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Everything posted by madbradd

  1. Useless???? This will be extremely useful for when I want to try a different tyre combo but still have tread on my current ones.
  2. Developed specifically for MTB tyres...... does that mean there is one for cutting road tyre tread?
  3. Have a look at wiggle.com.au. ... they seem to have some great pricing. Make sure it's the Aus one and not the UK one though.
  4. Why no setup that does away with a brain and has a single shifter, battery and RD. Finish en kla! 1x11 would be such a win with that. I seriously do not understand how that could be difficult. also.... USD 150 for a battery.... and USD 110 for 2 buttons in a casing..... seems a bit ridiculous.
  5. Going this route now.... however in stages. Was running RR Snakeskins front and rear. Rear RR will now be replaced with the front RR, and a Barzo up front, and then rear RR will become a Saguro when it's done.
  6. Exactly. It's an out and out XC racing fork. So the guys using this are not going to be running 2.4 tyres with chunky tread patterns. Also this fork is max 100mm, not the like the "normal" version.
  7. Looks like technically it's the same thing - (ie the problems you're having with yours would be exactly the same as on this one. The Step-Cast has a slightly narrower crown (stanchions are closer together), different lowers (The lowers transition from a tube to a "beam" lower down to accommodate the brake disk and hub, and the arch is not a "half circle" , but slightly fuller "circle" to get around the tyre and still line up with the narrower crown. So functionally (in terms of the suspension) it's exactly the same, but with less material in the lowers.
  8. Has anyone had a problem with sweat on the inside of the lense with Jawbreakers?
  9. I have this same issue as well... wash the strap, and it works for 3/4 of the next session. Thinking of just replacing the whole thing with a Tickr. Edit: Or get the Garmin Swim strap maybe??
  10. Kickr, Garmin SC (with the speed magnet on the crank cos I lost the other one - but it works), Garmin HR, AntStick and Zwift. plus a Fenix3 to assist with giving me normalised power and all if I wan it. Then get a training plan. Zwift Workout mode for intervals in erg mode will hurt you like you have no idea. And then Wahoo Utility to calibrate the Kickr every now and then. Use cyclinganalytics plus a coach/mate to assist with training plan and analysis.
  11. How has our mate Jan not made this thread yet? Or is there a specific fred for "Hot Dismounts in Action"?
  12. I thought so too... must be close on R30 for a serving!
  13. And the names for the different thickness grips.... Less Luv, More Luv and Much Luv! I think my bike needs More Luv!
  14. Yeah, SARS is doing a good job of collecting money.... I hear you my issue is that a) that money goes to Nkandla and b) JZ is the reason the wheels are so (much more) expensive in the first place! Not trying to derail this into a political debate.
  15. Used tyres and tubes would be a great idea! dammit though I don't have access to those before I go also it's 3 wheels and a rim... the rim might look suspicious with a used tyre on it. I'll ask them to date the invoice for last year some time....
  16. Have you tried a different wheel to make 100% sure its coming from your freehub and not somewhere on your bike?
  17. Yup. Basically it was 669Dolla for the wheelset. plus 30 for shipping to my hotel in China, or 150 to JHB, plus paypal fee of 4%. I'm hoping that the guys at ORT don't see my big box when I fly in!
  18. a Chinese-look bike, or a Chinese "Look" bike?
  19. The Rand/Dollar not helping. Ordered some wheels from Light Bicycle... 45mm rims on DT350 hubs - R12k for a set delivered in China! and extra USD 120 for delivery to jhb and that's still excluding and charges at the airport when I collect them and bring them in later this month...
  20. is it 11 or 10 speed? apparently some of the 11 speed freebodies can get a bit of play between the cassette and the freehub.
  21. I'm also going to be in northern China in a few weeks so could get them fairly easily
  22. Yeah I know. I'm riding "Chosen" hubs on my MTB (28h straight pull), they're pretty sexy and sound fantastic, and they're similar quality to Novatec apparently. I'd have no issues with going for Novatec
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