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LCHF - Low Carb High Fat Diet Ver 2

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2. Fasting is also a great way to loose weight, and is somewhat fashionable right now, but don't even THINK about if for the next 2 months. Let your body convert to burning fat properly and then the fasting will be easier and MUCH more effective.

^^^ THIS


While fashionable, it also does good things for inflammation, so lots of benefits.


What Dale means is that doing a fast while NOT fat-adapted will leave you feeling terrible after 2-3 days. So rather give it a chance when your body's used to using fat as a fuel

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The other thing I read that does not make sense is the fact that you should not take in alot of protein. I thought you must pack in the protein, mix in the fat and cut the carbs. 


The problem with high protein in your diet, is that in the absence of carbs, your body will go through a process of gluconeogenisis (mentioned somewhere in this thread).


To oversimplify the process, the liver converts protein to glucose in the blood. This becomes counterproductive if you are insulin resistant and are trying to lose weight.


The diet is low-carb, high-fat (medium protein). A good guideline is about a palm-sized piece of protein at mealtimes.


One of my main concerns is bonking when I cycle because of my body being use to the carbs. What do you guys eat on the bike?



Bonking goes away once you've passed through fat adaptation phase. Your body is basically craving carbs. This can take between 2 and 6 weeks depending on how hard you train. I remember really suffering in the first few weeks, but got up to 4 hour rides without any issue really quickly.


I now never take food with me and only ride on water. If it's a really long ride 5+ hours, I mix a pinch of salt with a bit of coconut milk and water.

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I think Dale gave some pretty good advice.


I changed to the LCHF lifestyle and dropped 19 kg's.


I initially start with short easy rides and gradually increase the distance. Up to about 3h I could ride fasted with only water and for longer rides I took droëwors, nuts, date balls.


For races I ate oats before and energy drinks and gel during.


I suggests that you give yourself about 6 weeks and then start with short easy rides and see how your body reacts. Increase your distance every week and see how it goes.

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Hi Guys!


I told my wife this evening that this why I love the hub so much! I really appreciate all the advice and help! I am excited to start the journey.


Is there a time that I know that my body has converted to use fat or will I just start feeling better?


When you guys are talking about fasting, is it eating nothing just drinking water or how does it work? 


Not such a nice question but is it natural to be constipated when starting the diet?  :oops:

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Hi Guys!


I told my wife this evening that this why I love the hub so much! I really appreciate all the advice and help! I am excited to start the journey.


Is there a time that I know that my body has converted to use fat or will I just start feeling better?


Dunno. Keep a food diary, and if you're up around 80% fat, you should be fine in 4-6 weeks or longer. It took me about 2months. I suspect you'll find your cravings starting to fade. Your sense of taste will improve and if you DO have sweet things, they'll be VERY sweet, whereas before they were fine.


When you guys are talking about fasting, is it eating nothing just drinking water or how does it work? 


Water and salt to keep electrolytes up. Don't worry too much about amounts, your body will regulate through excretion (kidneys)

Not such a nice question but is it natural to be constipated when starting the diet?  :oops:


Yes. A bit. Bathroom visits during fasting are strange and infrequent. I think the strangeness makes up for the infrequency, and then some!

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When you guys are talking fat is that leaving the piece of fat on the steak or something like frying my eggs in coconut oil?


Is there any specific fats that I should be adding to my diet? I got deurmekaar by the protein and thought that I am eating fat by ordering the steak with a nice piece of fat.

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When you guys are talking about fasting, is it eating nothing just drinking water or how does it work? 


Not such a nice question but is it natural to be constipated when starting the diet?  :oops:


OK, I did warn you to stay away from fasting for the next 2 months .... :devil: ... BUT seeing as you asked, we may as well delve into the minefield ...  :clap:

Fasting comes in many different shapes and sizes. The most popular seems to me intermittent fasting. Eat one meal a day, only drink water in between. The idea is to lower your insulin which ultimately results in better fat burn IF you are nicely fat adapted. This may have limited effectivity for long term use as you metabolism may slow.

Other options are 36 and 48 hr fasts. With these, some folk take in electrolytes.

Alternate is fat fast. eat small amounts of fat (pure fat) in the hopes on staying satiated but low insulin for a couple of days. Did not work for me.


Just for giggles I tried a 6 day water only fast ... day 2 was tough, and after that I sort of forgot about food. But socially it's tricky, and you need an understanding family.

I generally try to fast for one full 36hr period per week. rest of the week is normal 2 meals a day.


The guru in fasting is Dr Jason Fung. He has a couple of podcasts and a book or two out on the subject, well worth a listen/read.



Constipation ... normally caused by too much protein or too much dairy - especially yoghurt in my case. Try increasing olive oil intake - a tablespoon daily as 'medicine' helps lube the system. 

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When you guys are talking fat is that leaving the piece of fat on the steak or something like frying my eggs in coconut oil?


Is there any specific fats that I should be adding to my diet? I got deurmekaar by the protein and thought that I am eating fat by ordering the steak with a nice piece of fat.


Try to increase the fat naturally. It's not about just eating fat for fat's sake. The idea of fat is that is it:

1. is very satiating, and keeps you feeling full for longer

2. has a MUCH lower insulin response, so you don't convert it to fat on your body.


So, olive oil with salads; butter on broccoli; cook with butter; your fatty steak, coconut eggs, fatty fish like mackerel, etc are all good. look for full fat cheeses and yoghurts. You will find that adding a little fat to food dramatically improves the taste.


Just be aware that just like not all carbs are bad, not all fat is good. Avoid margarine and seed oils (vegetable oils) & peanut butter. Stick to regular butter, olive oil, coconut oil & lard.

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Thanks for the info Dale. I will def try fasting but I will only do that as you said in the first post, after about 2 months. I will drop dead if I try it now! I used to struggle going without food for few hours.


Fasting for 6 days is hard core!

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Wow. There is so much good info in this thread!


My wife and I have just started out on our lchf journey and I must say it really seems like for the first time ever I have found THE way I should have been eating my whole life. I really look forward to monitoring my progress over the next weeks months and years.

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yes, but you can also do fermented foods. Kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi... the list goes on. probiotics in tablet/capsule form degrade over time, so keep that in mind. Sadly, beer does not qualify. nor does wine

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI Guys.


Just an update on our LCHF journey.


I have lost 8.2kg already and I feel great and it feels like I have tons of energy. It was a month on the 19/08. My wife has lost 5kg.


We keep the carbs to a minimum and strive on the fats. I had a 1,5hour serious bike ride today with lots of climbing and I felt great.


Thanks again for all the help!

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  • 2 months later...

Quick question, how long does the average fast take to get into Ketosis? Sorry if this was aksed before, I am now in 24hrs not even a Trace.

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Quick question, how long does the average fast take to get into Ketosis? Sorry if this was aksed before, I am now in 24hrs not even a Trace.

takes 3 to 4 days for me before the stick starts to go purple.

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