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I just tell myself when I feel useless and unfit that this is the worst I will feel and things will get better... 


Next race for me is Athrochoice 21km in Midrand on the 20th of August. Very hilly race if I remember correctly.

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Next race for me is Athrochoice 21km in Midrand on the 20th of August. Very hilly race if I remember correctly.


This is my valley. Welcome to the hills.

I want to finish the 10 km.

From what I can see last years route 21 had about 270 m of climbing and the 10 about 120

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This is my valley. Welcome to the hills.

I want to finish the 10 km.

From what I can see last years route 21 had about 270 m of climbing and the 10 about 120

I did it in 2015 - 277m of climbing. Beautiful surroundings, really enjoyed it even though it was very tough. 

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I started yesterday getting back into it for CT marathon too and my legs could have done with some oil to say the least. I felt like an old lady shuffling around!


The cold doesn't help my motivation to get back out there either. These cold and dark winter mornings make me thankful Comrades isn't in Spring and I'd have to train through the whole winter :thumbdown:


new member to the running thread?...welcome...comrades report back is compulsory 

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I have my 1st ever 1/2 marathon in 8 weeks, I am going to die. I am struggling a bit with injuries (ankle and back) and trained through it and now my body has 'adapted'/learnt a compensation move and I need to get rid of it. I hope I can get that done soon, so I can start working on some pace....I am SLOWWW!


I'd like to get into trail running soon though, need to strengthen the ankles.


Enjoy the build up. You know you're dedicated to putting in the right hours to prep, so just get the correct training pace sorted and you'll be gold!


I myself have had my largest struggles with the easy run days, where I'm running too hard and then not recovered well enough to give the hard, interval days as much of a go!

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Enjoy the build up. You know you're dedicated to putting in the right hours to prep, so just get the correct training pace sorted and you'll be gold!


I myself have had my largest struggles with the easy run days, where I'm running too hard and then not recovered well enough to give the hard, interval days as much of a go!

The best approach I've ever had with training: If you want to increasing weekly training loads, make the hard days harder, and keep the easy days as easy as you can.


There is a general tendency to move towards to middle ground, so heavy days are no longer hard enough, because one could not recover because the light days were too hard

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my next race is hopefully going to be the Charleville 21 at the beginning of September...if my life is sorted and settled by then




That looks really cool Stretch! 81 days to go dude! Same day as the CT Marathon. Will you be relocated by then or is it an exploration trip ahead of the final move?

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That looks really cool Stretch! 81 days to go dude! Same day as the CT Marathon. Will you be relocated by then or is it an exploration trip ahead of the final move?


will have just moved - at the end of August. hence why I say it depends on how settled I am!

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I had a miserable June as you'd be able to see from my (lack of) activity. 


Got a major infection in my... nierpyp - not sure what the english term for that is - kidney tube? Was laying shivering with cold fever like I haven't had in my life. Series of serious antibiotics. Felt better, but not quiiiite there. Kept feeling like a dog, when I ran it was useless and my HR was rocketing with very little effort. (It usually does this after illness/antibiotics, don't know which one is the one affecting it!)


Symptoms again started to worsen and decided to go back. Got more serious antibiotics and samples of the germ was sent away to see which antibiotics it is susceptible to, just incase. Started feeling better. Tests came back that results looks in line with the treatment. I told a running friend of mine, also a doc, what the prescription and usage was - and the comment was to the tune of after this you should be healthy! 


Started feeling better over weekend, ran lightly on Sunday and by Monday afternoon I was suddenly back and feeling good. Another light run Tue morning, saw HR improvements and thought this is golden! Even told my wife that it feels awesome to be feeling good again. Yesterday afternoon some symptoms started returning. And if I am honest, I've had continuous pain over my kidneys since Sunday (but as endurance peeps, pain is something we easily "drown out"). 


Worse this morning. So going to see specialist this afternoon. This is getting ridiculous... 

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Oi vey SeaB's. That sounds like a frustrating condition dude! Hope it turns out not to be anything more serious and you are in fact on the mend, albeit at a slightly prolonged pace...

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I signed up for the Northgate 10km on the 9th. It will be my first purely running race. Training for Bela Bela (Olympic tri) so will treat this as a long easy run. Such a newbie :D


Worse this morning. So going to see specialist this afternoon. This is getting ridiculous... 


I got flu a few weeks back, felt better, trained for a few days at a lighter effort, and the flu came back as bronchitis. Took some time to heal up with proper rest when I was sure I was 100% I started training at a very light pace. Rather put your feet up, eat well and wait it out. Has taken my HR 2 weeks to come back to it's usual levels. 

Edited by EmJayZA
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