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Dicky DQ

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Posts posted by Dicky DQ

  1. 17 minutes ago, Styvie said:

    Hi all I’m planning the cross cape for the end of the year. It’s something iv wanted to do for ages and I haven’t had the best two years with this darn pandemic. I’m looking to do this ride to end 2021 off on a high note and let the better times roll in 2022.

    i ultimately would like to do it on my own  to allow my self to clear my mind and reboot so to say.

    is this a really kaaak idea ?  I’ll have all the important items with me I plan to travel light and sleep well in some bnbs

    5 to 6 days is my goal to do it in.


    Nike it!


  2. 21 hours ago, Trashy said:

    So, you lost interest in the community aspect before the most recent changes started it towards a marketplace focused site, then returned to use the site for it's stated purpose, and complained about the changes....?

    There is still plenty of scope to discuss cycling related content here, and we are occasionally also indulged in pitchfork brigades....

    No, I lost interest BECAUSE of the changes, please don't put words in my mouth. I was a member for the start of Le Hub and lived through the great Crash etc.

    But unfortunately I need to accept that this is now purely a cycling gumtree. Fine I will use it as such, which is why I returned to look for a bike and started browsing around to see what was going on and saw that it had just become more draconian in its moderation. 

    I was just commenting on how sad this is.


    10 hours ago, porqui said:

    Sad thing is that bikehub is a far cry from what it used to be.

    That is a fact not an opinion.

    Unfortunately, this is probably what I am lamenting with my opening post.

    We went from what I believed was a social gathering place for cyclists, that allowed members/users to sell stuff to an online classified advertisement website. period!

    This is such a shame as it was a place I came to to shoot the cycling/non cycling breeze with like minded individuals. Which is such a shame as I believe that was also what brought Bike Hub to what it is today; but so be it, I was just raising a comment, which may or may not be closed down soon, proving the point.

  4. On 8/28/2021 at 10:29 AM, Styvie said:

    Right ! So thanks again for all the input ! 

    I have found this trek single track for sale in rose bank cpt and I have been I contact with the seller. 

    he wants 500 bux for it. 

    He says it needs a new rear wheel breaks a service and a chain. 

    I’ll post a pic below seems like decent bike with a little bit of cool factor to it (I know not that important) 

    what do you guys think ? Does anyone have some old parts laying around that we can use on this bike ? I’ll also be buying him some safety gear. 



    That seems like a deal,

    Contact them and then let me know if it is still up for grabs. I will pay the 500 zar. I will also arrange and pay for shipping but don't have time for servicing etc. and wheel /rim replacement.

    I am sure the hub can do the rest. Also rather spend the money you have on a "helmut" and lock etc. to keep things safe.

    DM me if you want to move this along.

  5. Seems normal. On our last TB I went and purchased a 2 plate stove which we used for the whole night as a heater. Even then the water bottles standing in the room froze over the top of the water.

    Strongs guys. I am entered but cant make it so ......... 

  6. 1 hour ago, XZelle said:

    Hello guys, does someone have a packing/checklist for each of the crates, willing to share? It is my first TB. I know it is very personal, but something to work with would put my mind to ease. Thanks.  

    You don't need to pack anything in the boxes. If you are starting early you will have your lights and all clothing on yourself or bike. The issue in the past was you started at 10:00 and rode into the night. So most put lights and warm clothing in the boxes. There is no need for anything else in the boxes.

    We have not used boxes for the 4 x TB. People make a bigger thing of it than need be.

  7. On 8/11/2021 at 10:30 PM, Mountain Bru said:

    I'm sure every proposed solution will have potential problems. And it is extremely unlikely that anything that's implemented will work 100% on the first attempt. But the point is to try things, get feedback, improve, and try again. 

    Yes, maybe if you have more water points, certain ones will still be overcrowded. But maybe they won't be. Who knows? Maybe at the top of the big climb where everyone always stops is a good place to have another waterpoint 2km down the road and encourage people to freewheel down the hill a bit rather than stopping immediately. Yes, stocking those points might be harder, but it's not impossible. <I believe it is impossible as most people have a set riding regime. Why stop if you don't have to. There is a reason water points are currently where they are. It comes from experience> 

    Maybe having "non-timed" neutral sections in longer races will help to thin the field and prevent build up at waterpoints? Who knows?<Then it becomes like the DC, a short sprint race, absolute waste of time, why even bother to enter an "endurance event" that is not one any more?>

    Maybe having "food only", "water only" and "sports drink only" water points will help to reduce congestion so the dude that wants to down a cup of coke isn't held up by the guy that wants an energy bar and to fill his bottle. <Again, the spacing of the points is an issue as well as the fact that you will now be required to stop more often (or not id you make all the points water only). A better option will be to make it totally unsupported, but then you will have a very small field. That may be a good thing>


  8. 6 hours ago, Jewbacca said:

    The value of life and the perception of grandeur..

    Our systems here are broken. It's even prevalent on this site, with people thinking they are better and looking down on other cyclists because they know more about bikes than other cyclists, despite not actually being better at riding them.

    In a world where the wealthy can make things go away and those less fortunate have nothing to lose, there is seldom any recourse and due to the lack of consequence, things are far more easily 'justified'.

    The attitude of people are a symptom of our past.

    There are always exceptions, but as a collective whole, there is little to no actual compassion to people as people. Many South Africans believe themselves above those around them and many many of the rest just don't care.

    To me the biggest issue is non enforcement of the law period.

    We need to go with the broken window approach, no crime is too small etc. Enforce and convict, then move up the ladder. (I will be one of those caught and convicted) But as long as there are no consequences who cares what the laws state. Same nonsense as going to 0% blood alcohol. What good is it having it on the statutes, but not enforced. Rather have reasonable laws that ARE ENFORCED. Then you will see compliance and a eventualy enforcement will be less needed as the masses will abide and self enforce.

    Sad thing is we are in cowboy country and anything goes no matter what the law states.


  9. 17 hours ago, Mountain Bru said:

    And seen as it's almost Friday ????.....

    All you guys that don't eat or eat all kinds of picnic snacks and 3 course home cooked meals and just drink water on rides out of your 1 bottle obviously aren't riding very hard. During a hard ride when the heart is pumping at full gas and the legs are screaming, I can barely get anything down, and have to force myself to keep eating and drinking so I don't bonk out while my bike does a sub 3 argus/947. 

    So for me, carb drink is a huge win cos it's much easier to get fluids in than solids at high intensity. I think the goal is 60g - 80g of carbs an hour, which is a million times easier if it's a fluid. I'm also a big fan of the SiS isotonic gels - they seem to just go down easily, and I think that isotonic thing means you don't have to down loads of water with every gel. Far bars are also good for me, but chewing at full gas leaves me out of breathe. 

    Good luck shoveling peanuts and raisins into your mouth at full speed... Guaranteed you leave most of them on the road. Good luck chewing biltong at 190bpm heartrate.... I think you might actually pass out. Don't even get me started on how long it takes to chew a PVM energy bar - those things are 1 part sugar, 1 par rubber. And if you're stopping at cafe's during a race, you're literally de-valuing your bike cos there's 0% chance of being able to advertise it as a "sub-3 argust" bike after that.


    But who considers the Argus or 94.7 as an event that needs serious fueling. It is a 3 hr ride so fuel up before take a gel or 2 and be done (A bar-one/nought etc will also work). 
    From what I gathered these guys were talking fueling for 200 to 2,000 km rides. Damn even the DC is now 3 sprints with refueling stops. And don't get me started on the S2S, J2C, TB etc. Here all you need is what they give.

    It is Friday so let's be real here.

  10. 16 hours ago, TheoG said:

    Absolutely true, but at what point are we getting too sensitive over the smallest of things, just asking, no need to answer.  That being said, however, to avoid provoking any enraged responses, in future I will refrain from saying a lady is pretty even though she might obviously be for the entire world to see.

    My Opinion:

    We are getting to the point that the snowflakes rule the world and the rest just need to shut up. I am so over this nonsense and will no longer fit in to cosset the snowflakes. Enough is enough. The should follow rule 5.

    This is true for most people in life, even these snowflakes that feel they can't cope with life and try to take their lives. Now don't go all righteous on me now and say I don't understand, I do and I am tired of all this nonsense.  I have lost an uncle and almost my wife (I got home in time to rush her to hospital) and have also contemplated it a few times in the last while.

    We are too accepting and accommodating these days. I believe we we force people to HFU as kids we would be in a much better place.

  11. 5 hours ago, Jase619 said:

    Flat and non technical would be the most weekends kind of vibe, however, if you read further the goal would be to get a bike that if we were to take them away with us, say to a place that is not flat and technical, and we decided to do a race, be it Sani2C, or W2W or whatever the case may be, that we would be correctly kitted out for such an occasion. The decision to ride these races is basically made, just needing the bikes, hence making a decision with that in mind.

    I am picking up on a few things here, but I am guessing that a hardtail would not be sufficient in such a case? 

    Here is the rub, a hard tail will cover anything you would want to ride unless you are going to go bombing down Black Diamond trails. It will be a bit bore white knuckle that is all. That said, any dual susser will cover 150% of what 90% of so called had core MTB's call heavy trails. I have never had the fortune of being able to own a dual susser of any kind and I am never left on the gnarly trails. 

    HOWEVER!!!! I have ridden an XC bike on gravel roads with corrugations and soft grass fields, THAT IS WHERE the suss comes into its own. So If you are going to be riding mostly gravel travel with a few normal single tracks an XC bike is more than you need.

    Better question is, what is the budget and what is the bike with the best, lightest components you can get. AND one that feels comfortable the moment you get on it and turn the pedals. To me that is what you should use as the measure. Simple!

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