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Who else is sick at the moment?

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Bronchitis, freezing at home, even in the sun... guess lack of oxygen does this?



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Wanting to sit at home watching Le Tour on telly can give you this mate!

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Bronchitis, freezing at home, even in the sun... guess lack of oxygen does this?



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Sorry to hear - get better soon.


If you want to freak out, google "chronic bronchitis"

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Sorry to hear - get better soon.


If you want to freak out, google "chronic bronchitis"

3 months at a time, 2 years in a row.

I was nearly there at some time :( Luckily it never lasted 3 months. 

Sounds like a vicious condition - all that coughing. ouch

Edited by 'Kaze Pete
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had a head cold. took olive leaf extract... two day and it was gone. dodged a bullet i th



I am trying my darndest to drop the same which began last Friday. I forsook riding on the weekend, and on Monday I was a-okay. I even got two IDT sessions in between then and now, but today the nose has decided to do a runner...I shall investigate this olive leaf extract you speak of.

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End (most) of last week is a bit of a blur ....  :ph34r:   :wacko:


have been able to do a few short rides this week.   :clap:   :clap:

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Minor head cold from the weekend, blocked nose in the morning and evening with a scratchy throat.


All the usual over counter meds are not helping in anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And out again... started feeling a scratch on Friday. Saturday and Sunday I was out with the worst body ache. Only got out of bed to wee.

Went to the office yesterday, stuck it out. This morning woke up with a very bad headache. Went to the office, started sneezing and then the blackout.

Stood up and but did not get far, and lost track of where I was on my way to site.

Had to assist one client on site and now in bed again.


Bad thing is the whole office is out. Started with the owner, and ended with us all sick.



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And out again... started feeling a scratch on Friday. Saturday and Sunday I was out with the worst body ache. Only got out of bed to wee.

Went to the office yesterday, stuck it out. This morning woke up with a very bad headache. Went to the office, started sneezing and then the blackout.

Stood up and but did not get far, and lost track of where I was on my way to site.

Had to assist one client on site and now in bed again.


Bad thing is the whole office is out. Started with the owner, and ended with us all sick.



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This is what happens when the first person gets sick but doesn't realise it till it's too late . . .

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And out again... started feeling a scratch on Friday. Saturday and Sunday I was out with the worst body ache. Only got out of bed to wee.

Went to the office yesterday, stuck it out. This morning woke up with a very bad headache. Went to the office, started sneezing and then the blackout.

Stood up and but did not get far, and lost track of where I was on my way to site.

Had to assist one client on site and now in bed again.


Bad thing is the whole office is out. Started with the owner, and ended with us all sick.



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Blackout from sneezing???

I'm not a medical professional, but think you should go see one...

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Cois, on 18 Jul 2017 - 12:00 PM, said:snapback.png

And out again... started feeling a scratch on Friday. Saturday and Sunday I was out with the worst body ache. Only got out of bed to wee.
Went to the office yesterday, stuck it out. This morning woke up with a very bad headache. Went to the office, started sneezing and then the blackout.
Stood up and but did not get far, and lost track of where I was on my way to site.
Had to assist one client on site and now in bed again.

Bad thing is the whole office is out. Started with the owner, and ended with us all sick.

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Blackout from sneezing???

I'm not a medical professional, but think you should go see one...



I've nearly blacked out after having a coughing fit sitting down and then standing too quickly. 


Just assumed I hadn't had enough oxygen while coughing.

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Resting heartrate tracking while sick....


On Sunday I started having 'cold' symptoms when I woke up, blocked and runny nose and a bit of a drip down my throat. I went for a ride though (in the cold) and by Sunday afternoon I just felt depleted and needed a nap, woke up feeling worse.

Monday I sneezed a million times at work and nose ran like mad (no coughing).

Tuesday woke up with a sore throat and totally clocked nose and I decided to stay home and overdose on fvf (fruit & veg & fluids).

Wednesday woke up with voice almost gone and feeling crap so stayed home again fvf'ing. (Actually had sweet potato, broccoli and carrots mashed up for breakfast...haha)

At this time I started to think "this is going to take me ages to get over" and I was just hoping it wont move into my chest....I took my resting heart rate to see where I am at 48bpm. That is not normal for me when my system feel down, 44-48 is my normal good health resting heartbeat, sick I am usually around 58-64....


Today, Thursday I am starting to feel better, back at work with running nose and glassy eyes but I am really wondering what is up with it and wonder if it means I can go for a run this afternoon already... ummm

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Dunno what it is that I have. No sneezing, no runny nose, no soreness over sinuses. Some kind of virus? Started two days ago with "the runs". Then extreme headache and sore body right down into my bones. Yesterday fever and cold fever. Would get that cold sweaty feeling if standing up for more than 5 minutes. You know, the kind where you don't know if you are going to throw up or pass out? Having trouble staying awake. Throat started getting a bit sore last night. Woke up this morning with a nasty productive cough.


Definitely going to see the doc today. ????????

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Dunno what it is that I have. No sneezing, no runny nose, no soreness over sinuses. Some kind of virus? Started two days ago with "the runs". Then extreme headache and sore body right down into my bones. Yesterday fever and cold fever. Would get that cold sweaty feeling if standing up for more than 5 minutes. You know, the kind where you don't know if you are going to throw up or pass out? Having trouble staying awake. Throat started getting a bit sore last night. Woke up this morning with a nasty productive cough.

Definitely going to see the doc today.

Turns out it is H1N1 virus. Extremely high fever and low blood pressure accompanying the respiratory infection. Have to stay home until 31 July. Shots, anti-viral meds, cough syrup and anti-emetics seem to be helping some

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