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Riaan H

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Posts posted by Riaan H

  1. Agreed, when I bought mine early 2016 there wasn't much else available like it and I loved it right up  to selling it July last year. However, bike geometry have moved on and these days something racy like an Epic has similar geo.

    Clearly you're not afraid, but something as capable as a Status (or my Slash) will safely dance down sections that pushes a Camber to its limits.

  2. Well said Morne - they become easier the faster you go right....but to go faster is not easy.

    I'm no faster on my enduro bike, I just ride more obstacles than I used to while I work on my (lack of) bravery.

  3. 6 hours ago, Jewbacca said:

    Lifestyle, professional and practical choices......

    Walk/ride to work. Walk to the beach to surf in winter. Ride from home to Tokai, run from home up the mountains. Road ride from home. 

    Walk to the shops unless big shop, then drive 3km to big shop.

    The wife spends 600zar a month on Petrol getting to and from work in a tiny 900cc Volkswagen Up. 

    I spend a bit more than my tank of Diesel every 6 weeks in Summer as I drive to Noordhoek/the reserve to surf. 

    Otherwise work, play, hobbies, schools are all within comfortable walking distance from us. It came at cost and sacrifice, but the best decision we ever made. 

    Jeez, I wish I could get to work for R 600. I commute between Pta and Jhb daily and almost R4k will flow through my Up's tank between that and weekend trips, FML.

  4. My car is a high mileage commuter that gets driven on less than perfect roads so I fit cheapy tyres to it. They're about R250-300 less per tyre than what I run on mtb, that just sounds so wrong.

  5. Geez that's a tricky one. I'm 1.72 and fit well on a medium but at 1.58 a medium is most likely way too big, especially with trailbikes these days having longer reach. 

    As it is 150mm travel bikes are pretty rare, and expensive. I'd love to swop my Camber for something with that kinda travel too, but the finances say no.

    Good luck

  6. Sorry Ruben, but what you are looking for is pretty rare.

    I'm guessing you want a dual suspension bike, and the size you're looking for is mostly ridden by primary school kids who generally ride hardtails, although I saw a kid on a sick dual suspension Santa Cruz at the last enduro.

    How tall are you, are you sure you need such a small bike, will a medium not work, as they are far easier to find?

  7. My question exactly.

    Weight, favorite trail and riding style are good starting points on doing setup. Your weight will determine a starting point for air pressure, while your favorite trail and riding style will determine whether to add or potentially remove air from that starting point before you start playing with the fork and shock's rebound settings, plus the Brain Fade comes into play as well. No shop or person will be able to just tune the setup for you, there's lots of fiddling involved which you will need to do over time while riding with a shock pump at hand.

    What is your goal with setting up your bike, and how does it currently feel to you? Is it too harsh, or does it buttom-out? Have you played around with any of the settings yet?


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