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[Event] Cape Town Cycle Tour 2018

Pure Savage

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I haven't been following this whole thread but I must say that I'm starting to feel bad about coming down for the cycle tour given the water shortages. I am not sure what percentage of the field are locals and what percentage are out of towners but surely they should cancel these events in order to look after resources which are critical.


The knock on effect is also huge for tourism, airlines, etc. But still, it's reached a point that the Cape is going to run out of water, period! That should be enough reason to go into self preservation mode at whatever the cost of the economy on a short term basis.

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I haven't been following this whole thread but I must say that I'm starting to feel bad about coming down for the cycle tour given the water shortages. I am not sure what percentage of the field are locals and what percentage are out of towners but surely they should cancel these events in order to look after resources which are critical.


The knock on effect is also huge for tourism, airlines, etc. But still, it's reached a point that the Cape is going to run out of water, period! That should be enough reason to go into self preservation mode at whatever the cost of the economy on a short term basis.


According to their article, about 15000. With supporters maybe 30000? Compared to the 3.7mil residents of Cape Town.

We visitors might speed up "Day Zero" by about 15 minutes.

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Look, there is no day zero. There just isn't. People have to use less water and that is what they are doing. The government, sole cause of all this, is drumming up dire scenarios like day zero in order to scare people so that there will be no day zero.


Basically, government effed-up, they are now doing damage control, and later when day zero does not happen (surprise surprise) they will claim it as a victory for them. 


Cycle Tour is just putting this out there to show they are 100% on board with the rest of the media clap-trap. 

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