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CycleOps SA and Tim Noakes Diet

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The point of the matter is. If you active, not obese and not diabetic then you should not be avoiding complex carbs. It's about balance and moderation. See what Dr Jeroen swart has to say on the matter. Dr Jeroen Swart posted this 05 June 2014


Hi Keeto,

Ben's summary really does lock it up in a nutshell.

To give you a little more detail, let's break this discussion down into 2 key areas.

1) LCHF diet for overall health.

There is no doubt that the LCHF diet is beneficial for weight loss in the short to medium term. Most well constructed studies demonstrate at least 1 kg weight loss per month for at least the first 4 months. However, over longer time periods the data is not as convincing.

With respect to reducing chronic disease, thing become a little murkier. Most of the prospective studies show that the LCHF diet reduces blood pressure and cholesterol concentrations as well as improving blood glucose control. This would indicate that the diet can protect against heart disease and diabetes.

However, longer term data (10 years or more) is very limited and the only data that is available is not as flattering as the short term studies, with more of the LCHF diet followers dying from all causes than those that follow a traditional diet. Although the LCHF follower do have a lower incidence of coronary artery disease and heart attacks, more of them die form other causes. The LCHF diet may therefore have adverse long term health consequences.

More research is required to be able to provide any conclusive answers.

2) LCHF diet for performance.

The loss of weight from following a LCHF diet is primarily due to the individual not feeling hungry. As a result of not feeling hungry, they simply eat less calories and lose weight as a result.

That weight loss itself may lead to a gain in performance. Particularly in running and uphill cycling.

However, at any intensity above 90% of maximum heart rate, the supply of oxygen is not great enough to oxidise fats, protein or carbohydrates. For this reason we developed the ability to metabolise carbohydrate independent of oxygen, via a process of glycolysis, which results in the formation of lactate. This is an extremely inefficient way of generating energy (16 x less efficient than oxidation). However, at high intensities, there is no other alternative.

In hard working muscles, the build up of lactate can bring this process to a halt if the lactate is not removed. Luckily, the body shuttles lactate from hard working muscles to others which are working at a lower intensity, such as the upper limbs and even the heart (which uses lactate preferrentially as a fuel).

Following a LCHF diet lowers muscle and liver glycogen concentrations, limiting the energy available from glycolysis. As a result, it is not a diet which benefits performance at higher intensities.

You can mix diets to minimise this effect. i.e. follow a LCHF diet when off the bike but drink carbohydrates before, during and after exercise to limit the negative effects on glycolysis. Team SKY have been using a modified form of this principle to attain skeletal weights and high performance.

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1 scientist (tim himself) says it awesome (and a couple of tjommies

The WHOLE (>95% of it) medical field - doctors, dieticians, pathologists, biochemists, physiologists etc say it is a load of bull doo doo..


And it is


Banting is a sure way to make sure your cardiovascular system is in the world of sh*t.


It has been proven beyond a shred of doubt that even a single high fat meal brings about vascular alterations (lipid build up in the vessel walls with plaque formation and platelet aggregation) - proven by vascular biopsy


If you read up on inflammation - its real - and atherosclerosis (plaques in blood vessels) is the killer

And this diet just p*sses fat into the inferno


Just my informed 2c

Every person has the right to F up his own life as he see fit


Some bant / some smoke

That's what your"informed" opinion is worth - 2c.

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1 scientist (tim himself) says it awesome (and a couple of tjommies

The WHOLE (>95% of it) medical field - doctors, dieticians, pathologists, biochemists, physiologists etc say it is a load of bull doo doo..


And it is


Banting is a sure way to make sure your cardiovascular system is in the world of sh*t.


It has been proven beyond a shred of doubt that even a single high fat meal brings about vascular alterations (lipid build up in the vessel walls with plaque formation and platelet aggregation) - proven by vascular biopsy


If you read up on inflammation - its real - and atherosclerosis (plaques in blood vessels) is the killer

And this diet just p*sses fat into the inferno


Just my informed 2c

Every person has the right to F up his own life as he see fit


Some bant / some smoke


Because this guy does not have more than a 1000 posts I don't buy this argument.


But in all seriousness Latent, is it possible to post links/journal names/book titles to the articles where this has been tested 'beyond a shred of doubt'? I'm very keen in reading those studies and I don't trust my googling skills to find reliable sources.

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Have a look at Noakes' qualifications then decide if you're going to believe what he says or not.

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  • Director, UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM), Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciencs, University of Cape Town
  • Professor, Discovery Health Chair of Exercise and Sports Science, University of Cape Town
  • Co-Founder and Executive Co-Director, Sports Science Institute of South Africa




  • MBChB: 1974 – University of Cape Town
  • MD: 1981 – Thesis title – “Exercise and the Heart”
  • DSc: 2002 – Doctor of Science in Medicine degree in Exercise Science (UCT)
  • PhD (h.c.): Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • FACSM: Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
  • (hon) FFSEM (UK): Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK)

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The fact of the matter is that Noakes has not published his findings in any medical journal. He has not conducted any scientific research in this regard.

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I have said my part


Kyk noord

Tot in Swede ,waar die regering amptelik die LCHF dieet aanvaar het en dit vir hulle bevolking aanbeveel.
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This does not seem like a controlled study to me. Was it subjected to peer review. Any carb reduction WILL result in weight loss. If that is what you looking for. The longer term effects have not been established

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This does not seem like a controlled study to me. Was it subjected to peer review. Any carb reduction WILL result in weight loss. If that is what you looking for. The longer term effects have not been established


The article I linked upthread cites a number of proper studies:




They are not Banting specific, but they do touch on many of the same areas. Also upthread I posted one of many articles that link glucose to cancer cell growth.


Noakes may not have conducted or published full studies - but that doesn't mean that related ones aren't out there. He didn't invent or start this area of debate.


If you want to really want to scare yourself go read the Wheat Belly cookbook. Again it's not Banting specific, but it cites a huge wealth of proper scientific studies on the effects of wheat in our diet, in particular the kind of everyday wheat (often GMO) that is found in most of the common/cheaper breads and pastas. I absoultely love bread and pasta, but it's something I eat in careful moderation having seen what studies have shown in that area.

Edited by walkerr
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This escalated quickly


You missed all the fun 'Dale. We should have picked religion - it'd have been a less heated topic ;)

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You missed all the fun 'Dale. We should have picked religion - it'd have been a less heated topic ;)



Some say that those that've bought the 'red bible' have been a bit like disciples



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You missed all the fun 'Dale. We should have picked religion - it'd have been a less heated topic ;)


No ways - with all the **** going on around ISIS and Hamas we could discuss religion for days :)

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