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Discovery Health - Vitality & Team Vitality plus everything else you need to know

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Yup got the 2 kids assessed online and the missus does her vitality check. With the 30000 from races we just squeak in. I guess now it will be adding in the costs for the biokineticist for both of us and the nutritionist too. Kids don't actually score much point wise.

In the end this mess just costs us more and more.

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So I've been bitching a lot lately on this thread, however, I don't think Discovery is to blame!


They communicate their term very well and quite frequently. If you happen to miss a mail/update, we should go onto the website perhaps?


Two years ago, the payback from my life cover product paid for two children's private school fees for a year! Why? Because I "worked" "the system. Got the points, did the exercise etc....


I have never paid for an iPod! We have 6 in the the house, yes, six. Why, well Discovery paid for them all! I have gained a lot of benefit from  the whole Discovery/Vitality thing. It is not difficult, if you maintain the right lifestyle, to gather maximum points and benefits from Vitality. But the benefits are immense!


How do i know this? Well, since the dawn of Discovery and subsequently, Vitality, I was an independent broker One of the products I offered was Discovery. I learnt the system and went out selling the product. The thing is, when it came to a client that I knew would not have the discipline to milk the system, I offered something else. Why, because Discovery offers really good value until you stop looking after yourself! Those clients who I knew would not attend to fitness etc, I would go for the conventional option and they would remain my clients. Those who were keen and motivated etc., to "work the system" I would put on Discovery and there would be no problem. 


The bottom line is I could have shafted clients and offered Discovery upfront, but would have lost clients very quickly. Usually within the first year or two, or, I could have ensured that I was selling to the correct client! The problem is, Discovery does a very good job at marketing, however, when it comes to the client's understanding of the product, something fails. In my case it was simple. If I failed to inform and get buy-in from the client at inception, there would be comebacks and unhappy clients. 


In my option, the broker is mostly to blame with the client following on a very close second. The broker's responsibility is to educate their client and ensure that their final selected product is taken out based on an informed decision. It's thee broker's job to ensure that the client is adequately informed! However, surely the client should ensure that they are adequately informed as well?


Discovery does what they promise to do!!! Was doesn't happen is the broker informs or educates the client adequately and the client fails to take ownership of the responsibility to ensure that they are taking the right product for them. 


Sure, Discovery should sort their sh±t out and fix their IT. But frankly, and we are all guilty of this infraction at some point, we should all take ownership of the fact that we took a product or took advantage of an offer that we failed to investigate effectively. Do you read the warranty on your helmet, bike, accessories (how many threads are on this very forum where the terms where not fully read/attended to/ understood?)....


Surely a free Apple Watch and the other cr±p Discovery offered us doesn't come free? The fact of the matter is, if we are active and energetic and earn our fitness points etc., the theme not only saves money and therefore keeps our premiums down, but also gathers important information into how their costing system works, based on how often we exercise, our cholesterol level, blood pressure etc. etc. etc.


This provides us with a more accurate cost for out medical aid and life cover etc. Make no mistake, the information Discovery gathers from our workouts and health checks is invaluable. They use this data is ways only actuaries will understand and they use this to ensure that not only can they cater properly for the times when we break our collar bone on the trails or hit the clown who is under investigation in and around the cradle for doing dodgy sh±t, but they also do so to ensure that they make a profit.


A PROFIT? :eek:  :eek:  :eek:


Surely you don't expect them to work for free?  Well, yes, they make a profit from buying us Apple Watches and other nice items via their "super rewarding credit card" and all the other "free stuff" they give us. Why, because by us using all this free stuff, they are able to care for us better, price our care more effectively, offer us "huge discounts".... How?


Well, they gather the data they need in order to do so. From where? from the devices and benefits they offer us for free and those that they encourage us to use.


for the record, I last sold a Discovery product over three and some change years ago. Since then I have no longer been in the industry and have been a mere consumer of these products. However, my time in this industry has taught me to ensure that i know what I am buying. As result, many of my insurance products still lie with Discovery, and as long as i am in a position to milk their system, they will remain there! 


The bottom line, after this long winded post which has left me exhausted, is that we should take responsibility for the "deals" we make use of and ensure that we understand what is required of use in order to make it worth our while.


I am yet to pay more than a week or two for the Apple Watch I sold on Gumtree today, but I must say that I get more benefit from these guys, doing what I love (MTB, running, swimming.....) than the watch would have cost me in the first place! 


IN SHORT: Investigate the deal before you rush in and make sure you're prepared to stick to your side of the bargain!!!


BTW: I'm still pissed that I have to send my data through, but I get two free coffee a week and a free Apple Watch. This happens once every few months, perhaps it's worth it!!!!!!!!!!


EDIT: The data they gather from us using our free stuff is more accurate than any data Discovery could buy from outside sources. They are sampling their own client  base and therefore are able to not only encourage their members to live a healthier lifestyle, but also to get a far more accurate costing model for their own group's medical care. It's actually genius, the only problem they encounter is the members who really think they are getting free stuff! It's only free if you ensure you fit into their model in terms of activity levels etc. But then they told us that, we just couldn't hear that over the noise in the Apple Watch queue at the iStore on launch day....

Edited by Jigghead
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So I've been bitching a lot lately on this thread, however, I don't think Discovery is to blame!


They communicate their term very well and quite frequently. If you happen to miss a mail/update, we should go onto the website perhaps?


Two years ago, the payback from my life cover product paid for two children's private school fees for a year! Why? Because I "worked" "the system. Got the points, did the exercise etc....


I have never paid for an iPod! We have 6 in the the house, yes, six. Why, well Discovery paid for them all! I have gained a lot of benefit from  the whole Discovery/Vitality thing. It is not difficult, if you maintain the right lifestyle, to gather maximum points and benefits from Vitality. But the benefits are immense!


How do i know this? Well, since the dawn of Discovery and subsequently, Vitality, I was an independent broker One of the products I offered was Discovery. I learnt the system and went out selling the product. The thing is, when it came to a client that I knew would not have the discipline to milk the system, I offered something else. Why, because Discovery offers really good value until you stop looking after yourself! Those clients who I knew would not attend to fitness etc, I would go for the conventional option and they would remain my clients. Those who were keen and motivated etc., to "work the system" I would put on Discovery and there would be no problem. 


The bottom line is I could have shafted clients and offered Discovery upfront, but would have lost clients very quickly. Usually within the first year or two, or, I could have ensured that I was selling to the correct client! The problem is, Discovery does a very good job at marketing, however, when it comes to the client's understanding of the product, something fails. In my case it was simple. If I failed to inform and get buy-in from the client at inception, there would be comebacks and unhappy clients. 


In my option, the broker is mostly to blame with the client following on a very close second. The broker's responsibility is to educate their client and ensure that their final selected product is taken out based on an informed decision. It's thee broker's job to ensure that the client is adequately informed! However, surely the client should ensure that they are adequately informed as well?


Discovery does what they promise to do!!! Was doesn't happen is the broker informs or educates the client adequately and the client fails to take ownership of the responsibility to ensure that they are taking the right product for them. 


Sure, Discovery should sort their sh±t out and fix their IT. But frankly, and we are all guilty of this infraction at some point, we should all take ownership of the fact that we took a product or took advantage of an offer that we failed to investigate effectively. Do you read the warranty on your helmet, bike, accessories (how many threads are on this very forum where the terms where not fully read/attended to/ understood?)....


Surely a free Apple Watch and the other cr±p Discovery offered us doesn't come free? The fact of the matter is, if we are active and energetic and earn our fitness points etc., the theme not only saves money and therefore keeps our premiums down, but also gathers important information into how their costing system works, based on how often we exercise, our cholesterol level, blood pressure etc. etc. etc.


This provides us with a more accurate cost for out medical aid and life cover etc. Make no mistake, the information Discovery gathers from our workouts and health checks is invaluable. They use this data is ways only actuaries will understand and they use this to ensure that not only can they cater properly for the times when we break our collar bone on the trails or hit the clown who is under investigation in and around the cradle for doing dodgy sh±t, but they also do so to ensure that they make a profit.


A PROFIT? :eek:  :eek:  :eek:


Surely you don't expect them to work for free?  Well, yes, they make a profit from buying us Apple Watches and other nice items via their "super rewarding credit card" and all the other "free stuff" they give us. Why, because by us using all this free stuff, they are able to care for us better, price our care more effectively, offer us "huge discounts".... How?


Well, they gather the data they need in order to do so. From where? from the devices and benefits they offer us for free and those that they encourage us to use.


for the record, I last sold a Discovery product over three and some change years ago. Since then I have no longer been in the industry and have been a mere consumer of these products. However, my time in this industry has taught me to ensure that i know what I am buying. As result, many of my insurance products still lie with Discovery, and as long as i am in a position to milk their system, they will remain there! 


The bottom line, after this long winded post which has left me exhausted, is that we should take responsibility for the "deals" we make use of and ensure that we understand what is required of use in order to make it worth our while.


I am yet to pay more than a week or two for the Apple Watch I sold on Gumtree today, but I must say that I get more benefit from these guys, doing what I love (MTB, running, swimming.....) than the watch would have cost me in the first place! 


IN SHORT: Investigate the deal before you rush in and make sure you're prepared to stick to your side of the bargain!!!


BTW: I'm still pissed that I have to send my data through, but I get two free coffee a week and a free Apple Watch. This happens once every few months, perhaps it's worth it!!!!!!!!!!


EDIT: The data they gather from us using our free stuff is more accurate than any data Discovery could buy from outside sources. They are sampling their own client  base and therefore are able to not only encourage their members to live a healthier lifestyle, but also to get a far more accurate costing model for their own group's medical care. It's actually genius, the only problem they encounter is the members who really think they are getting free stuff! It's only free if you ensure you fit into their model in terms of activity levels etc. But then they told us that, we just couldn't hear that over the noise in the Apple Watch queue at the iStore on launch day....



Can someone say 180 degrees? 

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Anyone do Parkrun this past weekend that still has not had the points for that come through?


Usually this has come through on the day shortly after getting the results....


EDIT: Just so that the full scope of the sync issues is understood to be more than just Garmin\Polar etc

parkrun points will always reflect on Wednesday. You will always be awarded 300 points regardless of your speed or HR. An invaluable 300 for someone who needs to gather 900 this week. 

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Get the other 3 people to do all their tests too and voila, you're on gold. (2 of the 3 will be kids or your gold requirement would be higher!) You can't make up points for the 1 other adult member on your own. They need to do the same tests you're doing. Book them to do the tests and send them on their way! (I used to have this same problem when my ex wife was still on my scheme! Booted her off about 6 years ago as she kept missing the appointments after a couple of efforts!)

Elite fitness assessment gives you 15000 points. Yes, you pay in R1500, but you get it all back. 

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One of the Discovery I T guys is an anarchist. On Friday he arrived at work, and said: Guys, let's take the system ape puss for a week, and see how many bitch-slap emails / tweets / hub posts etc we can generate.


Result. Things are not going smoothie.

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1000 point target for me this week


But only 100 points for my 2:40 hour 85% HR ride on Saturday.

And that's only because it synch'ed my SHealth and counted over 10 000 steps  :cursing:


They are obviously having a problem with reading to Garmin or something.

The haven't sorted out their problem with Garmin.


Yesterday's 3 hour ride gets me 100 points for 10 000 steps from S Health again.  :cursing:  :cursing:

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One of the Discovery I T guys is an anarchist. On Friday he arrived at work, and said: Guys, let's take the system ape puss for a week, and see how many bitch-slap emails / tweets / hub posts etc we can generate.


Result. Things are not going smoothie.

It's the call center okes and IT who are stuck in their chairs all day. 'If we stuff up the system, we'll get our HR up for hours' #hubstylesmoothies #HRismybeeyatch
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Can someone say 180 degrees? 


The long winded post above is just an indication of my experiences from "the other side of the fence" when it comes to Discovery and their program, as well as a technical outlook in terms of the insurance aspect of Vitality. You'll note that the bulk of my posts on this thread relate to administrative problems as opposed to problems with the program itself. This is not an about turn but an opinion in terms of where members often fall short when taking advantage of what's on offer, often due to a lack of adequate understanding.


Their admin still sucks as I've still not been awarded points where I should have, but that is not an endorsement of the program's faults or features but rather a negative endorsement on the part of the admin jockeys running the thing.

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Issues resolved on my side. Goal achieved for the week.

All points for the weekend polar and garmin allocated.

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Their admin still sucks as I've still not been awarded points where I should have, but that is not an endorsement of the program's faults or features but rather a negative endorsement on the part of the admin jockeys running the thing.


I have no problem with the system. I have a serious problem when I comply and they do no. If I load my workouts on Polar and or Garmin and I don't get points allocated and then I get a mail to send screen shots?  I'm not desperate to give my kids the smoothie vouchers.


But I do question what happens when I'm dead and they don't pay out my life policy. If they can't honour their commitment to sync with Garmin and Polar how much confidence do I have that they'll pay out my kids if I was to die?

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All points for the weekend polar and garmin allocated.

Natively or did you send screen shots? Mine not showing but I won't send screen shots.

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I have no problem with the system. I have a serious problem when I comply and they do no. If I load my workouts on Polar and or Garmin and I don't get points allocated and then I get a mail to send screen shots?  I'm not desperate to give my kids the smoothie vouchers.


But I do question what happens when I'm dead and they don't pay out my life policy. If they can't honour their commitment to sync with Garmin and Polar how much confidence do I have that they'll pay out my kids if I was to die?

Rob, is that honestly a concern? The one is a contract between you and them that is reliant on your insurability, and once in place is there as long as you carry on paying the premiums, and as long as you were completely up front about your medical history, and is not subject to change unless you change it, or if there is a change in the claims criteria that results in more thorough coverage (if a change results in LESS thorough coverage, then it only applies to new entrants)


The other is a points system reliant on the constant meshing of multiple systems and servers that occasionally (often) has bugs. What is evident is that even when it's working, it's not working for long - so there must be some sort of consistent bug in the code somewhere that results on something not being sent or read - the Life Assurance & Med Aid have sweet FA to do with that, apart from a Vitality Status perspective when it comes to your annual & 5-yearly paybacks, and your annual cover & premium increases. The points system has and always will be subject to change, and the new VAR system is subject to change as more data comes in. That was clear from the get-go.


So - while their seeming incapability in providing a syncing system that works is a real concern on the VAR side of things, that should in no way detract from the quality of your actual life cover or med aid - as the 3 are completely separate. 

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So my goal was 800 points last week that i did not meet (had a few issues with my garmin).  This week it increased to 900. If you dont meet a goal, does it not go down? of is it just going to increase every week regardless of what you are doing?

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