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Hiker murdered above Kalk Bay this morning


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What facts, please?



Ed Zakery!


Condolences to the family.

At the moment we don't have facts, nothing justifies murder.


Sadly to say this, but this is nothing new, often we hear stories of elderly/babies getting killed for R1 or R5.


The drugs available on the streets are cheap and makes one do things(sick) that's not even humanly possible.


'Tis a sad state we live in!!

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This is the last I'm contributing to this.


What facts could possibly come out that would realistically change what we already know i.e. a 72 year old hiker was robbed, tried to defend himself and his friend and got stabbed three times in the chest and left for dead.


What facts, please?


He called the guy a c*nt? So what, the guy is a c*nt, and that will never justify assault, nevermind murder.


He pepper sprayed or tried to pepper spray or taze the guy? That would have been in self-defence. Still no justification.


He, unprovoked, told the guy to get lost and the guy lost his cool, stabbing him to death. Sorry, ignoring the improbability of this scenario, how does that absolve the guy from, you know, murder????


I'm not seeing anything here that makes what happened less barbaric and less deserving of immediate action.


Stop making excuses for inexcusable conduct. The world is going to sh*t and we're out of TP.

Absolve the guy from murder, is that what you think I'm saying? "Excuses" for wanting to know what the investigation uncovers.


You said it already. 4 guys detained for suspicion and now we must send good meaning people into a situation we know nothing about. Go and chat to a few guys who know the Cape flats.. these are not stupid people. You see one but there are several.. with guns.


You think facts count for nothing? When someone is murdered I say facts are our best weapon.

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Absolve the guy from murder, is that what you think I'm saying? "Excuses" for wanting to know what the investigation uncovers.


You said it already. 4 guys detained for suspicion and now we must send good meaning people into a situation we know nothing about. Go and chat to a few guys who know the Cape flats.. these are not stupid people. You see one but there are several.. with guns.


You think facts count for nothing? When someone is murdered I say facts are our best weapon.


One thing you need to understand.

Tempers are flaring people are angry and when they become like that, they lose all common sense.


Then you proceed to post this.


Until we know what transpired, grabbing the pitchforks may not be the best advice. I for one am interested in what the investigation finds. Anything could have happened, he might have said something, we all know tik is unforgiving.


Now bearing in mind that we already have a community and a country of pee'd off people about the situation and then you go and make a statement as the one above I highlighted in black.

That alone made it sound to me as if you are insinuating that the victim asked to be murdered.

Perhaps you should have left that little bit out.


The rest you say is all acceptable and I support it fully, I for one am against vigilantism.

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One thing you need to understand.

Tempers are flaring people are angry and when they become like that, they lose all common sense.


Then you proceed to post this.




Now bearing in mind that we already have a community and a country of pee'd off people about the situation and then you go and make a statement as the one above I highlighted in black.

That alone made it sound to me as if you are insinuating that the victim asked to be murdered.

Perhaps you should have left that little bit out.


The rest you say is all acceptable and I support it fully, I for one am against vigilantism.


Yeah, my problem was with the highlighted part as well. I'm not even thinking about vigilantism. I do however agree that occupying the mountain will raise safety.

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One thing you need to understand.

Tempers are flaring people are angry and when they become like that, they lose all common sense.


Then you proceed to post this.




Now bearing in mind that we already have a community and a country of pee'd off people about the situation and then you go and make a statement as the one above I highlighted in black.

That alone made it sound to me as if you are insinuating that the victim asked to be murdered.

Perhaps you should have left that little bit out.


The rest you say is all acceptable and I support it fully, I for one am against vigilantism.


We sit in a country where the current govermunt feel absolutely nothing for the people of the country and am only concerned with stealing from them to assure their own safety . So at what point do you think the citizens should start taking maters into their own hands ? Or should we maybe retreat to our high security homes and stay there . Unfortunately there are a lot of people that have not even got the option to go to into hiding in their security village . AS for the pig that committed the act , I really don't care what his reason was he should be hanged by his neck till he stops kicking . Unfortunately he will be send to jail for a short period and I must pay for his DSTV and food . BS .


RIP to hiker .

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Yeah, my problem was with the highlighted part as well. I'm not even thinking about vigilantism. I do however agree that occupying the mountain will raise safety.

YES AND NO,,,,all you need to do is look around the hub for 2 or 3 days and you will see cyclist are also getting taken out, and not only single riders, groups,, we need to do something but sending in guys on bike will only give these criminals more lucrative targets, i dont have the answer but something needs to be done

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The discussion is not around vigilantism but around the view that more riders on the mountain increases safety. Pain or shine is saying that w need to understand what we're dealing with in terms of organized criminal element on the mountain. These guys operate in gangs and are looking for soft targets.

This gentleman may be a victim of such a gang related crime, we won't know till saps concludes the investigation and releases a statement.

MTB patrols sounds nice but without knowing what the criminal element is smacks of walking into a much more dangerous situation.

Edited by GoLefty!!
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I got the patrol thing approved with Parks in 2012 but how many people do you need to encounter 4 guys, 3 hidden in bushes with guns, and win?


The problem is not on the mountain, it's in the suburbs and it is spilling over into areas we thought safe, or "should be" safe. Kids are killed for apples, gunned down in the streets in front of people in broad daylight. To think that the mountain is isolated from this is naive and needs very carful consideration.


Tik is unforgiving.


The man might have even said yes and reached for his phone.. What I am saying is being seen from the perspective that I somehow condone what happened, or looking for ways to justify his death. Shame on you! What I would rather have is that everyone who volunteers for this "solution" knows what they are getting into, or those who are in the situation can do everything in their power to walk out alive.

Edited by Pain or shine
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We sit in a country where the current govermunt feel absolutely nothing for the people of the country and am only concerned with stealing from them to assure their own safety . So at what point do you think the citizens should start taking maters into their own hands ? Or should we maybe retreat to our high security homes and stay there . Unfortunately there are a lot of people that have not even got the option to go to into hiding in their security village . AS for the pig that committed the act , I really don't care what his reason was he should be hanged by his neck till he stops kicking . Unfortunately he will be send to jail for a short period and I must pay for his DSTV and food . BS .


RIP to hiker .


That part I couldn't agree with more.

There is simply no excuse to go that far, regardless of whatever initiated it.

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R.I.P my condolences to the family.Law enforcement in this country needs to change drastically and extreme steps must be taken to make areas, neighborhoods safe!! Right now the police is worth squat and only good for adminIts always easy for traffic police to get better equipment and upgrade fines etc to pass out tickets. Why cant the same be done with law enforcement

Edited by Eddy Gordo
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R.I.P my condolences to the family.Law enforcement in this country needs to change drastically and extreme steps must be taken to make areas, neighborhoods safe!! Right now the police is worth squat and only good for adminIts always easy for traffic police to get better equipment and upgrade fines etc to pass out tickets. Why cant the same be done with law enforcement


That is the crux of it, people can go in and do their own policing , and the reason they want to do so is that they feel let down by the police.

Generally what happens is that they then set-up private little policing forces, as what is being suggested here.

Only one of two things happen, vigilantism or someone ends up worse off, and most off the time it's not the criminal.

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At 11H24 today, we received a report that two hikers had been attacked on Trappieskop, above Boyes Drive in Kalk Bay.

Upon arrival on the scene, SAPS was already present. A man and woman who had been hiking on Trappieskop and been attacked by a black male wearing a long sleeved blue top. The male hiker was stabbed repeatedly and collapsed and died on the scene. The female hiker was dragged a few meters and robbed of jewellery, cell phone and a wallet. She managed to get away from her attacker and raised the alarm some time later.

Our Tactical Trackers were called to the scene and began the arduous task of identifying the possible spoor and flight path of the suspect. Our control room notified TMNP and their rangers were also informed of this crime. Our observation unit in Lakeside spotted two suspects coming off the mountain and they ran to Lakeside railway station. SAPS was notified and they were confronted and taken to SAPS Muizenberg for questioning. TMNP rangers spotted a person matching the description of the suspect near Clovelly and confronted him. SAPS was called to this scene and took the person to SAPS Muizenberg for questioning.

SAPS Air Wing was also deployed and a helicopter conducted aerial patrols above the mountains of Kalk Bay.

Our tracking teams identified over 25 sets of spoor. As of 17H00 we had not been able to positively identify the spoor of the suspect. This was mainly due to contamination of the crime scene and the numerous spoor on the popular hiking trail. Poor light halted our tracking operations, but we will resume them at first light tomorrow morning. The purpose will be to identify the suspects spoor and locate evidence that can assist SAPS in linking a suspect to this crime.


Our deepest sympathy and condolences go to the family of the deceased.

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Andre van Schalkwyk We have secured the Mountain Club Hall in Hatfield for a meeting to discuss this situation - tonight at 6pm. Various representative bodies (hikers, cyclists etc) will be present.

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R.I.P my condolences to the family.Law enforcement in this country needs to change drastically and extreme steps must be taken to make areas, neighborhoods safe!! Right now the police is worth squat and only good for adminIts always easy for traffic police to get better equipment and upgrade fines etc to pass out tickets. Why cant the same be done with law enforcement

Have you seen the SIZE of most of the Law enforcement officers. They cant even bend over and tie their shoes.
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I got the patrol thing approved with Parks in 2012 but how many people do you need to encounter 4 guys, 3 hidden in bushes with guns, and win?


The problem is not on the mountain, it's in the suburbs and it is spilling over into areas we thought safe, or "should be" safe. Kids are killed for apples, gunned down in the streets in front of people in broad daylight. To think that the mountain is isolated from this is naive and needs very carful consideration.


Tik is unforgiving.


The man might have even said yes and reached for his phone.. What I am saying is being seen from the perspective that I somehow condone what happened, or looking for ways to justify his death. Shame on you! What I would rather have is that everyone who volunteers for this "solution" knows what they are getting into, or those who are in the situation can do everything in their power to walk out alive.

Sure the scourge that is tik is a reality. But how about another more harder approach to this scourge and criminal activities with it.


Consequence to criminals...eye for an eye, you kill, you go and ride the lightning...end van prent.

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Cape Town - The town of Fish Hoek was in mourning on Wednesday night after the slaying of a much-loved son, retired master builder Henri La Cour.

He was accosted and stabbed on the Trappieskop Trail, which ascends the southern end of the Kalk Bay mountainside to a saddle,

with a close family friend, a woman in her early forties, whose identity the Cape Argus has been asked to protect for her safety.

“He absolutely loved hiking – he’d go up into the mountains two or three times a week,” said close friend Kevin O’Donoghue, who is pastor at the Full Gospel Church in Fish Hoek, where La Cour was a parishioner.

Around 10.30am on Wednesday, La Cour and the woman friend, also from Fish Hoek, headed up the trail.

“At some point they stopped to rest and were attacked,” O’Donoghue said. “It seems he may have tried to stop the assailant attacking her – but it is not clear.”

La Cour, 72, was stabbed in the upper chest.

The woman fled to escape and seek help, back down the path to Godfrey Road, about 250m below.

A resident, who asked not to be named, told the Cape Argus: “She rang my bell. But by the time I answered she had run next door to my mother-in-law.

“She called me and I called 10111 and screamed for them to bring the police, bring an ambulance, bring everything.

“The police were here extremely quickly, as was CMR (a private paramedic service).”

Within a short while, a police chopper was circling, searching for the attacker.

Paramedics raced up the path to where La Cour lay, but he had died.

He was later identified by the priest, who said: “There was so much blood. It looked like he had been stabbed three times.”

One source said La Cour had been stabbed at least once in his heart.

“The whole village is shocked. I’ve been inundated with calls from all aspects of society,” O’Donoghue said.

“He was heavily involved in the Joyce Chevalier Centre for the Handicaped, which is a home for the disabled, which he helped build.

“He also built the ‘People’s Church’ Assemblies of God church in Sun Valley, and another in Constantia

“He also loved children, he had a real heart for them,” O’Donoghue said.

“Every morning, he would walk on Fish Hoek beach, where he would read his Bible and have a flask of coffee. He called it his quiet time.”

A resident on the scene after the murder said the woman’s hands had been covered in blood, but that she otherwise appeared unhurt. Her rings, including a wedding ring, had been stolen.

“She is very traumatised,” O’Donoghue said.

La Cour’s wife died around four years ago, as had the second of his three daughters. His other two daughters live in Australia. It was understood on Wednesday night they were due to fly to Cape Town at the weekend.

His sister, Odile Brink, head of the Joyce Chevalier Centre in Fish Hoek, said on Wednesday night: “If it had been a heart attack, it would have been different, but murdered!

“And just for the bracelet on his arm – evidently his little money bag and his cellphone were still in his pocket. It just shows how vulnerable we all are, how precious life is.

“Henri loved to hike in the mountains. He was so very energetic.”

One resident said it was known that men lived on the mountain, and he called for more patrols of the area.

Another resident, a woman, said: “I walk alone there all the time – but not any more.”

Sources said on Wednesday night four possible suspects had been captured on the mountain on Wednesday afternoon.

Cape Argus

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