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Are cyclist just too superior to keep their masks/buffs on


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I had decided to ride on the road thinking that MTB on the trails might be risky given that I'm not the most skilled MTBer and I don't want to end up in hospital at the current time but I'm starting to think that a gentle MTB might be a better bet given my experience of coming up behind person anfter person after person heaving away without a mask on today.



Can you also direct your vitriol to the Atlantic Seaboards and Sea Point residents forums


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I had decided to ride on the road thinking that MTB on the trails might be risky given that I'm not the most skilled MTBer and I don't want to end up in hospital at the current time but I'm starting to think that a gentle MTB might be a better bet given my experience of coming up behind person anfter person after person heaving away without a mask on today.

good idea

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Become a cop and have to police you and your ilk who believe that your nuanced and opinion distinguishes you from every other muppet and entitles you to behave in accordance with your beliefs which in this case means advocating selective compliance with a public health regulation in the context of a global pandemic.


I feel for the coppers who have to deal with this garbage day in and day out without shooting anybody.


In a real way you are a child of the postmodern - subjectivity reigns supreme - the world is as I think it not as some external authority says but as my capacity to argue makes it. Solipsism

actually, the cops are way smarter than drones that just bleat on.  cops assess situations, and make risk assessments all day every day.  I have ridden past cops dozens of times, greeting them (from a distance), and they pay no heed to me minding my own business away from everyone MASKLESS.  I HAVE, however, see cops stop riding groups, full of p1ss and wind, and giving the okes a proper dressing down.  Your 1-dimensional view insults the intelligence of the cops


Edited by PygaSchmyga
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I don't believe in being nice when it comes to this sort of thing.


The cogent arguments supporting behaviour that is about doing everything possible to ensure safety of self and other have been met with smug arguments from people with only rudimentary understanding of research, science, government and public health.


Also - the behaviour of all of us is relevant in ensuring personal safety and I'm fedup of being gainsaid and dismissed and today sworn at for simply pointing out the impingment of entitled behaviour on my safety.


I agree that tunes may change - I am starting to see the effects on people's lives in my work - people who have recovered. People who have family members currently in hospital. One of the things that strikes me is not one of those affected knows where they got it.


It is incumbent on every person to comply with whatever seems even remotely likely to mitigate risk and to follow the requirements laid down for us and follow instructions given. Not to think we are smarter than that and to follow out own ideas.


And they are not difficult things to do either - simple, easy, slightly inconvenient things.


Personally I hate the mask - my glasses mist up on and off the bike, it's uncomfortable, itches, hard to breathe, difficult to put back on after drinking or eating on bike - 


I also hate working remotely - although I am legally allowed to work face to face and have been allowed to since level 5 I don't unless it is absolutely unavoidable. 


So don't be angry - no actually - I am enormously pissed off with the "I know better" nonsense espoused here and present in the non-compliance that was the order of the day today.



I'm not angry, before someone paints me with that stick.


I do just want to point out that 'if you meet your friends by chance' and then ride with them that is an 'organised' group. You might not have arranged it, but I highly doubt you had planned the same ride route at the same speed, so by riding with said friends, it's an organised group.


I'm all for making the most of life, I've even been surfing once or twice this week, thrown some toes over the front of the longboard and chatted to one or two of my mates out in the water.


BUT I just think we should all be aware that our actions do have consequences. Whether you obey the rules, obey some of the rules or flout most of them, there comes a time when the powers that be will have enough.


We then will have to live with the fact that our decisions to ride in groups, not wear masks etc are responsible for whatever comes as a result.


I also do think that once this hits the 5%ers and starts killing people we know, there will be a very different tune being sung.


My advice would be to rather keep your words close to your chest so you don't have to eat them if someone in your family passes away from the pandemic.


At the moment everyone is obsessed with mask wearing, financial resurrection and the injustice of others and their decisions.. Once the virus starts ravaging those around you I think a whole lot will change.


Until then, we are all fighting some sort of battle, I reckon we should lay off the hostility towards one another. It's just not worth it.

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Lots of mates there then?


Can you also direct your vitriol to the Atlantic Seaboards and Sea Point residents forums


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I don't believe in being nice when it comes to this sort of thing.


oh, we got that


The cogent arguments supporting behaviour that is about doing everything possible to ensure safety of self and other have been met with smug arguments from people with only rudimentary understanding of research, science, government and public health.


you left out an important word, which was also used in the judgement striking down the regs, and that is RATIONAL, ie doing everything rationally possible


Also - the behaviour of all of us is relevant in ensuring personal safety and I'm fedup of being gainsaid and dismissed and today sworn at for simply pointing out the impingment of entitled behaviour on my safety.


shem, maybe develop a slightly thicker skin, it goes a long way to a more tolerable life experience


I agree that tunes may change - I am starting to see the effects on people's lives in my work - people who have recovered. People who have family members currently in hospital. One of the things that strikes me is not one of those affected knows where they got it.


It is incumbent on every person to comply with whatever seems even remotely likely to mitigate risk and to follow the requirements laid down for us and follow instructions given. Not to think we are smarter than that and to follow out own ideas.


bad assumption, and, actually NO, ITS NOT.  This would result in a non-functioning, unsustainable society


And they are not difficult things to do either - simple, easy, slightly inconvenient things.


Personally I hate the mask - my glasses mist up on and off the bike, it's uncomfortable, itches, hard to breathe, difficult to put back on after drinking or eating on bike - 


I also hate working remotely - although I am legally allowed to work face to face and have been allowed to since level 5 I don't unless it is absolutely unavoidable. 


So don't be angry - no actually - I am enormously pissed off with the "I know better" nonsense espoused here and present in the non-compliance that was the order of the day today.


yep, thats clear, and your rage is clouding your mind and making you less receptive to well though-out points


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if you took the time to check the law, you would see that a law officer has no ability to do anything on this. But this has not been any of your point anyway, so I'm not falling into that man trap.


The mask wearing regulations carry no sanction, so they make no sense, and have been struck down with the rest of the L3/L4 regs anyway. Even so, as I said, I support responsible, alone riding with no mask


[edit] PYGMY - LOL! is that more of the passive aggressive disdain that these posts have been littered with?

On the Pygmy misspell, autocorrect, my bad. I'll go back and fix it.


I have long given up to argue with you about things like enforceability.


I have come to your supposed higher level of reason to see what your plan is when an officer stops you. He is allowed to stop you when you are out in public. So I am genuinely curious as to what your plan is to social distance in such a situation? Will you ask him to please keep 2m distance?


You are convinced that you can keep a safe distance ALL of the time when out exercising. So I want to understand how you can achieve that in all instances.


I know my questions won't make you change your mind, so please just engage with me on the question I ask.

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I don't believe in being nice when it comes to this sort of thing.


The cogent arguments supporting behaviour that is about doing everything possible to ensure safety of self and other have been met with smug arguments from people with only rudimentary understanding of research, science, government and public health.


Also - the behaviour of all of us is relevant in ensuring personal safety and I'm fedup of being gainsaid and dismissed and today sworn at for simply pointing out the impingment of entitled behaviour on my safety.


I agree that tunes may change - I am starting to see the effects on people's lives in my work - people who have recovered. People who have family members currently in hospital. One of the things that strikes me is not one of those affected knows where they got it.


It is incumbent on every person to comply with whatever seems even remotely likely to mitigate risk and to follow the requirements laid down for us and follow instructions given. Not to think we are smarter than that and to follow out own ideas.


And they are not difficult things to do either - simple, easy, slightly inconvenient things.


Personally I hate the mask - my glasses mist up on and off the bike, it's uncomfortable, itches, hard to breathe, difficult to put back on after drinking or eating on bike - 


I also hate working remotely - although I am legally allowed to work face to face and have been allowed to since level 5 I don't unless it is absolutely unavoidable. 


So don't be angry - no actually - I am enormously pissed off with the "I know better" nonsense espoused here and present in the non-compliance that was the order of the day today.

I agree


I feel people are making a point of not doing it because 'the rules are dumb' and 'the court ruling'.


Most people haven't realised that the court only ruled 'some' of the disaster management rules as unconstitutional. The 2 weeks NDZ has to make changes is under the premise that the current unconstitutional rules be upheld.


I said earlier, I have taken to avoiding public places, road riding etc as is my social responsibility. If there are lots of people and you can't social distance safely, it is our responsibility to go somewhere else.


The roads are packed. It's like Argus season with more rules to break. Tempers are high, anxiety is in the air... Do yourself a favour and walk somewhere pretty, or go somewhere with less traffic. You won't change anyones minds so rather make your own space less hazardous and more positive.


As I used to sign my emails off in the 90's.... Peace!

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On the Pygmy misspell, autocorrect, my bad. I'll go back and fix it.


I have long given up to argue with you about things like enforceability.


I have come to your supposed higher level of reason to see what your plan is when an officer stops you. He is allowed to stop you when you are out in public. So I am genuinely curious as to what your plan is to social distance in such a situation? Will you ask him to please keep 2m distance?


You are convinced that you can keep a safe distance ALL of the time when out exercising. So I want to understand how you can achieve that in all instances.


I know my questions won't make you change your mind, so please just engage with me on the question I ask.

the cops have zero interest in solitary bike riders, but to entertain your hypothetical, if they stopped me, then what?  there is no associated penalty or sanction attached to mask wearing, or that lack of it.  they cannot arrest or detain you, so they may stop me and then send me on my way with a stern admonishment.  i'm ok with that

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Your only good point in the whole thread I think - 


Ordinarily yes but in these exceptional circumstances compliance is more important - temporarily - until the maximum threat over the next months has passed.


As to rationality - it seems rational that the saturation of my buff with the moisture of my breath represents a significant reduction in the amount and breadth of dispersion of ny viral particles aerosolised in my breath. Borne out by all research and modelling and whenever others have reasonably presented you with this - you re-assert your belief that you may privilege your view of a situation over the collective safety of the people around you --- oh ja -- I forgot - noone is around you according to how you say you ride. How you regulate that on the road I simply don't know - I seldom know when someone comes up behind me and most people I overtake only know I'm there when I make a noise alerting them.


Anyway - the mechanics of that argument you have disregarded completely - and this disregard is the one tone drum here. 



bad assumption, and, actually NO, ITS NOT.  This would result in a non-functioning, unsustainable society

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the cops have zero interest in solitary bike riders, but to entertain your hypothetical, if they stopped me, then what? there is no associated penalty or sanction attached to mask wearing, or that lack of it. they cannot arrest or detain you, so they may stop me and then send me on my way with a stern admonishment. i'm ok with that

Cool, but I'm not concerned about the legal issues here. Sure they'll let you go. I don't mind one bit.


I'm concerned about the Pandemic and the spreading of the virus from you to the cop in that time that you guys chat and discuss things. Can you see that this isn't an ideal situation?

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Cool, but I'm not concerned about the legal issues here. Sure they'll let you go. I don't mind one bit.


I'm concerned about the Pandemic and the spreading of the virus from you to the cop in that time that you guys chat and discuss things. Can you see that this isn't an ideal situation?

i have had cause to chat to cops on my rides, and i have stayed well away from their vehicles - the 2m rule works just fine

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Your only good point in the whole thread I think - 


Ordinarily yes but in these exceptional circumstances compliance is more important - temporarily - until the maximum threat over the next months has passed.


As to rationality - it seems rational that the saturation of my buff with the moisture of my breath represents a significant reduction in the amount and breadth of dispersion of ny viral particles aerosolised in my breath. Borne out by all research and modelling and whenever others have reasonably presented you with this - you re-assert your belief that you may privilege your view of a situation over the collective safety of the people around you --- oh ja -- I forgot - noone is around you according to how you say you ride. How you regulate that on the road I simply don't know - I seldom know when someone comes up behind me and most people I overtake only know I'm there when I make a noise alerting them.


Anyway - the mechanics of that argument you have disregarded completely - and this disregard is the one tone drum here. 

For the vast majority of my rides I do not ride on the road (MTB), and when on the road am able to observe those around me and take the necessary precautions.  its not that hard.  as i have said before its about risk management and acceptable levels of risk


but more to the point with reference to the red highlighted above, i am glad you are coming around to reason!

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Lots of mates there then?



Actually no but maybe you should try to win friends and influence people in the community you're directing your anger ...? Just a thought.

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