an irritating nuisance is a virtue, Faf is a prince amongst men. That even when he is just singing the national anthem, the writer gets p1ssed off by him.


    It was said as a compliment.


    And we must not forget the role he plays tracking the ball as cover behind the rush defense. How often did a Japanese player guy in a Japanese jersey look like he had broken the line only to be nailed by a little **** who had no right to be there already?

    Reminds me of George Gregan. He annoyed the hell out of me, but one of the all time greats!
  3. If boks somehow get to play England in the Final it would be a 50/50 game.


    All Black's in the final would be 70/30 methinks. We would need allot of the marginal calls to go our way.


    What did you guys make of the performance of Barnes today? Felt like allot of calls went the way of the Home team?

    I actually think we have a better chance against the AB than England. We know their game better and if we execute accurately we can beat them. I put our odds against both at less than 50/50. We can beat them but won’t be favorites against either.

    Damn lucky we only have to play one of them.

  4. Japan will be a tough game, but I can’t help being happy that Ireland, NZ, England and Aus are all bunched up on the same side of the tournament. To win the cup we will only need to beat one of those teams.

  5. Yup, only thing they can look forward to is to improve. more tackles missed than NZ, less defenders beaten than NZ, less ball carries than NZ, less passes than NZ, less off loads than NZ, less clean breaks than NZ and more than double the penalties than NZ. Even with more ball possession and territory we still lost. But lets blame the ref.

    Although all true, most of those stats were very close. The majority of those stats are also skewed towards the backline. Very difficult to beat the AB on backline stats. Our rush defense also often result in the first tackler “missing” the tackle but slowing the player down so that the second tackler can make the tackle behind the game line. I thought that actually worked well, but it makes for bad reading in the stats.
  6. If anything we were lucky not to be man down. If that ball out of that ruck, im very sure ABs would of scored.

    I that was because there was a split second of daylight before he went for the ball. Not a concerted effort but enough to justify penalty only.
  7. If i must be Honest, i don't see the Boks making the Final. Ireland are looking very very good. And i think a Ireland/All Blacks final. And Ireland to take it.

    The problem is, Rassie and the Boks are already talking about the final, the same happened last week before the AB game, and they lost. Think they are a bit overconfident. That's just my opinion. :ph34r:

    In 2007 England lost 36-0 and still made it to the final. I thought our forwards looked strong and for a change they got over the advantage line a lot.
  8. I don't think the ABs will be too happy with this result. Well they will like the result but they got outplayed in many facets.


    We should never have allowed those two tries.

    A few different bounces of the ball and peeps of garces whistle and we could have won this comfortably.


    Our tryline was never under pressure, they never even got close.

    I agree. I thought we played well. We won the second half and that does not often happen against the AB.


    Willie had a bad game and should have been replaced earlier. It was interesting to hear Rassie explain that the timing of his replacements was heavily impacted by injuries unfortunately.


    I think we can definitely make it to the final and on the day anything can happen.

  9. you cant even say the word, now that's funny.


    one point he did make though, and it kinda hit the bone. IS when he spoke about the gay ppl and someone in his entourage said he cant say that cos he aint gay. His retort was , I say nigga a lot and I aint one.


    That was reality.


    *now, for the life of me I cant remember if this was in sticks and stones or epilogue.

    Your spelling of the n-word reminded me of a Bill Burr bit where a guy in a bar dropped the n-bomb on him. He pointed out that it was the one with the R and not the A and he landed the R hard. Damn funny bit.

  10. you cant even say the word, now that's funny.


    one point he did make though, and it kinda hit the bone. IS when he spoke about the gay ppl and someone in his entourage said he cant say that cos he aint gay. His retort was , I say nigga a lot and I aint one.


    That was reality.


    *now, for the life of me I cant remember if this was in sticks and stones or epilogue.

    Yes it was in Sticks and Stones. I also thought that was a brilliant punchline.

  11. Have to wonder what the implications would be if that was produced and aired in SA.

    From my understanding the new hate speech act covers pretty much everything and the comedians are up in arms about it affecting their ability to poke fun.

    It's weird though that even in the US there are still limits. White comedians would not dare to use the N-word in a joke. I find that very weird. Surely if Chappelle can joke about all the things he jokes about (without a single bleeped out word from Netflix), then the N-word should not be as off limits to white comedians as it is.

  12. I have no issues with the principle. And I consider myself pretty un PC.


    Some of the topics are just distasteful, laughing at molestation of children for instance.


    Of course, ymmv.


    Laughing at shock value is not funny.

    I don't think it is as simple as that. Jerry Seinfeld said in one of the episodes of Comedians in Cars getting Coffee, that there are no topics that should be off limits for comedians. However, the more offensive and off limits a topic is, the funnier the joke has to be to work. Making offensive jokes that work, is a much higher bar to clear. I think Chappelle cleared that bar.


    I do agree though. Unfunny jokes about crude or sensitive topics deserve to bomb hard.

  13. I am surprised at the audience to be honest. Some of the stuff he said was pretty unfunny.


    Being un PC is one thing, making fun of some topics is pretty crass.

    I found almost all of it hilarious. It’s not just the live audience though. Like I said, it got 99% from the rotten tomatoes audience. Only the critics hated it. For once it was possible to see the difference between the loud minority and the silent majority. (16 critics vs 36000 audience). People are tired of being told what to think.
  14. I see you are in stellies, there is a Deli-Co at Potbelly Pantry on the R44 towards Klapmuts.


    Edit: Stellenbosch has it good ito meat, between Deli-Co, Boer & Butcher and the Joostenburg farm deli the choices are sublime.

    Thanks. Yes Boer & Butcher is my go-to for lamb and other interesting things to braai. Nothing better to pop in there on a Sunday morning after riding the trails to find something interesting to braai.

    Boord Spar is where I get my Sirloin. Not sure who their supplier is, but they have damn good steak. Will give Deli-Co a try though.

  15. Feels like Christmas. But alas, I'll only partake in some of it.

    Once a year my parents order en masse from Deli-Co. Beef matured for 3 months and a three year old skapie.




    Now to find freezer space for a sheep and a cow....

    Damn! Never heard of Deli-co but had a look at their website. Definitely worth a try. Thanks for the tip!
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