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dissapointed in team Bonitas this morning


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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.


I wonder who the idiots are? Perhaps those that don't realise that a cyclist has a right on the road but they have to ride in a single file?

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If you are on a bicycle and causing the motorists to get aggro then you're an idiot. Having right of way or having the right to cycle in the middle of the lane doesn't make you any less dead when some flippin retard mows you down. There's a saying, you get old pilots and you get bold pilots but you don't get any old, bold pilots. The same could apply to cyclists.


So be carefull out there...

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I wonder who the idiots are? Perhaps those that don't realise that a cyclist has a right on the road but they have to ride in a single file?


ADMIN ......... We need a "do not like" button

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........... i seem to remember most of us did recently


Most of you are more disrespectful that the team itself.


who was it last week oom?


Team sky?


Lets stay on topic please

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I wonder who the idiots are? Perhaps those that don't realise that a cyclist has a right on the road but they have to ride in a single file?

As a cyclist one gets as much agro from impatient motorists for not being in the gutter as they do from not being in single file.


BTW, I only ride 2 abreast on jeep track. When it's sometimes 4 or 5 abreast. And sometimes when we are both on the shoulder in the yellow line. And after 40 years of riding in the traffic I think I have developed and retain an acute sense of self preservation.


But this incessant criticism of other cyclists doing stuff we don't approve of is a waste of all our time. Does anyone here seriously believe I will cause the death of another cyclist 2km down the road because I didn't come to a complete stop at a red robot? Or because I held my ground where it was not safe for me to ride in the gutter and have that car overtake me where there was not 3 metres of roadway?

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Does anyone here seriously believe I will cause the death of another cyclist 2km down the road because I didn't come to a complete stop at a red robot? Or because I held my ground where it was not safe for me to ride in the gutter and have that car overtake me where there was not 3 metres of roadway?


Well, do you really think that your actions have no impact on people?


I'm not talking purely cycling here, I'm talking life in general. If you believe what you say, then you mean that you believe that your actions have no impact on the people that see and or are impacted by them ever in their lives?


I'm not so sure.

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Wine gums guys, it's the whine gums!


But then again, they say that another symptom of over training is crabbiness.....perhaps a couple hubbers need time off the bike.

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As a cyclist one gets as much agro from impatient motorists for not being in the gutter as they do from not being in single file.


BTW, I only ride 2 abreast on jeep track. When it's sometimes 4 or 5 abreast. And sometimes when we are both on the shoulder in the yellow line. And after 40 years of riding in the traffic I think I have developed and retain an acute sense of self preservation.


But this incessant criticism of other cyclists doing stuff we don't approve of is a waste of all our time. Does anyone here seriously believe I will cause the death of another cyclist 2km down the road because I didn't come to a complete stop at a red robot? Or because I held my ground where it was not safe for me to ride in the gutter and have that car overtake me where there was not 3 metres of roadway?


I feel indirectly yes. You are making it more difficult for us to get other road users on our side and get legislation passed. Which can lead to others being hurt unnecessarily.

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The deserved punishment for breaking a road rule is be killed? Get a sense of proportion. These guys are trying to make a living and train. By riding in a group with an escort vehicle they make themselves more visible and there is therefore more chance the moron trying to drive, text, light a fag and not spill their drink will notice them and not mow them down.


People might get peed off but I'm not sure how many people will become so annoyed at the slight hold up that they will purposely drive into a group of cyclists. Most cyclists are killed because they were not noticed because the driver was on his cell or blind bloody drunk. I can't think when I last read a story about someone being so annoyed at a 20 s delay that he killed someone with his car.


My issue here is that they will probably not feel the effect of this as they will mostly train in a big group with a back-up vehicle of sorts.

But the normal riders out there that ride alone are going to get the flack from people pissed off by their inconsiderate behaviour, increasing the chance of someone getting whacked by a mirror and alienating more drivers from our cause.

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I drove through the Cradle this morning, absolute plagues of stupid cyclists including Northcliff and the Lab, I have no guilt whatsoever about what I do on the roads in a car or on a bicycle after seeing that.


Mostly it involved ignoring the cycle lanes and having slow-moving back-up vehicles where there are cycle lanes and cyclists filling the road. The road past Maropeng looked like the warm-up for a race with road closure.


Oh and there was the one guy in the open peeing on the side of the road.


I'll be picking and choosing my red lights and stop signs with a new confidence.


And anyone trying to get motorists to like them by the way they cycle in Gauteng, is wasting their time.

Edited by Joe Low
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I just realized something. I have done 300km on the road since Thursday in and around Joburg. Not one irate person hooted at me. Not one vehicle cut me off, no one side swiped me. No one gave me the finger. I never gave anyone the finger. On my planet this is normal.


I think there is a lot of exaggeration over this issue. Sure there are problems and yes I could be killed on my next ride but my day to day reality is very pleasant. People on this forum are making out like its world war 3 out there. Nonsense. Road cycling is a very pleasant sport.


If you find the sport so bad sell your bikes. Do some serious training to get your BMI above 30 and go join the car forums. You will fit in real well with all the practice you have had bitching about cyclists.

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I drove through the Cradle this morning, absolute plagues of stupid cyclists including Northcliff and the Lab, I have no guilt whatsoever about what I do on the roads in a car or on a bicycle after seeing that.


Mostly it involved ignoring the cycle lanes and having slow-moving back-up vehicles where there are cycle lanes and cyclists filling the road. The road past Maropeng looked like the warm-up for a race with road closure.


I'll be picking and choosing my red lights and stop signs with a new confidence.


And anyone trying to get motorists to like them by the way they cycle in Gauteng, is wasting their time.

Which motorist? Those getting stuck without PETROL?
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