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Sani2C riders banned after reporting flasher


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That maybe be so.


But for your theory to be considered we need the accusers to have ranted their story here on the Hub, which they haven't.


We have not heard from the banner nor the bannees, so we can speculate as to who is right and who is wrong all we want.


All we can do is draw the most likely conclusions based on what we know about the events and the people involved.




So what is more likely.


Farmer Glen banning someone for simply raising a legitimate safety concern. Putting his sterling reputation on the line for something so real, especially since he has a young daughter who MTBs, well!




Farmer Glen banning someone for throwing their toys after not getting their way, after not being satisfied with how Farmer Glen proposed they will deal with it. Threatened to go to the papers, which is exactly what it seems they did. Thereby unfairly putting his reputation on the line.


I tend to lean towards the latter.


There could be more scenarios, but most will probably boil down to one of those.


Indeed. However, the bannees voiced their complaints in public which was met (in public) with a kind of nonchalant silence on the side of the banner.


It's all speculation really, and it's getting tedious.


I do, however want to challenge your scenario whereby you doubt whether a man of good reputation would risk that by slipping up. That happens all too often (for various reasons - of which money seems to be foremost). Take Sven for example…


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Indeed. However, the bannees voiced their complaints in public which was met (in public) with a kind of nonchalant silence on the side of the banner.


It's all speculation really, and it's getting tedious.


I do, however want to challenge your scenario whereby you doubt whether a man of good reputation would risk that by slipping up. That happens all too often (for various reasons - of which money seems to be foremost). Take Sven for example…


Again, in the Sven case, the dude making the accusation did so here on the Hub and we asked him many questions, based on his answers as well as posting responses from Sven we could draw conclusions.


In this case we have nothing except a sensationalist article from a paper and a randomish tweet to go on.


So two similar yet very different stories.


Maybe it's simply not worth the fuss, because once you engage a debate on a public forum you open up a whole new can of worms. Or perhaps, just perhaps The Hub is not this super power that everybody needs to answer too.


Even the Sven thing blew over after a week or two. I almost asked Sven who? ;)

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Some wild accusations going on in this thread ^_^ :


 The Hub is not this super power that everybody needs to answer too.






We must just remember that the Hub is not the be all and end all of cycling in SA...



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Still no reply from the S2C management . Ok then guilty as charged . We will take the complainants version of events to be correct and true . 

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Still no reply from the S2C management . Ok then guilty as charged . We will take the complainants version of events to be correct and true . 

Do You want a big wooden spoon with that stirring DR... hehehehe

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Some wild accusations going on in this thread ^_^ :

One cycle event is not the be all and end all either.

Keep this in the memory bank for future issues :)

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The reality is that this single incident will not stop the S2C from getting sold out every year.


BUT, if this incident gets followed by another, and then some form of escalated version, and are all met with the same attitude from S2C management, they will do untold damage to the brand, because people don't forget this stuff - they file it away for future use.


This would not be the first business (that's what this is) to fold because the owners arrogantly thought they were untouchable.

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Ag No Peeps. This was our best shot at Friday Fight Club. Now its dying.


Meet me behind the bike shed at big break, and we'll get Friday going again...

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