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Cyclist Needing Funding


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Sagan probably have the best advice in one of his videos when they asked him for "tips for upcoming cyclists". He simply said something along the line of ... don't do it...

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good test to see how resilient he is

Good point, I like that.


Maybe people are gatvol of permanently being confronted by someone with their paw out wanting a freebie. The government, at the traffic lights, when you walk to your car and now on a cycling forum.


Just a thought.


@the OP. Get a job. Buy your own gear. If you're really determined you'll find the time to train and if you're good enough sponsors will come looking for you.

I understand what you mean and I agree to certain points, but if it bothers you that much and you think it violates community guidelines or subtracts from the bikehub experience, report it to admins and let them decide.


OP, I'm keen to hear from you. There has been lots of participation on the topic you posted and so far no response. Maybe you've been busy (busy training presumably), maybe you gave up the hub for lent, but whatever, a response would be an interesting gauge of your attitude to receive wisdom before receiving zim rondelas.

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My plans for next year in regards to my cycling is as follows:

I want to train hard from the beginning of 2019.

I want to win races and not just be in the top 5 or top 10! I want to concentrate on my strengths and work on them. I am good at sprints and I will definitely be winning some races in 2019.


in 2013 i beat Hoffman in a hard sprint in the 3rd stage of kremetart , i believe i am the fastest sprinter in the world.


Here is some of my results:

Emperors Palace Race - 2018 - 12th place. 2017 - 6th place and 3rd at the MTB race 2015 - 12th place.

Bestmed cycle 4 cansa - 2018 - 21st place.

Bestmed satellite road classic - 2015 - 19th place.

Midvaal 100 cycle challenge - 2014 - 5th place.

Sondela Bela bela road race - 2014 - 2nd place.

Serengeti classic road race 2014 - 10th place.


These are a few of my best results, I know they will only get better.


It has always been my dream to race and race professionally. I have done it for one year, but broke my wrist in that time when I was on my peak. At the end of that year unfortunately the sponsor could not continue because of personal reasons. I still have a passion for racing and will always try my best in a race.


Best regards

Yours in racing

Clinton Janneke

Hi Clinton


I was in the same boat as you are currently. I was also racing as a elite with some good results even winning a few small races and had this huge dream of going to Europe. I sent hundreds if not thousands of companies "Spam" Mails on how i am the next Chris Froome. That approach i can tell you now doesn't work 


How i got something that worked for me. Approach a local Elite team. See if you can secure a spot there. This is where people/bigger teams start to notice you. And sponsors are more willing to help a team than a individual. Some teams will even try and send you overseas for races or training


See it in a sense of it's like starting at a company. You start at the bottom and make your way up. 


I hope this will help you

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When I was bringing in neck braces I was inundated with mails from Dik Frik who got 6th in class at the regional this and that kwat baaik race and thought that warranted a sponsor.


It got old very quickly.


We eventually did sponsor a top DH guy and a motocross team. The number of sales generated by the sponsorships? 0.


Can I ask what braces these were? 

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Maybe people are gatvol of permanently being confronted by someone with their paw out wanting a freebie. 


While I am not the only 1 I am well sure of this, but I can say I get weekly requests for free coaching with the promise the child being the next Alan Hatherly or Chris Froome and everything in-between and then athletes wanting same service. 


While I do coach some people for free, its based on a few factors I look at and its not wether they are the next rider above. What does get to me is that often when you do provide that service, 9/10 of them simply **** around and dont follow it - even my 80% rule - yet are all over the phone complaining. The other element comes in which is very common is that when they do good at a race, its all them, me me, i i. If they do bad its all my fault. I dont need to be spread over SM, its the opposite actually but there is a limit.


End of season comes and you get no to nothing in way of thanks, even a tube as a gift.


This unfortunately is a common thing wether a athlete will tell you differently when asking. This alone chases me away from freebies.


Example: Sponsored an athlete, he got injured and sorted Dr's asap for him and so forth. MRI done and all that. He sent me the invoice to be paid. R14k. Said it was part of my sponsorship to coach him. Well that ended right there. This is a extreme case but similar pattern.


I could write a book on stuff like this that I have been party to. 


Athletes need to be accountable, so much to say that when Willie approached me for coaching back then we came to an agreement and I made him pay me monthly. We joke to this day that its the reason I will retire early ( my cellphone bill is more monthly) but he was accountable and so was I to make sure he did what I prescribed and I did my job professionally. 



Nothing wrong asking for help, we all do it and thats often how athletes get ahead but there are ways of doing it and then there are the right ways of handling once you have it.


To the OP, A million Rand credit card for 2019 wont get you to the Pro Tour unfortunately for 2020.


My 2c.

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While I am not the only 1 I am well sure of this, but I can say I get weekly requests for free coaching with the promise the child being the next Alan Hatherly or Chris Froome and everything in-between and then athletes wanting same service. 


While I do coach some people for free, its based on a few factors I look at and its not wether they are the next rider above. What does get to me is that often when you do provide that service, 9/10 of them simply **** around and dont follow it - even my 80% rule - yet are all over the phone complaining. The other element comes in which is very common is that when they do good at a race, its all them, me me, i i. If they do bad its all my fault. I dont need to be spread over SM, its the opposite actually but there is a limit.


End of season comes and you get no to nothing in way of thanks, even a tube as a gift.


This unfortunately is a common thing wether a athlete will tell you differently when asking. This alone chases me away from freebies.


Example: Sponsored an athlete, he got injured and sorted Dr's asap for him and so forth. MRI done and all that. He sent me the invoice to be paid. R14k. Said it was part of my sponsorship to coach him. Well that ended right there. This is a extreme case but similar pattern.


I could write a book on stuff like this that I have been party to. 


Athletes need to be accountable, so much to say that when Willie approached me for coaching back then we came to an agreement and I made him pay me monthly. We joke to this day that its the reason I will retire early ( my cellphone bill is more monthly) but he was accountable and so was I to make sure he did what I prescribed and I did my job professionally. 



Nothing wrong asking for help, we all do it and thats often how athletes get ahead but there are ways of doing it and then there are the right ways of handling once you have it.


To the OP, A million Rand credit card for 2019 wont get you to the Pro Tour unfortunately for 2020.


My 2c.


Your posts on this topic are worth A LOT more than that :)

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Maybe ask John to coach you, offer him exposure in return for free coaching.

I tried that he told me to bugger off, even though my numbers are way better than Fanie's ... Maar nou ja [emoji12]
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Can I ask what braces these were? 



Long story but my mate Karl and I were bringing them in for a while. We sold a few but we drastically overestimated the market. And penetration was tough. Primarily due to Leatt being the go to product as far as neck protection goes.


BTW your insights are great. I love reading your comments.

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While I am not the only 1 I am well sure of this, but I can say I get weekly requests for free coaching with the promise the child being the next Alan Hatherly or Chris Froome and everything in-between and then athletes wanting same service. 


While I do coach some people for free, its based on a few factors I look at and its not wether they are the next rider above. What does get to me is that often when you do provide that service, 9/10 of them simply **** around and dont follow it - even my 80% rule - yet are all over the phone complaining. The other element comes in which is very common is that when they do good at a race, its all them, me me, i i. If they do bad its all my fault. I dont need to be spread over SM, its the opposite actually but there is a limit.


End of season comes and you get no to nothing in way of thanks, even a tube as a gift.


This unfortunately is a common thing wether a athlete will tell you differently when asking. This alone chases me away from freebies.


Example: Sponsored an athlete, he got injured and sorted Dr's asap for him and so forth. MRI done and all that. He sent me the invoice to be paid. R14k. Said it was part of my sponsorship to coach him. Well that ended right there. This is a extreme case but similar pattern.


I could write a book on stuff like this that I have been party to. 


Athletes need to be accountable, so much to say that when Willie approached me for coaching back then we came to an agreement and I made him pay me monthly. We joke to this day that its the reason I will retire early ( my cellphone bill is more monthly) but he was accountable and so was I to make sure he did what I prescribed and I did my job professionally. 



Nothing wrong asking for help, we all do it and thats often how athletes get ahead but there are ways of doing it and then there are the right ways of handling once you have it.


To the OP, A million Rand credit card for 2019 wont get you to the Pro Tour unfortunately for 2020.


My 2c.

Very, very nicely said, John. 

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I tried that he told me to bugger off, even though my numbers are way better than Fanie's ... Maar nou ja [emoji12]

In the feels oom.....
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While I am not the only 1 I am well sure of this, but I can say I get weekly requests for free coaching with the promise the child being the next Alan Hatherly or Chris Froome and everything in-between and then athletes wanting same service. 


While I do coach some people for free, its based on a few factors I look at and its not wether they are the next rider above. What does get to me is that often when you do provide that service, 9/10 of them simply **** around and dont follow it - even my 80% rule - yet are all over the phone complaining. The other element comes in which is very common is that when they do good at a race, its all them, me me, i i. If they do bad its all my fault. I dont need to be spread over SM, its the opposite actually but there is a limit.


End of season comes and you get no to nothing in way of thanks, even a tube as a gift.


This unfortunately is a common thing wether a athlete will tell you differently when asking. This alone chases me away from freebies.


Example: Sponsored an athlete, he got injured and sorted Dr's asap for him and so forth. MRI done and all that. He sent me the invoice to be paid. R14k. Said it was part of my sponsorship to coach him. Well that ended right there. This is a extreme case but similar pattern.


I could write a book on stuff like this that I have been party to. 


Athletes need to be accountable, so much to say that when Willie approached me for coaching back then we came to an agreement and I made him pay me monthly. We joke to this day that its the reason I will retire early ( my cellphone bill is more monthly) but he was accountable and so was I to make sure he did what I prescribed and I did my job professionally. 



Nothing wrong asking for help, we all do it and thats often how athletes get ahead but there are ways of doing it and then there are the right ways of handling once you have it.


To the OP, A million Rand credit card for 2019 wont get you to the Pro Tour unfortunately for 2020.


My 2c.

People sometimes need to place a monetary value to a service otherwise they just do not value it, especially intangible assets. Even stupid sponsorship's like kit, entries etc for races I have found if people pay R0 towards it they are not committed to arriving fit etc. You ask them for 10% of the sponsored amount they actually make sure they commit.

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(These are a few of my best results, I know they will only get better.)


How did you do at SA Champs  on Sunday bud ?

Was busy getting engaged this weekend, no time for SA champs.

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