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Posts posted by Paddaman

  1. Let us not forget that South Africa is both a deeply rural country (Trankei/KZN) and a ultra modern and industrialised country (JHB and CT), so if you take the traditional measurement of wealth (which scores traditional rural environments very poorly, and scores "cyber economies" highly) you will see a great discrepancy between the two different economies.   The reason the rest of Africa does not have such a high GINI coefficient is simply because they do not have high levels of industrialization (and a long history of capitalised economies).  If you want to, in Africa at least, live in a less equal country, live in the DRC or Rwanda, but remember the average salary will be much lower for most occupations.


    Remembers professionals normally are paid similar salaries world wide, and South Africa with the most active and modern economy in Africa will draw these people to CT and Joburg, thus accounting for much of the "top" salaries which make South Africa disproportionally wealth (in the African context) and disproportionally unequal.


    We should not really be worried about the GINI co-efficient but rather where the mean and the mode are and how compact the distribution is once the "outliers" are removed from the equation.  


    Alternatively the best way to make South Africa "equal" is to simply close down the mining industry, ISCOR, the heavy industry, cut the electricity often and make it incredibly difficult to set up venture investments .  Wait isn't that government policy at the moment


    I must have missed that one then.   According to me the cutoff at Mavis is like 4 something hours and about 24kms? 



    Mavis Bank Top
    The cut-off at the top of Mavis Bank (approx 21km) is 4½ hours from race start


    OOPs, I forgot the farm house is about 15km in and it takes about 2 hrs to get there.  The next ten km to the top of Mavis is another matter.......

  3. Dear all, I have due to foreseen circumstances an entry to Rhodesrun I cannot use.  I am musing on the best way to pass it on to a deserving runner.  If you are such a runner please let me know.  I will reserve the right to pass it on to the runner who is IMHO the most deserving.


    Please note that it is just an entry.   Transfer costs, accommodation, transport, training and other expenses are not included.  Also you MUST make it over MAVIS BANK before the 2 hour cut off, so I will be looking at your STRAVA to determine if you are fit enough. 



    Jewbacca is the winner of this most awesome entry.  May he make many happy but frozen memories on the Lesotho border

  4. Dear all, I have due to foreseen circumstances an entry to Rhodesrun I cannot use.  I am musing on the best way to pass it on to a deserving runner.  If you are such a runner please let me know.  I will reserve the right to pass it on to the runner who is IMHO the most deserving.


    Please note that it is just an entry.   Transfer costs, accommodation, transport, training and other expenses are not included.  Also you MUST make it over MAVIS BANK before the 2 hour cut off, so I will be looking at your STRAVA to determine if you are fit enough. 



  5. I've never really used Bulgar wheat before and taste wise i'm not sure how different it is to quinoa but it's quick and simple to make (just soaked in hot water for 15 minutes last night) - just chop up some veggies, add vegan country sausage, spice and dressing as desired I guess. 


    add some bulk to an otherwise bland salad.



    Can Vegan's stop appropriating our food.  If it looks like sausage, then it is sausage, so please stop with the delicious looking fake meat products.  Get your own format of packaging....

  6. divide by two plus seven. it's for the age guys can date girls, using the premise that going too young is cradle snatching. and makes you a DOB*


    ie. if you're 20 years old, you should only be touching girls 20/2 +7 ie. 17.

    this makes sense, a 2nd year varisty oke shouldn't go lower than a std.9 (gr 11)


    if you're 28. then 28/2+7 = 21.

    in late 20s, you should have moved on from students by now.


    if you're 50, then 50/2 +7 = 32

    divorced with 2 kids? don't go hit up millenials on tinder
    an it works all the way up, no one believes this is ever a good idea




    If she is going to die, it is a risk they willing to take.......

  7. Just my opinion, no science here - but I would imagine the psychological effect can be quite bad.


    I like hunting, I don't mind killing something to eat it - but I would not want to kill animals all day every day, as much as I think it's necessary, it must still be hard to watch them die in front of you/by your hand.

    I do not like eating chocolate all day, every day, either

  8. Of course it was at great cost, however it seems to be worth it, especially for those who are no longer living in extreme  poverty.


    Im pretty sure those who are no longer living in extreme poverty would say yes, they are happier now.


    Would you rather be alive today or in 1200AD? (they have great vegan alternatives)

    I love the wonderful circular arguments of those of the "progressive" persuasion.  According to them we are living in the worst possible times (to quote Charles Dickens) and most of them, despite serious differences in their "causes" (socialist, race, feminism, veganism ext) all seem to agree that it is "capitalism's" fault.  But when a classic liberal or capitalist points to the successes of free market and capitalism, such as production, life expectancy, roads, (to paraphrase "life of Brian":) then the goalposts move to "but we were healthier, happier and better" as cavemen eating roots and killing one another.  Sorry this is where Steve Pinker, Niall Ferguson and Thomas Hobbes agrees, life was short and brutish, and the establishment  of the state and free market was a brilliant idea and has done an awesome job of making life better, and even saving the planet.

  9. anyone stay up and watch the NASA livestream on the INSIGHT rover the other night?


    might have notice that there was a bona fide Bond Girl masquerading as the 





    I present you, Dr Aline Zimmer

    What sexism.  She is a bone fide Engineer moonlighting as a Bond Girl.   She is a brainy girl with good looks. 


    The geeks claim her as one of them........

  10. Come on Paddaman. You just can't just post three links.......


    We need at least a 500 word post on this threat to prove it ... get with the program :whistling:  :whistling:  :whistling:

    There is the gamblers choice when it comes to dieting.  One strategy is to back a very high risk- high return approach, where you hang out on the outlier (black swan) edge of reason.  This is very much the Paleo-diet vs Vegan thing.  very much a limited diet restricted to meat- no meat,  high protein - no protein ext.  The advocates of such diets tend to be rather radical and extremist (Almost religious) in their views and commitment to their choices.


    The other approach is a far more moderate, where there is a more inclusive, almost spread betting.  The motto here is "everything in moderation".  Here a bit of everything is acceptable, and because of the experimentation undertaken the advocates of this approach tend to be more understanding of other peoples dietary choices, and open to ne scientific findingd regarding diet.


    Unfortunately, human nature seems to be replicated in this debate, where there may be a sense of "shame" driving the extremist views.  The embarrassment of being wrong is sometimes the only motivation needed for someone to continue to support an incorrect view point.  The more incorrect the view the more violent and radical the defence of that view will be.  Facts speak for themselves, where lies need an advocate.

  11. Two suggestions

    Firstly enter a 24hour solo race in December.  Ride slowly as many laps as required to cover 160km.  See how you feel.  Normally it will take about two to three months training (weekend long rides) to get body and but ready for a 160km single day ride.

    Secondly, if R2900 is a bit steep and you still want to ride those distances in the Karoo, consider the klein and Gamka Karoo.  ie George, Outshoorn, Calitdorp, vanWyksdorp, Herbertsdale, Mosselbay, Knysna area where you can cover 60km-80km per day and slackpack at various B&B.

  12. Interesting conundrum:


    Option 1. Get to a good mediator super fast, and put this as number 1 on the agenda. If that does not work go to 2


    Option 2. Her lawyer writes him a nasty letter recording that he has brought the relationship to crisis to the extent that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. She cannot live under the same roof, and despite request he has refused to move out pending the formalization and finalisation of divorce proceedings. The acrimony does is not in kids interests, blah blah blah. The lawyer will record that the lease is in her name, and if he refuses to co-operate, she will formally revoke his rights of occupancy. If that does not work, go to 3.


    Option 3. Approach the landlord, explain the situation, and ask the landlord to address a letter asking him to get out pronto as the lessee no longer wishes him to hold occupation by virtue of her rights of occupancy under the lease. This letter must be formal but bitchy as hell. If that does not fly, go to 4


    Option 4. Apply to court to get him out, pending the grant of the divorce, get fam adv support, and maybe this is do-able as part of a rule 43. But, kaching kaching.


    Option 5. Pool acid


    Edit_ : if there has been / is abuse, consider a protection order.

    option six, cancel the lease, move out without letting him know (over a weekend), leave him as an unwanted tenant for the landlord to sort out.

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