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Rudi Pollard

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Posts posted by Rudi Pollard

  1. Strange thing: all my previous workouts have been in the 20-59 timeframe (300 points)

    This morning, I've got a 30-44min moderate workout (100 points)

    If they truly want to get this right they need more time brackets and more HR zones. For shorter exercises(less than 1 hr) I am happy that they have moderate and vigourous zones as that is achievable. For anything longer they should add 1 or 2 more zones so that you are rewarded for base training as well. A 3-4 hour base session shouldn't reward you with 3000 points, but it shouldn't be zero either.


    By the looks of it they might be experimenting with something at the moment behind the scenes

  2. It's all so complicated! Does it really need to be so complicated!!!???

    It's not that complicated.

    Dicsovery wants you to workout at least 4 times a week at a certain instensity. The only way they can check this is with HR data. They have structured the points allocation to fit in with this.


    Yes there is a few things that they need to sort out but I agree with their approach. From 1 Jan I have basically been hitting my goal by doing 1 workout. With their current system I racked up between 15000-18000 points a week. My fitness points was maxed by 17 Jan. This does not make sense.

  3. Somebody will have to explain to me how training at 70 % plus most of the time is correct behaviour........

    From their response they are not encouraging you to train for 3 hours at that intensity to get your points goal on 1 day. What they are trying to encourage is 4 sessions a week of half an hour(like a spinning class).


    That's why I also said that they need to reconsider the points for longer workouts because to ride for 3 hours at 75% plus is going to hurt... They can even reduce the points allocation but for longer sessions they need to add points for the 55-65% of HR as well.

  4. I am also on the favorable side of the coin as according to vitality my max HR is 190, where my actual max is 204. All my rides are currently being flagged as vigorous...


    Something they might want to consider is to include a max HR test as part of the Elite Fitness Test. That way you can go for the test, they can capture your actual max HR and the system can work out your points from there.


    If you don't go for the test your points will be based on the 220-age formula, which has a 15 beats up or down standard deviation if I remember correctly.


    They are trying to encourage the correct behavior, but it is very difficult to get a points system that works for everyone as there are so many variables when it comes to a persons max HR.


    The other thing they should reconsider is those long base sessions which will never hit the moderate or vigorous categories. If I go for a 4 hour base ride and I get zero points I wouldn't be to happy...

  5. In my mind this campaign was a deliberate bait and switch scheme where they made it very attractive to take up an offering with a discounted rate, and once hooked they went to the fine print to now cash in. It will be hard to prove, but if enough people believe that Discovery were dishonest with this campaign, they may have to re-evaluate how they go about this.

    Discovery can then just ask the dishonest couch patatoes to provide proof that it was actually them doing the exercise just to find out they don't even own a bicycle or a pair of running shoes... Meanwhile they log 2 hour bike rides on Strava to reach their weekly goal and get a free watch.

  6. I did a quick 30min wattbikke session this morning and it did sync. 300 points. 


    I used my garmin on the wattbike, uploaded to Vitality and Strava. I did yesterday plug my Garmin into the computer to update it and lost all my settings, had to save all my settings again and reconnect to Strava only. Took about 40 mins to get all right


    At the end Discovery was taken for a ride by so many people that put in false recordings. I know I must not be judgmental now but please help me understand how a person that clearly don't train still get the different rewards from Kaui, etc. They work with me so I do know they don't train. I will also not agree how Discovery did it but time will tell and wonder what will happen now with the proposed rewards on flights that was soon to be announced. 


    The problem discovery is sitting with is to eliminate the people who is currently cheating the system. The solution they have come up with now penalises fit active and honest people which is counter intuitive to the entire Vitality brand.


    They have the right thing in mind but their knee jerk reaction has just pissed everyone off!!!

  7. Just put a flat battery in your HR strap. My Garmin reads at 220+ if the battery goes flat...


    On a more serious note, they will have to reconsider the new points allocation system. It does not make any sense to give someone zero points for a 3 hour plus base ride.  It will drive the wrong behavior and people will find new ways to cheat the system!

  8. Must say I think its a bad call from the Epic. The prologue is still a few weeks away. The route is mostly nowhere near the campus anyway. Bring in some security and away you go.  I was looking forward to the crash video from THE Single Track :-)

    I don't think its the trails that is the problem. It is the start/finish area with media and the worlds eyes on it. Imagine the chaos the protesters can cause with all the supporters, and all of it on live television...

  9. My new GX 1x11 Gripshift is faulty and the alu cover is loose; as I bought it on e bay 9new), Cape Cyle Systems wont do a warranty replacement....that sucks!

    Makes 100% sense that they didn't warranty it... Nothing that sucks


    Moving on

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