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Tokai Trails

jimmy hardtail

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Are you trolling?


None of them are public spaces. Your 'green card' does not permit cycling anywhere on the mountain.


If you think none of the things you have just 'thought of' today have not been approached, thought of, proposed, canned, rerouted etc 5 million times then you are either;


1. Incredibly ill informed

2. Trolling

3. Think very highly of yourself

4. Are a kid (under 25) with no real life experience

5. Have had zero dealings with PPA or a Nationally run service or isntitution

6. Other

7. Some of the above combines


I just hope you're trolling. Comments like yours actually make my blood boil the way they pang of arrogance but are so way off the mark it's scary.


I am not directly involved in TokaiMTB but I am emotionally invested. I hope you're trolling, otherwise tone down your comments and ask questions in a respectful, less condescending tone please.

A bit of introspection will reveal the real condescension here..

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there was no quorum so there was no voting.

However the meeting went ahead and it was a positive step forward with a lot of positive energy and emense eeeeeeeer passion in the room!

The key positive is that there are 3 new committee members coming onboard and they will bring in new energy and resources (people behind them, money, expertise). I'm happy to say one of them is a woman. At last there's a move toward diversity.

Some good report back on the security front. Good sales pitch for TokaiMTB membership

That's the gist but lets not steal Deon's thunder.

Everyone left naked, holding hands, singing kumbaja lord kumbaja

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How about some home made pie. Everyone likes pie right?

I'll bring some pie...


I couldn't help but notice that when you walked through the door you were holding no pie....

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I think saying singing kumbaja is maybe going a bit overboard

Edited by porqui
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I think saying singing kumbaja is maybe going a bit overboard


I thought it was kumbaya. Maybe you guys went for the mexican version? 

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I think that at meetings like last night one should be made to wear a hub id tag.

Why were the hubbers so quiet last night? (esp one)

Stunned in more ways than one?

Edited by porqui
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I think that at meetings like last night one should be made to wear a hub id tag.

Why were the hubbers so quiet last night? (esp one)

Stunned in more ways than one?

So what happened?


All the keyboard bad asses amazingly quiet in real life?

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Some bad asses appeared absent...


Some bad asses hide behind cute pseudonyms and would never have the guts to say the things they say on a forum in real life.....


Edited by Duane_Bosch
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So what happened?


All the keyboard bad asses amazingly quiet in real life?


Tjoep stil. I would not have believed they were there unless I was told.


But our friend P was his usual self.

(Bless his sole - no seriously)


But some very interesting movement.

If it materializes we're in for a good time.

Edited by porqui
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Some bad asses hide behind cute pseudonyms and would never have the guts to say the things they say on a forum in real life.....


Some badasses said exactly the things they said behind pseudonyms, at meeting and in private. Maybe some bad asses should rather have attended to get the full picture instead of trying to be badass behind the keyboard on Friday morning....


Edited by DieselnDust
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 badass behind the keyboard on Friday morning....


As much as I would have loved to be there to view you in all of your glory sadly I am out of the country.


I take it you are one of the new committee members so that you can contribute in a positive way?

Edited by Duane_Bosch
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