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Shocking incident between van driver and cyclists in Camps Bay


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This is a very sad day for cycling,if what is reported actually happened ie the front cyclist swerved late as he was talking etc,then they should all receive a total ban from ALL forms of cycling races for an absolute minimum of 1 year.The idiot who bashed his bike against the vehicle and threw punches should be banned for longer and made to attend anger management classes.

I am totally ashamed to be a cyclist today.

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The comments show just how much cyclists are being stereotyped.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


WOW SOME SERIAAAAS HATE OUT THERE,,time to strap on a 9mm :ph34r: :ph34r:

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And I am lucky enough to be a member of all of the most popular Stereotype groups around . When the biker got shot , I was also a hooligan biker , when a cyclists behaves like and idiot , I am also an Idiot , when a runner kicks a dog , I am also a dog hater bla bla bla . Anyway what this "gang" did was stupid and they must be held accountable .

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And I am lucky enough to be a member of all of the most popular Stereotype groups around . When the biker got shot , I was also a hooligan biker , when a cyclists behaves like and idiot , I am also an Idiot , when a runner kicks a dog , I am also a dog hater bla bla bla . Anyway what this "gang" did was stupid and they must be held accountable .


You forgot stereotypical anti-e tag guy.

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:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


WOW SOME SERIAAAAS HATE OUT THERE,,time to strap on a 9mm :ph34r: :ph34r:

Nah, just some pepper spray. I can refer you to a video if you like......



Also need a new smiley of someone holding their halo behind their back.... :devil:

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The comments show just how much cyclists are being stereotyped.


Stereotyping comes so easily.

That`s why I despise these video-doucebags even more

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Dude... Thousands of people fly off the hook for nothing. In this matter, we as cyclists should not condone this AT ALL. It is irresponsible, immature and barbaric. I do not want cyclists to be known as such. Real bad behaviour you okes

You completely missed my point. Spectacularly.

For clarity - I was questioning someone that was trying to justify the cyclists actions. I was being dismissive.

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If there was ever any doubt about how damaging this incident was, then I have now seen it for myself: I have had 3 random appointments this far today and, knowing that I'm a mad cyclist, each and every one of those non- cycling people asked me whether I've seen that horrible video clip and what I thought of it! :thumbdown: :cursing:

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It wasn't just the wind I was battling against yesterday, there was something else, something less tangible but present nonetheless.

And it wasn't until late yesterday evening that I discovered what it was...

In Sun Valley a van, approaching from the other direction, turned right, cutting straight across my path, causing me to brake hard.

These things happen a lot out on the road, we shout at the driver (who doesn't hear and probably doesn't care anyway) and carry on - but there was something deliberate about it this time -something out of the ordinary...

Later, out on an open stretch and keeping well inside the yellow line, a beat-up old Toyota Camry with darkened windows came speeding up behind, overtook very close, too close, cut across my path into the 'yellow lane' for a few seconds and sped away.


What was all that about I wondered, swearing at his smoky exhaust as it disappeared into the distance ?

But I generally don't allow such things to get to me for long, and dismissed it as possibly some tik-fuelled jerk wanting to impress his mates, and forgot about the whole episode.

Until last night that is, and after reading through 26 pages of comments in response to the cowardly attack by a bunch of road riders on a seemingly innocent and helpless van-driver...

Then it made sense - I had unwittingly become the target of some misplaced sense of revenge.

Why ?

Because I ride a bike and two drivers thought they could somehow put things right by bullying me as well.


I worry that this is going to happen to a great many more riders in the next few days, and somebody is going to get hurt.

Tensions between cyclists and motorists are going to get strained to breaking point, and we will come off worst.


And so somehow, and from somewhere, cyclists in general are going to have to find the strength to suck this up.

We are going to have to bite our collective lips and NOT react when some idiot in a car decides he wants to do his bit to get even...


Whether we like it or not, thanks to the behaviour of a bunch of ill-disciplined hooligans in Camps Bay on Sunday, we are all on trial at the moment.


But it will pass, the status quo between cyclists and motorists will eventually be restored just as long as we all keep our cool......

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It goes without saying, but Graham also mentioned that those riders involved in the incident will appear in a WP Cycling disciplinary hearing and receive sanctions.


The 3 main guys.. "the wheelwheelder" ,,, "the pepperspray king" and the "i can box kiff in cleats" need to be banned for life and sent to the golf course.... or full contact scrabble for the rest of their days...


Dont need that trash in cycling .

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I am looking forward to hearing the full story.


As always the Hub is going all out without hearing the story from both sides


Read the second thread of this topic, that gives the full story.

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The comments show just how much cyclists are being stereotyped.

Wait until this weeks Top Gear hits our screens, from what I am told there is a huge fuss going on in the UK right now thanks to them advocating mowing down cyclists. Popular we are not right now.

As an aside if I do ever have to defend myself against an angry mob I hope it is just like these idiots, average weight 60kgs, wearing cleats and barely able to walk somewhat resembling a herd of ungainly drunk deer sliding slowly across an ice covered lake.

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This incident has made me realise that I do not know the rules of the road as a cyclist or as a motorist. Where can i find the laws of the road in this regard?


As Cycling should I ride inside the yellow line or is it illegal?

There is alot of statements about cyclists riding 2 abreast. On beach road(Sea Point) for example, I constantly get motorists riding abreast with me for the entire stretch of road. Is this legal?

Are hand signals required when stopping? If i overtake another cyclist, do i need to indicate with hand signals as i never see this being done.

Do I have the right to a lane in urban/residential areas?


This whole incident makes me want to be more observant of the law with regards to my cycling but honestly I just dont know what the laws are.


Please Help

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The possible positive of this disappointing state of affairs is that cyclists will seriously reflect on their behavior the minute they roll with their bikes out of their driveways.


A wake-up call of some kind.

I HIGHLY doubt it. The sensationalism of this whole affair will blow over and we'll (we being all road users) continue to be total dicks on the road, because you know, it's always the other persons fault, my 'flow' mustn't be interrupted, i'm busy on my phone, my strava says this redrobot doesn't exist etc etc etc.. just another day in dont'giveAFcksVille.

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