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Posts posted by M L

  1. Yes it is.

    Who wins? Everyone, because more attention is drawn to a site like Bikehub for buying second hand bikes and components. *I don't distinguish between a more formal reseller like a business with a logo, vs someone who does it as a side-hustle.*

    Who loses? The person who tried picking up a massive bargain.

  2. 2 minutes ago, dev null said:

    They are probably instructed to mention 'ABSA Cape Epic' every 30 seconds. Also it leaves a very sour aftertaste that SCR were not properly interviewed. I can bet you if a factory team won it they would have had a stand-up and sit down interview.

    You’ll definitely get liver failure on a mention of “the ABSA Cape Epic” drinking game. 

  3. 6 hours ago, DieselnDust said:

    the route appears harder but 16900m of vert still isn't special especially when measured against 680km. At best its slightly tougher. Maybe this is the hardest start in a while? I thoght it was the toughest route since 2008  but I'm not so sure due to the reduction in climbing fro 17000 odd to 16900


    2004 785km -> 17380m^

    2005 901km -> 16020m^

    2006 921km -> 16605m^

    2007 886km -> 15045m^

    2008 966km -> 18529m^

    ===================New Era for golfers

    2009 685km -> 14623m^

    2010 722km -> 14635m^

    2011 707km -> 14530m^

    2012 782km -> 16300m^ (longest since 2008 but 2229 short on vert or a whole stage)

    2013 704km -> 15950m^

    2014 729km -> 14850m^

    2015 748km -> 16000m^

    2016 646km -> 15050m^

    2017 695km -> 14550m^

    2018 653km -> 13530m^

    2019 630km -> 16650m^

    2021 611km -> 14900m^

    2022 681km -> 16900m^  (most vert since 2008 but way short on distance)


    I could probably do some math to check average speed of the winners or better would be calorie consumption but I don't have that data.

    its very difficult to put a tag "harder" when viewing it from the just the route data

    And add the Rand per Kilometer stat as well please. 

  4. Big..a..stage today at the ABSA Cape Epic. Nino and ..a.. Lars pulling away from the pack at the ABSA Cape Epic. But perhaps ..a.. this luck is just ..a.. what ..a.. ABSA Cape Epic team Scott SRAM ..a.. needs here at ..a.. the ABSA Cape Epic in ..a.. 2022 and ..a.. the heat is definitely on at the ABSA Cape Epic


  5. 3 hours ago, love2fly said:

    On a different note...I raised this 2 or 3 years ago when Nino flatted and had issues. .....do they run skimmed tyres made from silk pajamas to save weight and rolling resistance? It's just my opinion but I'd rather go with a slightly beefier tyre with better puncture resistance and know I should be ok for the stage.

    Nino rides Maxxis Aspen 2.4 front (EXO protection) and Aspen RT rear (also EXO protection) - so on the marathon stage races I believe they do get the extra protection tires

  6. 7 hours ago, awesme said:

    ... sad not to be seeing Pyga this year.
    love what I'm seeing otherwise, got the making of a very "interesting" event.

    was surprised at the empty race village. expected more spectators, we have a sport and industry to rebuild.


    Good point. 

    Not sure what the average sentiment RE supporting is. 
    - Covid protocals are annoying?

    - It’s bloody hot on the first 3 days?

    - Cape Epic’s entry fee feels like robbery so people feel less inclined to support it?

  7. I have an evoc - that thing sits tjoep stil behind my saddle. 


    Does everything and more I want from a saddle bag.


    For those wondering - I only have 1 bottle cage and ride a dropper, so unless I want an Ibis looking like a touring bike, I'm sticking with a saddle bag. Looking slick I'll leave to the roadies.



  8. On 3/9/2022 at 9:55 AM, rascar said:

    Good day all,


    My Boss is looking for a 29" soft tail mountain bike. He hasn't ridden in a while, but needs to get out of the house as he is going through a tough time and needs to spends time with his kids as well. Biking will be the ideal way to do so as they live on a farm and there is lots of space to do so. 

    He wants to buy second hand for now and doesn't want to spend more than 20K. 

    Please I need help.


    Tell him he's a cheap skate.

  9. 10 hours ago, Jewbacca said:

    No, it isn't.

    The meat of the website (except this whiney thread and a couple of adverts) is bike related.

    I'm out. Do you think only bike companies and bike related ads have a right to advertise on a bike related website?

    I remember massive Swarovski ads in ZigZag and some big full page medical aid adverts in Bicycling. 

    I think you're missing the point where without revenue, the site disappears. 

    Just look past it, seriously. Like I'm about to do with this whiney thread.

    He clearly doesn’t get it. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, IceCreamMan said:

    Had my 7 x a week now. Even with playing around a lot on it and doing a daily healthy check and about 3 hours of activity it’s on 72 percent so battery life is incredible. I used the pulse ox for 2 nights too. 

    As to functionality, it tracks satellite a lot better and picks them up quicker, HR is a lot less erratic and tracks well.

    stamina is a new function, not convinced of it yet to be fair.

    Connection to headphones far quicker too. Touch screen also makes functioning easier.

    is it worth moving from a 6 pro to a 7x. One of my reasons was battery life , however given the coin it’s probably not really worth it to be fair but this may change as more functionality is added to the 7 range. ( assuming there is additional functionality in the future) 

    amazing device in its own right though. The functionality and data we have is amazing. Went for a medical last week and HR and pulse ox was spot on to the medical device grade devices. 


    Thanks for the review.

    The devices are so nice that their years-old Fenix 3 is still comparative to the 7x.

    A bit like Apple iPhones.

  11. 10 hours ago, Velosauce said:

    Hey all, 

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but do E-bike records belong on strava? (among normal pedaling records and people who drive their cars on roads with their garmins still on😁🤷🏻‍♂️)

    I don't think so. 

    I'm also quite concerned about the little old ladies on powerful e-bikes who have accidentally run me of off trails because they can't handle their bikes, but that's a whole different kettle of fish🤷🏻‍♂️


    So you're moaning about e-bikes on strava and old ladies driving you off the trails?

    My advice: grow a pair.

  12. 12 hours ago, CheeseAndWineBiker said:

    So I'm borrowing this road bike from my dad's cousin, training for the CTCT. 

    Obviously it's a Giant OCR 2. But I comefrom a MTB background (+- 10 years in te sport and I consider myself quite a decent, fit rider). So roadbikes are Latin to me.. 

    So I'd like to know, was this a "professional bike" back in the day? Because it is super hard to pedal. I did the lovers lane climb this morning (from Jip de Jager side) and damn.. Compared to a mtb, I had to get out of the saddle and pedal hard. It's impossible to slowly spin up a hill. 42T small chain ring at the front and 21T biggest cassette gear at the back. That's the lowest gear possible and I wish there were more lol. 

    Does modern road bikes have easier/lower gears? Might borrow a colleagues bike who has 3 chain rings and I think will be easier to pedal. I wil be dead by the time I come to chappies and suikerbossie of I ride this bike. Lol. Aiming for sub 3h30mins however. See you guys on the 13th of March! 


    Looks like a Giant.

  13. 40 minutes ago, andreas17777 said:

    Hi Everyone, I have a Trek Madone SLR 58 and went for another bike fit to sort out some issues. The situation is I need another 7mm on saddle height and the seat post is already on max. I can see my pedal efficiency has increase dramatically by just raising it by 3mm. I already have the longer seat post and currently on a 172.5 mm crank. I could ride a 175 crank but that's not ideal.


    Any innovative ideas on how to achieve this an extra 7mm of saddle height?

    Wear 3 bibs

  14. On 2/15/2022 at 4:13 PM, Newbie321 said:

    If any one is interested I created a data field for all Garmin edge devices. It will display the average watts for the current ride and when you save the activity it will add the average watts to your fit file which will then display in the Garmin app and on the web:



    Link: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/93753c97-6f56-47de-90b7-532cc6d08468

    Downloaded and added to my edge. Keen to check it out on my next ride. 

    Thanks for this - appreciate it. 

  15. On 2/15/2022 at 4:13 PM, Newbie321 said:

    If any one is interested I created a data field for all Garmin edge devices. It will display the average watts for the current ride and when you save the activity it will add the average watts to your fit file which will then display in the Garmin app and on the web:



    Link: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/93753c97-6f56-47de-90b7-532cc6d08468

    Will go grab it - thanks a lot

  16. 20 hours ago, IceCreamMan said:

    You ous makin it difficult to resist hey 

    The 935 is my first garmin watch. I wanted a watch that can do open water swimming as well. The features differ so know what you need to know.

    Now I use it for swimming and jogging. It makes me want to jog/swim more so for +-R3,000 it’s so worth it - even just in terms of now living a more active life. 

  17. On 1/27/2022 at 9:34 AM, Craai said:

    I see Cape union mart have the Fenix 6 on special; R12 999 for the 6X Sapphire.


    About R5k cheaper than the equivalent Fenix 7.

    Decisions Decisions.


    Heectic. Bought a second hand Forerunner 935 off the Hub for just over R3k. According to DC Rainmaker it’s a Fenix 5 in a plastic casing. Even happier with it now that I know what the Fenix 6 costs. 

  18. 10 minutes ago, Marsella said:

    We are from Knysna and we are planning to spend a couple of days in Stellenbosch next week. We’re bringing our bikes but don’t know the area at all. 

    We’re looking for a couple of 30-60km rides, intermediate level, and possibly some easy single tracks. The views and the nature experience are as important to us as the cycling. 

    Any suggestions are really appreciated! GPX or Strava trails would be great!

    Thank you,


    Follow CP van Wyk or Gert Heyns on Strava and follow the trails they ride.

    Jonkershoek, Banhoek, Eden/Mont Marie - absolute bliss.

  19. Yeah Knipe or Stoke - almost the only 2 bike shops that really matter in the Cape when it comes to services.

    Okay no that is very mean - especially to bike shops like William's. I mean I just wish other bike shops would up their game. a lot of bike shops feel like they're only surviving - and from what I can tell, it's probably their own fault.

  20. 23 hours ago, Newbie321 said:

    As we all know strava's power estimates are not the best, for instance my avg 'watts' on the MTB is higher than on my road bike despite normally actually taking it easier on the MTB (probably due to riding a bit on tar to get to the trails)

    Out of interest I decided to see if I could work out what my avg watts would be using the Calorie count generated by my Garmin with a HRM. The formula ended up being (Cal * 4.186 * .22 * 1000) / (Time in Minutes * 60), I just took the standard kj to calories formula and moved the variables around. The .22 is assuming and average metabolic efficiency, this could go higher or lower the fitter you are.

    While the avg watts measure is still subject to lots of errors, it does do a better job of normalizing the effort between different bike types IMO:



    Just thought I'd share and see what people think

    Would be interesting to compare something like this with a power meter or watt bike.

  21. On 2/7/2022 at 4:34 PM, rudi-h said:

    It is only worth R8k if I give them another R4k. It has zero value otherwise ok any market.

    If this were a R120k Breitling, would you accept that it just broke down and the only way to fix it is to pay the same shop another R40k with no option to only replace only the bit that failed?  Now the conversation is suddenly different? You guys are welcome to suck up to the said supplier and accept unfavourable proposals, but I certainly think that holding you hostage with an unfavourable repair/replace option, (I e. Pay us R4k or lose it all) is not right.  At least give me an option just to pay for a repair, or tell me what I could/should have done differently to get reasonable life from their product.

    Answer this:

    1) Should it last more than 2 years

    2) was there anything that I could to to prevent it from failing

    If yes to 1 and no to 2, why is this my problem and financial liability. That's at least how I see it.

    The point of this wasn't to argue with you guys, I asked how to take on a large companies that bullies its customers into submission.

    I'm with you on this one. 

    A warranty policy is one thing but brand integrity/ethics is another.

    Currently dealing with a cracked carbon rim that the supplier won't exchange because I'm not the original owner and because the rim was bought at a hugely discounted price. In my mind, the only reason you would restrict a warranty to the original owner is because you're trying your utmost to make it look like you have a nice warranty, but you actually don't want to honour it. Not even Game asks you who you bought your TV from if it breaks. And they definitely don't tell you that it is was -50% so the warranty doesn't count.

  22. On 1/31/2022 at 7:21 AM, mecheng89 said:

    I've had my eye on this HRM for some time, then when I realised that running power can be estimated using this piece of equipment, I was sold. Going to try take my running a bit more seriously this year, and I've always wondered why I'm more broken after a run than a ride (perhaps something down to conditioning).



    Interested to know how the added running stats have worked so far? What can you see/measure now?

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