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Pants Boy

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Posts posted by Pants Boy

  1. Try finding a good quality (not made in China) block plane for under R1600...


    Please if one of you kind hubbers have an old rusty one lying around I'll gladly pay for it as long as China was not the country of birth.


    Thanks for allowing me to hi-jack your thread for a moment Slowbee


    PS: I have dubbelpen kruishout, but not for sale though


    I was at the Pretoria Boeremark last week, there's a chap there that sells old planes. I was very tempted, but rather broke. I can take some pics if interested? IIRC they were rather pricey though, R400-R800 for a rusted old plane ...

  2. that guide was totally ready to pull trigger when he lifted it to his shoulder. if that bull had come one step closer he would have pulled the trigger and that close it is between the eyes, a very risky shot cause you want it a brain shot so the animal drops with little forward momentum to get to you if you miss.


    but professionally, there is a second guide with a second rifle aiming for the same spot.


    Swiss, you employed again ?


    EDIT: go to this web site to see shot placement


    Not too sure about that ... they (rangers) knew what was happening - an elephant NEVER charges with ears open, NEVER. And it takes provocation (sometimes it can be minor. mostly it needs to be fairly major) to change from mock charge to full on charge. 


    If the ears went flat, he would've tried a warning shot over it's head, no use (as slowbee pointed out) to shoot to kill / stop from that angle. The ranger to the left had a much, much better chance at a stop shot, if needed. But that elly was not angry, just curious. No kicking of dust, no flat ears, no stomping, no head shake ... just a brisk walk closer, with wide ears, and a reply to the ranger's "hey" ...


    Let me tell you one thing though ... the first time you get mock charged, you are scared shitless. The same goes for the next 10 times. I don't know if that ever changes, only been charged around that many times in the 3 years I spent in the bush :D

  3. Africa isn't the biggest. Bummer...


    Correction of error about size of continent

    18 January 2016


    On the 9th of December 2015, when addressing a business gala dinner in Sandton, President Jacob Zuma said Africa was the biggest continent on earth. 


    Africa is in fact the second biggest continent in terms of population size, and the biggest continent in this regard is Asia. According to the United Nations World Population Prospects 2015, 60% of the world population lives in Asia (4.4 billion), 16% in Africa (1.2 billion), 10% in Europe (737 million), 9% in Latin America and the Caribbean (634 million), and the remaining 5% in North America (358 million) and Oceania (39 million).


    The President regrets the error. 

    How much did the commision of enquiry and research cost?

  4. ....and into any of the East African parks as well. Basically they make you pay the same fees as if you were an overlanding truck! Well, that is kind of what the Mog is, except for the 25 drunk and disorderly youngsters.

    Yeah, you pay per the weight of your bus.

  5. So, two gazillion posts later, and not enough attention span to read it all ... which machine to look at, for home use few times a week, small budget? (SARS payout .. whoop)


    We've got a big mofo Carimali machine at work, but that thing is needy like an ex-wife, serviced every couple of months.

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