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SA MTB Ballies (over 30) Mentalities ??? Please explain


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Right ... let me just put this on quickly




Ok ... here goes ....


For the past 3 months or so myself and my XC counterpart Nick have been hard at work building the Masters Worlds tracks at cascades for the upcoming Masters and Elite Worlds ....


so here is the scenario ....


In the first month ... Both of us get numerous emails and facebook messages etc from local Masters riders (over 30's) saying that they want the tracks to be tough ... like as tough as the Elite tracks ...


... so for the DH thats not much of an issue as the tracks are pretty similar the whole way down ... So i make the track pretty much the same (as does Nick in the XC side - although his track is different in length etc) ...


BUT ... then ... Okes start to come and practice on the unfinished courses and all hell breaks loose when they start ending themselves ... the guys who were wanting a demanding course now whine that the tracks are too hard or unsafe etc, as they cant ride the sections, or are riding them incorrectly as they dont know what the lines will be when its taped ...


So now i know you cant please everyone ... but when okes are going around changing portions of our tracks by taking out rocks etc (esp on the XC) ... i mean COME ON! ...


If you go overseas to race Masters Worlds in Norway next year - you have to ride whats put in front of you ... you don't whinge ... you just man up (or woman up) and ride the stuff ...


So my QUESTION is ...


how did we (MTBers in general, both XC and DH), become such a bunch of "spoilt brats" that if a track etc is not to our liking we complain or even worse go and try and illegally change the track????


what happens when we all go overseas to race???





BUT THEN AGAIN ..... we can take the criticism ... and the tracks are AMAZING now IMO ... and i am so looking forward to the racing in 2 weeks time .... I hope you all are too ....


Heres a link to a Promo video to get you all amped ...


Just remember its not gonna be a picnic!!! hahahaha






Dont forget you vuvuzelas!!!




Edited by nigelhicks
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I dont know what people are whining about. I cant comment on the dh, but i think nick has built a brilliant xc course. It is physically and mentally demanding and at the right level of technicality. I certainly cant do all of the obstacles but there is always a b line that is do-able. At about 400+m of climbing over the 7km with some mean uphill switchbacks, some mean downhill switchbacks and some testing rock gardens, drop offs and jumps....i say well done!


there is bogger all way i would manage 5 laps round that course though!

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Guest Omega Man

how did we (MTBers in general, both XC and DH), become such a bunch of "spoilt brats" that if a track etc is not to our liking we complain or even worse go and try and illegally change the track????


The way I see it is making illegal changes to a track, any track is vandalism. Simple.

Edited by Omega Man
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Its the nature of the beast, you will always get some people who are not happy.


To the guys who are whinging, you are fortunate to have the opportunity to ride there already.

Just imagine if you only get to ride the track a few days before the time like most of the foreign guys or even the guys based in SA but to far away to go practice there now.

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Good luck with the flames mate! They're going to come blazing.


I reckon what's happened is that you have weekend warriors that are relishing the chance to participate in World Champs (and some, may I add, the chance to stand around the braai fire and brag about the fact that they participated in World Champs), but they aren't exactly World Champs quality.


So they want the prestige of participation, but not accept the risk and realisation that they're not good enough.


The Red Bull Urban Assault will be back with a bang this year (Kandui is co-organising so it will be a success). That event is open to all comers. So on our weekly night ride I heard this and was all "W00ts I'm going to gun it, it'll be awesome". Then the week after someone gave me a bit of a sober up when they explained how gnarly the track could get when it hits the Bo-Kaap section.


At that point I realised "Look, yes it will be bef*k to take part in a world class event, but that comes with certain risks because the track isn't aimed at people who have been riding for less than a year, even though they're welcome to try. Are those risks worth the possible awesome bragging rights?" To me, not yet. So instead of crying about how they should make it more rideable, I'll rather go and watch people who know what they're doing shred it.


Don't move in next to a sewerage farm and then complain about the smell.


For the sake of the sport's credibility I would lean towards keeping the track tough. It is a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP after all.

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The way I see it is making illegal changes to a track, any track is vandalism. Simple.


i did notice a lot of that in the xc course. In some instances it is just a shortcut round a tree which is going to happen in the race anyway, but i noticed a lot of the rock gardens people had created their own paths next to the obstacle, wheras they should have been using the b line.


nothing that you can really do about it unfortunately as the track is open to all.


on a side note: We do need a little bit of rain to hardpack the dust though

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Bugger that! Make it harder!


Agree with Nico... will the real mountain bikers please stand up?

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Everything is relative - I've heard everything from:


It's going to be a road race - too easy (some "look at me" muppit hanging his brass out I reckon).




It's **** SCARY


I'm not going to be able to get down before the race to check it out - I guess my eyes will be opened on the two open track days.


Either way - I always go with "same for everybody".

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Everything is relative - I've heard everything from:


It's going to be a road race - too easy (some "look at me" muppit hanging his brass out I reckon).




It's **** SCARY


I'm not going to be able to get down before the race to check it out - I guess my eyes will be opened on the two open track days.


Either way - I always go with "same for everybody".


Eldron you will easily be able to do all obstacles. There is one insanly steep rock garden that is about 2m long that is probably the hardest obstacle. It is steep enough to jump (about 1.5m vertical) if you are that way inclined. And then at the end there is a mixmatch of lines with one (fast) jump, one series of droppoffs and another that is significantly slower....other than that..all doable for someone of your skill

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Eldron you will easily be able to do all obstacles. There is one insanly steep rock garden that is about 2m long that is probably the hardest obstacle. It is steep enough to jump (about 1.5m vertical) if you are that way inclined. And then at the end there is a mixmatch of lines with one (fast) jump, one series of droppoffs and another that is significantly slower....other than that..all doable for someone of your skill


Methinks you over estimate my skills! I ride with the Sir Iron, Sir Shimano and Sir Boosted GP and feel like a hacker. A lot!

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Methinks you over estimate my skills! I ride with the Sir Iron, Sir Shimano and Sir Boosted GP and feel like a hacker. A lot!


ha ha methinks you underestimate your own skill.....Most important thing on the course is getting your gearing right...my first lap round i found myself a couple of times in the wrong gear trying to climb a little up

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