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Road events - Are organisers dropping the ball or do we expect too much

The Ouzo

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5 hours ago, Michael Dewing said:

In my experience, people just like to have a whinge.!🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


Hiehie .... too true.


Then again .... easy enough to compare events.  Also easy to compare any given event from year to year ....



Parking ..... doubt it is any better or any worse than previously.  MAYBE, just maybe the early start of shorter rides is upending the planning of the fast batches, who were used to ariving early and having an easy time .....  As a fun rider I have learnt early to allow time for the slow line into venues.


Registration ..... I am fortunate that I only drive 1km out my way in the afternoon to pick up my goodies from CWC.  Having to drive into town for the Expo to get my registration pack for CTCT ... I do understand why people dont want to go through this schlep for each weekend event.  MAYBE ... allow these early pick-ups, and then deal with a small group picking up their packs on the morning of the event ....


Raceboards .... RaceTech spoilt us with so many MTB and road events.  Like another Hubber said, I have a bag full of boards that I juggle between the events, just a minor thing to deal with (to make sure the correct board is packed in for the next ride).  These temp boards are just a bump in the road, in the bigger scheme of things no biggy .... but dammit, I have the need to moan about these sods that made a board that dont fit on my bike ....:P


Seeding .... So many systems, just the normal free market with everyone trying to get their slice of the cake.  Mostly it works well enough.  "Seeding" has always been a hot topic, long before this new group.  Their apparent incompetence, or lack of ability to merge data from so many systems, or whatever .... these all feed into the need to complain when you are seeded lower than expected.



Timing ..... So many of the "smaller" events gets this right.  When you sell a service like this, it should not be up to the rider to follow up and have starting times adjusted, to correct race times .... (not a complaint, just an observation from a good and proper back-marker :whistling:)



Marshalling and signage ... Uhm .... I have been part of a lead group that got to a turn before the marshalls get their act together .... complete lead group headed off towards Worcester, while the actual route headed up into the koppies ..... Then again, not as if the best signage helps when men go riding .... :eek: :whistling:  Things happen, and every so often people will go off the route ... part of the game ....





Events, water tables, etc ..... Every so often a "small race" gets sponsors on board and set up water tables that raise the bar !!  September the mid water table had a full on braai going !!!  You could dig into sosaties, boeries ...  knowing a monster climb was 2km down the road I missed out on this feast.  The other water tables were party stations !! Absolute feast on each and every table ....

Next weekend I did a "big event", the water tables had water ... and a side plate with a few baby potatoes.


Sorry @Michael Dewing still not complaining.  I only ever drink a sip of Red Ambulance mid way, and maybe 1 or 2 baby potatoes.


These extremes are just part of the sport. 




SlowMag .... I use 1 or 2 per week during my training leading up to an event. None before the event  Has never seen any negative impact of this.


Getting used to your race fuel ... now THAT is something can upset any stomach ....  Part of the reason I dont go bos at a water table - I was taught to race with what you use during training.




Just the musings of a back marker who enjoys getting outside and enjoying a day in the saddle. 

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6 minutes ago, ChrisF said:


Hiehie .... too true.


Then again .... easy enough to compare events.  Also easy to compare any given event from year to year ....



Parking ..... doubt it is any better or any worse than previously.  MAYBE, just maybe the early start of shorter rides is upending the planning of the fast batches, who were used to ariving early and having an easy time .....  As a fun rider I have learnt early to allow time for the slow line into venues.


Registration ..... I am fortunate that I only drive 1km out my way in the afternoon to pick up my goodies from CWC.  Having to drive into town for the Expo to get my registration pack for CTCT ... I do understand why people dont want to go through this schlep for each weekend event.  MAYBE ... allow these early pick-ups, and then deal with a small group picking up their packs on the morning of the event ....


Raceboards .... RaceTech spoilt us with so many MTB and road events.  Like another Hubber said, I have a bag full of boards that I juggle between the events, just a minor thing to deal with (to make sure the correct board is packed in for the next ride).  These temp boards are just a bump in the road, in the bigger scheme of things no biggy .... but dammit, I have the need to moan about these sods that made a board that dont fit on my bike ....:P


Seeding .... So many systems, just the normal free market with everyone trying to get their slice of the cake.  Mostly it works well enough.  "Seeding" has always been a hot topic, long before this new group.  Their apparent incompetence, or lack of ability to merge data from so many systems, or whatever .... these all feed into the need to complain when you are seeded lower than expected.



Timing ..... So many of the "smaller" events gets this right.  When you sell a service like this, it should not be up to the rider to follow up and have starting times adjusted, to correct race times .... (not a complaint, just an observation from a good and proper back-marker :whistling:)



Marshalling and signage ... Uhm .... I have been part of a lead group that got to a turn before the marshalls get their act together .... complete lead group headed off towards Worcester, while the actual route headed up into the koppies ..... Then again, not as if the best signage helps when men go riding .... :eek: :whistling:  Things happen, and every so often people will go off the route ... part of the game ....





Events, water tables, etc ..... Every so often a "small race" gets sponsors on board and set up water tables that raise the bar !!  September the mid water table had a full on braai going !!!  You could dig into sosaties, boeries ...  knowing a monster climb was 2km down the road I missed out on this feast.  The other water tables were party stations !! Absolute feast on each and every table ....

Next weekend I did a "big event", the water tables had water ... and a side plate with a few baby potatoes.


Sorry @Michael Dewing still not complaining.  I only ever drink a sip of Red Ambulance mid way, and maybe 1 or 2 baby potatoes.


These extremes are just part of the sport. 




SlowMag .... I use 1 or 2 per week during my training leading up to an event. None before the event  Has never seen any negative impact of this.


Getting used to your race fuel ... now THAT is something can upset any stomach ....  Part of the reason I dont go bos at a water table - I was taught to race with what you use during training.




Just the musings of a back marker who enjoys getting outside and enjoying a day in the saddle. 

To be honest Complaints about Seeding to me sound mostly like bruised egos.. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Don’t ever apologize to me, hahaha, I’m not bothered.. my comments are mostly for amusement purposes.  I’m new here,  I’m here to learn.. ill read the complaints and when I attend events I’ll know what to look out for and I’ll see if the complaints have merit or not.. 

I just want to ride my bike.. 

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My whole life I have done endurance sports, played cricket too and had cramps often during and almost always after sustained efforts lasting longer than 3 hours. I've tried all sorts of things to solve it. Poor hydration exacerbates it as does poor nutrition but my fitness level does not seem correlated. Rennies and USN cramp pills in prodigious doses can ease it but not eliminate it. 

Simply never been able to solve it. 

Alcohol after an event is guaranteed to see me in a spasm that can have me begging for mercy.

If the PPA could solve this for me .... 

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2 hours ago, Mamil said:

My whole life I have done endurance sports, played cricket too and had cramps often during and almost always after sustained efforts lasting longer than 3 hours. I've tried all sorts of things to solve it. Poor hydration exacerbates it as does poor nutrition but my fitness level does not seem correlated. Rennies and USN cramp pills in prodigious doses can ease it but not eliminate it. 

Simply never been able to solve it. 

Alcohol after an event is guaranteed to see me in a spasm that can have me begging for mercy.

If the PPA could solve this for me .... 

my mate got a bike fitting and that solved his cramping on long rides.. 

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7 hours ago, Michael Dewing said:

my mate got a bike fitting and that solved his cramping on long rides.. 

Thanks but I've had a fitting and tweaked it with the fitter a few times too.

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6 minutes ago, Mamil said:

Thanks but I've had a fitting and tweaked it with the fitter a few times too.

Well I was just commenting on your comment that cramping wasn’t necessarily related to fitness level.. I’m not qualified to start diagnosing your cramping issues..🤣🤣🤙🏻🤙🏻

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13 hours ago, Michael Dewing said:

To be honest Complaints about Seeding to me sound mostly like bruised egos.. 🤷🏼‍♂️

It's not.  Its getting recognised in a small way for getting up every morning at 4am to go train hard, eat right, be disciplined, work on your seeding in order to get a better seeding.

To then get ****** in the ass by an organiser that cannot do math or think like you that it's just people being egotistic,  is a slap in the face and that organiser will NOT get my money for next year.  

If you advertise that bunches are based on seeding, please deliver the advertised service.

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4 minutes ago, Spinnekop said:

It's not.  Its getting recognised in a small way for getting up every morning at 4am to go train hard, eat right, be disciplined, work on your seeding in order to get a better seeding.

To then get ****** in the ass by an organiser that cannot do math or think like you that it's just people being egotistic,  is a slap in the face and that organiser will NOT get my money for next year.  

If you advertise that bunches are based on seeding, please deliver the advertised service.

Yeah that makes a lot of sense actually.. 

my apologies..😉🤙🏻

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16 minutes ago, Spinnekop said:

It's not.  Its getting recognised in a small way for getting up every morning at 4am to go train hard, eat right, be disciplined, work on your seeding in order to get a better seeding.

To then get ****** in the ass by an organiser that cannot do math or think like you that it's just people being egotistic,  is a slap in the face and that organiser will NOT get my money for next year.  

If you advertise that bunches are based on seeding, please deliver the advertised service.

there is a level of safety attached to the correct seeding too. Having quicker people trying to go for a good time mixing it up with slower people trying to have a good time means the quicker guys will inevitably take chances they should not be taking, some of the slower guys will want to try and stick with the quicker guys and perhaps not have the skills to match the speed.

There are many reasons seeding similarly able folks together makes sense.

For a race to get it so wrong 2 years in a row smacks of incompetence. 


Then there is the new race finish video for the 947 thats come about. Surely with 2 weeks to go, having a new race finish with some additional challenges thrown in should have been communicated.

The pros want to know where they should position themselves for the final attack, the backmarkers need to know they should be prepared for a few extra km that includes a bit of climbing on tired legs.

Either I've missed the communication about this or they has been none at all.

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9 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

there is a level of safety attached to the correct seeding too. Having quicker people trying to go for a good time mixing it up with slower people trying to have a good time means the quicker guys will inevitably take chances they should not be taking, some of the slower guys will want to try and stick with the quicker guys and perhaps not have the skills to match the speed.

There are many reasons seeding similarly able folks together makes sense.

For a race to get it so wrong 2 years in a row smacks of incompetence. 


Then there is the new race finish video for the 947 thats come about. Surely with 2 weeks to go, having a new race finish with some additional challenges thrown in should have been communicated.

The pros want to know where they should position themselves for the final attack, the backmarkers need to know they should be prepared for a few extra km that includes a bit of climbing on tired legs.

Either I've missed the communication about this or they has been none at all.

Well if I’m not wrong that video suggests the finish is now where last years race started.? So where’s the start now.?!

Also what’s that videos credibility.? Who is the person that made that video.?

You would hope if they made changes like that there would be a clear announcement..😳🤣

maybe you all right and there organization is completed b@&$ocks.🤷🏼‍♂️

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13 hours ago, Mamil said:

My whole life I have done endurance sports, played cricket too and had cramps often during and almost always after sustained efforts lasting longer than 3 hours. I've tried all sorts of things to solve it. Poor hydration exacerbates it as does poor nutrition but my fitness level does not seem correlated. Rennies and USN cramp pills in prodigious doses can ease it but not eliminate it. 

Simply never been able to solve it. 

Alcohol after an event is guaranteed to see me in a spasm that can have me begging for mercy.

If the PPA could solve this for me .... 

This is me too. Cramp will hit almost like clockwork after 3-4 hours of sustained activity (cricket; hiking; cycling) regardless of intensity or fitness. Never been able to solve it. I've just resigned myself to having **** genetics. 

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The reduced interest in road events also have to do with lack of social media presence. I’m not really sure how costly this is to actually do proper advertising but I do feel that effort goes a long way. People might say this is moaning but if the organisers don’t bother then why should everyone else?


You compare this to the DC where you have constant updates and regular interaction and that shows because the race gets sold out. I feel like the PPA have a great event here that they should really be pushing but they don’t really care. Make it more interesting, get more eyes to see the event and add something to the event that draws more people.


People say we shouldn’t complain about goodie bags, but honestly a nice goodie bag can actually draw people to enter. It’s upto the organisers to somehow work that into the price. If they need to get it sponsored then they should do that. I feel like it will go a long way. Even the Argus goodie bag is pretty shocking the last 10 years or so with pointless things. Make it relevant to cyclists. Again I feel the DC have really nailed it here again. Last year we got socks and a multi tool. This year socks and a base layer. Fantastic. 



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21 minutes ago, Vaultboy said:

This is me too. Cramp will hit almost like clockwork after 3-4 hours of sustained activity (cricket; hiking; cycling) regardless of intensity or fitness. Never been able to solve it. I've just resigned myself to having **** genetics. 

This shouldn’t be the case. Something isn’t right if this is happening. Can either be related to your fit or diet but you should be able to resolve it. 3 hours is not long for someone to be cramping. Something is definitely not right.

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15 minutes ago, Bub Marley said:

The reduced interest in road events also have to do with lack of social media presence. I’m not really sure how costly this is to actually do proper advertising but I do feel that effort goes a long way. People might say this is moaning but if the organisers don’t bother then why should everyone else?


You compare this to the DC where you have constant updates and regular interaction and that shows because the race gets sold out. I feel like the PPA have a great event here that they should really be pushing but they don’t really care. Make it more interesting, get more eyes to see the event and add something to the event that draws more people.


People say we shouldn’t complain about goodie bags, but honestly a nice goodie bag can actually draw people to enter. It’s upto the organisers to somehow work that into the price. If they need to get it sponsored then they should do that. I feel like it will go a long way. Even the Argus goodie bag is pretty shocking the last 10 years or so with pointless things. Make it relevant to cyclists. Again I feel the DC have really nailed it here again. Last year we got socks and a multi tool. This year socks and a base layer. Fantastic. 



I disagree on the social media aspect. Many many riders don't social media so it is an avenue of information fed to those who likely 'already know'.

Social Media is lazy advertising and doesn't actually break into new avenues or draw in fence sitters.

It is likely a necessary tool these days to stay relevant, but it isn't marketing. Many of the clique events with small fields and bigger entry fees can rely on the concentrated target market to sustain itself for a few years, but anything bigger needs to make sure it's seen and information is easy to access for those NOT in the inner sanctum of RH77 ECC Savage Lone Wolf Sakhos.. 

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