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Top cyclists knocked down by vehicle


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What's even more sad is that it happened on the climb out of that dip by the strawberry farm. He cant even say the glare of the sun hampered his vision as it was midday


He also had 2 lanes to pass them as they where in the shoulder out of his way, out of everyone's way for that matter!!


Really *** if you ask me

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Very sad! My problem is that these roads around Stellenbosch are probably theoretically the safest roads to use as a cyclist, as the shoulders/yellow lane section is huge! If cyclists aren't safe on these routes, I don't know where we will be safe???


Hope they have a speedy recovery!

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This is so sad Jevandre has such a bright future ahead of him and now thia happens. All we can do is pray that he recover completely. The driver of that vehicle should be brought to justice mob style.

This makes me sick to the bone

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I hope this gets on the radio and news like the other incident got! These guys much badly hurt than dude in the van! This upsets me so much to hear about this.


Motorists need to learn that they can slow down and wait behind cyclists. There is never an excuse!

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Mod Note:


Guys, 2 pages and already 2 posts moderated for swearing. Regardless of the topic and your emotions, its still not allowed and detracts from any value this thread may bring.

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This is really sad to hear .

I don't know who or what the driver was ,don't know what happened on this particular incident and don't want to generalise here , but staying in a student town ( Potch ) I have noticed something that is worrying me a lot . I see more and more young drivers fiddling on there cellphones while driving . I think the problem is also going to get worse , because with social media the younger generation are spending more and more time on their cellphones .

The problem is that it is not only cyclists that are in danger , but fellow motorists as well .

Will have to start riding more dirt roads . At least there the driver usually needs two hands on the steering wheel .

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true the mention of cell phones...I commute either by bicycle or by scooter and probably 9 out of 10 people are looking at their phones in rush hour traffic....

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Nothing on the Heart Fm this morning either. Just goes to show, motorists get a better deal and poor driving wins. I think these MC2 guys are looking more like hero's



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true the mention of cell phones...I commute either by bicycle or by scooter and probably 9 out of 10 people are looking at their phones in rush hour traffic....



You should have seen how many massage girls enroute the Argust were tweeeting and blogging while "massaging". Hence I''m glad didn't blog.


I think the only way to effectively cure society from the ills of mobile phones is too make the cars into proper faraday cages. No signal, no blogging

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As with the outcry with the Burry tragedy - unless the driver gets nailed, it will make no impact. We should rather put pressure/ pay to have his (hopefully) severe punishment published in the popular press. It will take fear for punishment rather than respect to change the behaviour of drivers. Hang in there fellow cyclists.

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I agree, it is an absolute tragedy. (I have had family in a situation like this, so I understand the anger.)..........But, unless more information become available, it is better to call for an thorough investigation at this stage, not for the drivers' head.

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