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Not quite the original, but who could forget Rabubi!!!!!

Slugs of War, I have not hear of them for ages.  My brother did a gig with them at Cool Runnings in Wonderboom, playing the bagpipes.

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How many guys remember the sore arm from those 3 in 1 army injections you got when Klaaring in at basics.... I had to have a tetanus shot this week which kind of reminded me about it

Army story. Basics June '76. 4 SAI .Middelburg Tvl.

We were two companies in a place called Doornkop . Tents outside the town.

Medics with a table under a big Bluegum. We take our shirts off and line up.

It takes a few seconds. Swab, jab, cottonwool and off you go.

One guy is absolutely scared to death by needles. Not an act, he's paranoid.

We keep him calm as the line moves.

With only one guy before his turn a corporal suddenly steps forward and says, "I've never done injections, but would like to learn".

"Sure" says the medic, "it's easy you just hold it and then you do this and this ",as he demonstrated the technique on the troop. He then gave a syringe to the corporal, and De Lange whose turn was next passed out.

Edited by Blokman
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Army story. Basics June '76. 4 SAI .Middelburg Tvl.

We were two companies in a place called Doornkop . Tents outside the town.

Medics with a table under a big Bluegum. We take our shirts off and line up.

It takes a few seconds. Swab, jab, cottonwool and off you go.

One guy is absolutely scared to death by needles. Not an act, he's paranoid.

We keep him calm as the line moves.

With only one guy before his turn a corporal suddenly steps forward and says, "I've never done injections, but would like to learn".

"Sure" says the medic, "it's easy you just hold it and then you do this and this ",as he demonstrated the tecqnique on the troop. He then gave a syringe to the corporal, and De Lange whose turn was next passed out.


Classic  :clap:

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Slugs of War, I have not hear of them for ages.  My brother did a gig with them at Cool Runnings in Wonderboom, playing the bagpipes.

You just tweaked a memory, not of CR but a spot called Cherries Two (or was it Too?) in SnorCity 1991...a one man band was very famous at the time doing covers of Dire Straits and other legends. We heard about him and headed down there one night, was somewhere close to Proes Straat (I know)...on a corner...had a grand old time listening to the music and getting upside down on Lion Lager.


Left the place in the early AM, got picked up by the two SAP detectives (one was a famous Blou Bul centre or full back, name escapes me now) who gave us a lift to barracks.


The "famous dude" then reincarnates years later as Dozi

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And then I also frequented Navigators where that cool band played on Sunday nights...one guy never wore shoes and had toe rings and stuff !

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Army story. Basics June '76. 4 SAI .Middelburg Tvl.

We were two companies in a place called Doornkop . Tents outside the town.

Medics with a table under a big Bluegum. We take our shirts off and line up.

It takes a few seconds. Swab, jab, cottonwool and off you go.

One guy is absolutely scared to death by needles. Not an act, he's paranoid.

We keep him calm as the line moves.

With only one guy before his turn a corporal suddenly steps forward and says, "I've never done injections, but would like to learn".

"Sure" says the medic, "it's easy you just hold it and then you do this and this ",as he demonstrated the technique on the troop. He then gave a syringe to the corporal, and De Lange whose turn was next passed out.


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And then I also frequented Navigators where that cool band played on Sunday nights...one guy never wore shoes and had toe rings and stuff !

Navigators opposite the Reserve Bank.  memories. 

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You just tweaked a memory, not of CR but a spot called Cherries Two (or was it Too?) in SnorCity 1991...a one man band was very famous at the time doing covers of Dire Straits and other legends. We heard about him and headed down there one night, was somewhere close to Proes Straat (I know)...on a corner...had a grand old time listening to the music and getting upside down on Lion Lager.


Left the place in the early AM, got picked up by the two SAP detectives (one was a famous Blou Bul centre or full back, name escapes me now) who gave us a lift to barracks.


The "famous dude" then reincarnates years later as Dozi

The most important 'r' in Pretoria

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The most important 'r' in Pretoria

There is a story about a "Weskus kind" that came to Pretoria and had to walk a block away from that street before he could phone his girlfriend for directions......

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You just tweaked a memory, not of CR but a spot called Cherries Two (or was it Too?) in SnorCity 1991...a one man band was very famous at the time doing covers of Dire Straits and other legends. We heard about him and headed down there one night, was somewhere close to Proes Straat (I know)...on a corner...had a grand old time listening to the music and getting upside down on Lion Lager.


Left the place in the early AM, got picked up by the two SAP detectives (one was a famous Blou Bul centre or full back, name escapes me now) who gave us a lift to barracks.


The "famous dude" then reincarnates years later as Dozi

No way - I used to come up from Kzn in the holidays to Pta where my parents lived and and also regularly frequented Cherries Two as well as a place in the East called Voices.  And who used to play at Voices and damn well too - Dozi - although if my memory serves me correctly he used to spell it Dozy - I still wondered who would call themselves Dozy....

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And then I also frequented Navigators where that cool band played on Sunday nights...one guy never wore shoes and had toe rings and stuff !

That would be Rod from Silver Creek Mountain Band.  I formed a friendship with him shortly after I saw them first play at Navigators, and have been following them ever since.  They recently played at my birthday bash in Feb this year!


Edited by Andymann
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Flippin classic...I remember seeing Brad out jolling at that cow place in Fourways (Vache something or another) and also seeing Lara Plumstead out at Slippery n Wet. I used to work with Plumstead when she was marketing manager at Tarsus Technologies - I wrote their press releases. She was totally up herself even before Big Brother.

And remember Brad started a political party called 'TOP' - The Organisation Party (how kiff bru is that - bru you better be careful, that's not a threat, it's a promise).



google him, the oke is nothng but trouble!


Model's shame over bedding Brad
Date: 20 Oct 2007
Former husband of Gina Athans turned to Brett Kebble's accused killer for help to stop 'Bad Brad' from cashing in on sexual exploits 'Bad Brad" Wood's efforts to cash in on his alleged sexual exploits with top model Gina Athans prompted her billionaire boyfriend to turn to Brett Kebble's accused killer for help. And, claims Kebble's former security head, Clint Nassif, alleged crime kingpin Glenn Agliotti then called on his friend, National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi, "to ask if he could assist". Controversial Big Brother contestant Wood and former Miss Teen South Africa Athans dated briefly before she met and later married Jordanian businessman Eyhab Jumean in a lavish wedding attended by 1 000 guests, including rapper 50 Cent and singer Dannii Minogue. The couple spilt within a year, with Jumean being linked with socialite Paris Hilton two months after their separation. Now, while detailing the third meeting he had with Selebi and Agliotti in an unsigned affidavit to the Scorpions, Nassif has revealed how Jumean tried to protect his then wife from Wood's alleged blackmail efforts. Nassif said he, Selebi and Agliotti met to discuss a "Ayab Humen [sic] who was being blackmailed by Brad Wood, who allegedly had sex with Gina … before they were married". Wood "blackmailed [Jumean] to pay £50 000 [about R700 000] to Wood", Nassif said. "[Jumean] was scared for his life, so I requested Glenn to arrange the meeting with Selebi to see if he could assist this person," he added. The outcome of this request, if any, is not detailed in Nassif's statement. Wood has previously been linked to Joburg's bouncer underworld through his friendship with Gull Yahav, who, along with Kebble murder witness Nigel McGirk, was charged with the 2002 murder of bouncer Patrick Caetano. Yahav was found guilty of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and fined R10 000 for his role in the killing. Wood could not be reached yesterday for comment about Nassif's blackmail claims. But, in the months after Athans's wedding, he grabbed the headlines by announcing plans to release an "autobiographical" pornographic movie called Bad Brad's Banging Success. He also told Independent Newspapers than one of the "well-known women" featured on the tape had pleaded with him not to include her. "My lawyer is looking at where I would and wouldn't face legal action. I'm not out to destroy anyone. One of the women recently got married and begged me not to include her in the movie. I will listen to some of the women's complaints and leave them out, but there are women I'd leave in because of their whole attitude." And Wood was clearly unhappy about the "attitude" shown by a "top model", whom he refused to name. He said she had apparently made some "horrible statements in the media about him" and said the public owned him. Wood further vehemently denied that he had secretly filmed the women captured having sex on camera. "It's more of an autobiography than a porn movie. Yes, it does contain explicit sex scenes. All the women knew they were on camera and that it was going to be for my autobiography. I even conducted interviews with them. I didn't have any secret cameras," he said. Contacted by the Saturday Star yesterday afternoon, Athans's publicist, Andrew Farr, said the model "had no comment at this time" about the claims made in Nassif's statement. However, he added that she and her family were hoping to examine the unsigned affidavit By Karyn Maughan & Kashiefa Ajam The Saturday Star 20/10/07e1
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That would be Rod from Silver Creek Mountain Band.  I formed a friendship with him shortly after I saw them first play at Navigators, and have been following them ever since.  They recently played at my birthday bash in Feb this year!

is he the same guy who used to play bass for Dan Patlansky?


huge beard, never had shoes. Smelly Fellow was his (nick)name


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