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  1. So with more and more of us moving to structured training plans either with power meters on the bike or on the IDT, or even just using HRM. I thought it might be good idea and of assistance to find out how many free training plans there are out there to use with Trainingpeaks (TP). I have have been using TP for the last year and find the integration of automatic upload/sync with the likes of garmin and as such the ease of following workouts and checking performance and PMC numbers etc to be pretty beneficial in my training and fitness. Yes there are many plans you can buy via the trainingpeaks website, but if you look hard enough you can find free ones Especially as I see more and more hubbers saying I have X number of weeks before an event, what plan can I do to get fit... or a semblance of fitness for that event. Perhaps a structured training plan will help better. It is said that your are 2X more likely to succeed if you follow a structured training plan and as hubbers prefer to spend more on their bikes than on the fitness/training side... perhaps some free plans might be of assistance with the basic Athlete training account on TP. (which is also free) So to get the proverbial training going, here some links to free training plans: Cycling http://home.trainingpeaks.com/products/trainingplans/affiliates/british-cycling/british-cycling-training-plans https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/cycling/tp-74350/road-stages-power-primer-new-power-meter-user-7-12-hours-per-week https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/cycling/tp-74712/tt-tri-stages-power-pacing-new-power-meter-user-4-9-hours-per-week https://www.trainingpeaks.com/affiliates/quarq-training-plans/?utm_source=FB_Post&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=FB_TrainingPeaks_Quarq_training_plan&utm_content=Quarq%20training%20plans%20in%20TrainingPeaks https://www.trainingpeaks.com/my-training-plans/rgtcycling Ebook needed for the stages plans https://support.stagescycling.com/en/support/solutions/articles/1000122756-ebook-trainingpeak-s-how-to-start-training-with-power- Triathlon http://home.trainingpeaks.com/products/trainingplans/affiliates/british-triathlon/british-triathlon-training-plans http://home.trainingpeaks.com/products/trainingplans/affiliates/usa-triathlon/usa-triathlon-training-plans https://home.trainingpeaks.com/products/trainingplans/plans/15-week-pool-sprint-triathlon-plan-for-1st-timers?DCI=22&DSC=42 Use Code to get for free https://home.trainingpeaks.com/purchase/TP-111567 Running https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/running/10km/tp-109701/beginner-10k-plan-with-structured-workouts Sufferfest (a whole host of various plans) https://thesufferfest.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/333757054935-The-Sufferfest-APEX-Training-Plans-Now-Available-on-TrainingPeaks https://www.trainingpeaks.com/the-sufferfest.HTML Swimming https://www.trainingpeaks.com/affiliates/2017-triathlon-week-swim-training-plans/ Anyone found any other free TP plans whether cycling, triathlon, running, crossfit etc?? 20% Discount code for TP, 20BritishTri2020 (Just change the year accordingly) https://thesufferfest.com/pages/training-plans
  2. Event Name: Around The Pot 100miler When: 18 July 2020 Where: Swellendam, Western Cape Category: MTB OVERVIEW & FACTS WHEN: Saturday 18 July 2020 FORMAT: Solo, Teams of 2, Teams of 3 and Teams of 4 ​​ ENTRY FEES FULL 200MILER/321KM COST: Solo - R900 Teams of 2 - R1700 Teams of 3 - R2550 Teams of 4 - R3400 FULL 100MILER/160KM COST: Solo - R700 Teams of 2 - R1300 Teams of 3 - R1950 Teams of 4 - R2600 60 MILER/98KM (SHORTCUT OVER THE FERRY) COST: Solo - R600 Teams of 2 - R1000 Teams of 3 - R1500 Teams of 4 - R2000 25 MILER/40KM (CHICKEN RUN) COST: Solo - R325 Teams of 2 - R550 Teams of 3 - R825 Teams of 4 - R1100 ​REGISTRATION FOR ALL 3 DISTANCES WILL BE IN THE AFTERNOON ON FRIDAY 17 JULY 2020 FROM 15:00 TO 21:00 OR ON SATURDAY MORNING BETWEEN 05h00 AND 06h30 ONLINE ENTRIES WILL CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY 15 JULY 2020 AT MIDNIGHT GOODIEBAGS ONLY FOR THE FIRST 500 ENTRIES THE RACE BRIEFING WILL BE AT THE START LINE 15min BEFORE THE RACE START. ALL FINISHERS WILL RECEIVE A RACE MEDAL AND A FINISH LINE HAMBURGER. AFTER RACE MASSAGES CAN BE PRE-BOOKED ON ENTRYNINJA @R100. ON THE DAY FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS @ R120 PRIZE-GIVING WILL BE AT 15:00 ON SATURDAY ​ WHERE All 4 races will start and finish at the Swellendam Showgrounds. GPS Coordinates: 34*1.683' S 20* 26.546 E Click on the 'Maps & Directions' icon above to see map and directions to Race Start ​ ON ROUTE & WATERPOINTS This route will mainly consist of fast flowing gravel/dirt roads through the rolling foothills of the Overberg. 200 Miler Riders (321km) will leave Swellendam at 00:00 (midnight) Friday evening and will reach Waterpoint 1 (50km) at about 02h00-03h00 200 MILERS 9x water points (of which 3 are official checkpoints) on route with water, energy drink and eats. (50km / 90km(CP1) / 127km / 170(CP2)km / 192km / 223km(CP3-ferry) / 257km/ 295km/308km) At Waterpoint 6 at Malagas (223km) you will enter a neutral zone for 45 minutes. Here you will be served with breakfast at Malagas and you'll experience real Overberg hospitallity. All other checkpoints will be included in your timing. At all checkpoint is where you will be able to meet your team support vehicle or support box. Teams without support vehicles will be able to collect their support boxes at the 3 checkpoints. Support boxes to be handed in by 21h00 on Friday. (3hours before start) Support boxes to be collected as from 18h00 Saturday afternoon Hamburger at the finish when you hand in your race number. Cut off time at the ferry (223km) 17h00 avg speed 13.2km/h Finish Line cut-off will be at 00h00 Saturday evening. (24hours) 100 Miler Riders (160km) will leave Swellendam at 7am and will reach Waterpoint 1 (35km) at about 08h00-9am 100 MILERS 6x water points on route with water, energy drink and eats.(35km/65km/100km/118km/130km/145km) At Waterpoint 3 at Malagas (100km) you will enter a neutral zone for 45 minutes. Here you will be served with lunch at Malagas and you'll experience real Overberg hospitallity. This is where you will meet your team support vehicle. Teams without support vehicles will be able to collect their support boxes at the water table. Support boxes to be handed in by 6:30am on raceday. Collect boxes from 3pm after the race. Hamburger at the finish when you hand in your race number. Ferry cut off time at 100km 1:30pm avg speed 15.4km/h Finish Line cut-off will be at 6pm (11hours) 60Miler Riders (97km) will leave Swellendam at 7:30am and will reach Waterpoint 1 (35km) at about 9am 60 MILER 4x waterpoints (35km/48km/75km/85km) will be stocked with good fluid supplies and some scrumptious snacks. At Waterpoint 2 at Malagas (48km) you will enter a neutral zone for 45 minutes. Here you will be served with lunch and you'll experience real Overberg hospitallity. Unfortunately NO support boxes or Support vehicles for 60 MILER Riders. Hamburger at the finish when you hand in your race number. No support boxes allowed 25Miler Riders (40km) will leave Swellendam at 08:00 and will reach Waterpoint 1 (28km) at about 09h00 25 MILER 1x waterpoint on route (28km) will be stocked with good fluid supplies and some scrumptious snacks. Hamburger at the finish when you hand in your race number. Unfortunately NO support boxes or Support vehicles for 25 MILER Riders. You will have 45 minutes to eat and cross the river. Any minutes more than 45 spent in the Malagas Neutral zone will be added to your race time. Kiddies area at the finish line! 200 Miler, 100 Miler and 60 Miler routes is Cyclo Cross/Gravel Bike Friendly. Please note this is an outdoor MTB gravel-road race. Please come prepared for all weather conditions. It can be nice and sunny, but also rainy and muddy. SUPPORTER INFO There will be a Support point for the at Malagas on the Western side of the Breede river just before you cross the FERRY. This will be a Neutral zone for Riders to enter for no longer than 45 minutes. Any minutes more than 45 spent in the Malagas Neutral zone will be added to your race time. Go to Event Page
  3. "Bike Odyssey 2021", the toughest and biggest race in Greece and one of the hardest worldwide, will be held from June 20 to 27 June. Get ready for the most exciting cycling Odyssey in the mountains of Pindos. Stay tuned for many more! More info: https://www.bikeodyssey.gr/en/
  4. For the Bike Mad Dads… We can’t take you to the sport, so we’re bringing the sport to you! Join us at 12h00 on Father’s Day for a chat with Tour de France stage winner, Daryl Impey, and multiple award winning Chef and Cape Epic finisher, David Higgs on all things cycling, leadership and fatherhood! R200 per family– all proceeds go towards Rare Diseases South Africa. Date: Sunday 21 June 2020 Time: 12h00 Venue: Zoom Chatroom (Details to be sent upon booking) To Book: https://bit.ly/Heroes_4_Heroes #Heroes4Heroes #FathersDay #Lockdown
  5. Hi fellow hubbers Does anyone know where I can find some colorful cycling caps? Or if not would anyone be keen to import and split shipping/tax costs?
  6. Sharing is caring, please share youtube cycling related video links. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xci1GIwLNoo
  7. Price Drop for this coming september long weekend - Pay only R6500.00 for a group of 4. There is only one package available at this price - to book now, click here We arent really sure if this weekend escape from the city is for the foodie with a MTB problem, or the MTBer with an eating disorder. What we do know for sure though, is riding bikes makes you hungry, and food and wine go so well with MTBs, that it makes perfect sense to pair them. This awesome weekend of MTBing is a bargain at only R2600.00pp, and includes 2 nights accomodation, all meals, a full day of guided riding on saturday, crossing through private property normally off limits to the public, two cheese tastings, a number of wine tastings (if the goverment grows a brain), and a day pass to the Hemel and Aarde Trails on Sunday. all of this, and its not even 2 hours drive from the city, if you take it easy. for all the details, and to book your spot - click here Space is strictly limited to 8 riders for the weekend, and we already have two spots taken - so there are 6 spots still avaialble. Remember, if you pay by EFT, you get a free branded buff. ************We will have a selection of local botique wine for personal consumption available free of charge, at the accomodation, regardless of the regulations that may be in place at the time.... however, wine tasting at the vineyards may not be possible, as a result of the alcohol ban.
  8. Hi all, I need a little bit of help here. I am new to cycling and have gone out for a total of 2 rides since I got my bike last week. Now on these rides (both about 20km) I can't pedal consistently for more than a few minutes before I need to free wheel to 'catch my breath'. The pain in my quads burns like **** which forces me to stop pedaling. From a cardio perspective, I am unfit, however when I look at my HR data from Garmin my AVG is about 100bpm, so clearly I could continue, but its just that burn that stops me. I have been for a bike fit so I am confident that it is all setup fine. Is it just a case of me needing to ride more and more to 'get through it' and it will become less, or is there potentially a problem here? It's just the HR data throwing me off, which is why I thought to get a few opinions here. TIA
  9. Good Afternoon: Please note we are starting to experience an escalation in attacks on cyclists within the Langebaan area. 1) Monday 18 April 2022 at approx 10:15 a female cyclist was accosted by two males on a tarred cycle path off Oostewal Road (main entrance road) outside Seaview Park (commonly known as Hopland). The cyclist refused to hand over her bicycle and was assisted by another cyclist and a motorist. The perpatrators ran off and could not be located by local SAPS. 2) Male cyclist was accosted and assaulted on Langebaan entrance road near Engen One Stop, by a single assailant. The perpetrator made off with the bicycle, but was apprehended by SANPARKS rangers and a motorist who stopped to assist. The cyclist has been seriously injured. The perpetrator is in SAPS custody and a formal docket opened. The bicycle was recovered. We are currently experiencing an unsettling crime spike within Langebaan. I would like to caution all who visit our area to please keep your items safe, cycle within the West Coast National Park, the Langebaan Country Estate or make sure you are cycling in numbers. Many bicycles have been reported stolen, few have been recovered and the new attacks on cyclists is very concerning. We are trying to give it priority attention with our local law enforcement agencies and government as well as our Neighourhood Watch, Team Langebaan Neighourhood Watch. Kind Regards Jon Amira Cycleworx Langebaan
  10. Helmsman Cycles now open in Krugersdorp. Buy bikes and parts, and enjoy our coffee shop while you socialise with other cyclists. Contact us helmsmancycles@gmail.com for more info.
  11. Get all your cycling gear delivered straight to your door with FREE delivery for the month of June. Lots of great cycling gear to keep you warm while riding this Winter! Buy online today! visit www.firstascent.co,.za Free delivery promotion until 30th June 2014.
  12. Please join our charity bond in riding for a purpose in the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge on 16 November. For more info, please email willene@ifaasa.co.za. Hope to see you there!!! Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge - Webpage.pdf
  13. Hi all, I am embarking on a personal website called MTB Events SA. There are so many MTB events across South Africa and they each have their own website. The reason why I started this website is because I want to have a centralised website/database where you can view all events across the country. I want to display event information in a neat and readable way instead of having race details all over the place. I also want to display accommodation in and around the event. I always struggle to find accommodation when travelling to far away races. I also want to display things to do in and around the venue for those that are going to sleep over and don't want to sit at the place where you stay and watch TV. I want to have detailed route information and profiles. User comments after the race which can be forwarded to the event organisers. Pics of the race, Youtube videos of the routes, directions to the race, weather etc etc. The site has been optimised to use the latest internet technologies, it won't work on Internet Explorer 8 or lower, only from 9 and above. It will work on other browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox. It is optimsed for mobile devices because most people are all day on their phones. I don't plan to make money off the site right now, for now it's just a personal project and website. There might be a similar site but like I said it's a personal project that I am doing in my spare time and for my own enjoyment. If you have any ideas it would be appreciated. What would you like to see about an event before entering? Do you guys think something like this will work? The site is very bare at the moment, I put on content as soon as when I have time. Go to www.mtbevents.co.za and click on events on the menu above. Select the race that I have loaded to see what I am trying to do. I have a Facebook page and Twitter account registered. If you want please follow on Facebook and Twitter. I will starting posting as soon as when I have some more content. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks Brendan
  14. Going through my old Cycling Pics from the 80's and 90's it's great to see how thing have progressed, but the smiles stayed the same! Below are some pics from: 1990's Hell and Back, where Geddan Ruddock from Franschhoek won most of the rides Old Knysna MTB Race - mostly mud The Family on brand new Mountain bikes Junior Racing days - check out the helmet and Oakley's making a comeback! Nice South Coast Tour during my School Years Enjoy and add your old pics!
  15. We were debating at training yesterday on who was/could be the greatest cycling climber ever.Of course there was the Belgian Van Impe, the 'Eagle of Toledo' Fredico Bahamontes, Charly Gaul - I personally liked Marco Pantani because he kept the 'climber' in the TdF alive with the advent of power riders like Indurian (in fact I wrote a post on this http://decaironman-training.com/2014/02/14/highlights-of-2013-world-ironman-championship-kona-hawaii/). But yes back to Quintana, at only 23 and has came 3rd in the TdF - alot of people said unexpected but I dont think that is fair - and is worshipped at home http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-23709753. I think he is ranked 8th but could he bring the 'climber' back to win a grand tour in this age of Team Sky and efficient teams? What do you think?
  16. Starting a forum for people to find out about where to go for a weekend road cycling getaway in the Western Cape. Any recommendations?
  17. New radar device makes cycling safer August 6 2014 at 09:15am By Murray Williams Comment on this story http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/iol-mot-cycling-radar-1.1731165!/image/1781875817.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1781875817.jpg Independent Newspapers Vulnerable position: Reporter Murray Williams negotiates the chaos of Malta Road between Salt River and Observatory. Picture: Henk Kruger. Cape Town - A revolutionary new bicycle safety device has been launched, which uses radar to warn cyclists about cars approaching from behind. Backtracker improves cyclists’ visibility and awareness of what’s happening behind them on the road. South African specialists in radar and computer-vision and cycling enthusiasts Ikubu have been creating prototypes for Backtracker since 2010. “We believe our device will bring much-needed confidence back to a sport too frequently compromised by fear of unaware motorists. Backtracker is a type of sixth sense that helps cyclists to see what they ordinarily cannot,” iKubu managing director Franz Struwig said. “Backtracker consists of two small, lightweight units which detect and interpret the speed and acceleration of rear-approaching vehicles at a distance of up to 140m,” he said. “The handlebar-mounted front unit indicates your potential safety risk using a simple peripheral vision range indicator. The intelligent backlight alerts motorists to your position via increasingly frequent light pulses.” Backtracker’s radar technology is particularly valuable when cycling in low-visibility conditions such as fog and rain, dusk and dawn. http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/copy-of-ca-p6-franz-struwig-done-1.1731166!/image/1012812187.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1012812187.jpg Sixth sense: Radar expert Franz Struwig demonstrates the innovative, potentially lifesaving radar for bicycles. Picture: Murray Williams. Independent Newspapers “Also, it’s functionality is not affected by the proximity of other cyclists, which is useful when training in pelotons or on family cycling excursions,” Struwig said. The Cape Argus visited the company with Ernst van Dyk, winner of multiple Paralympics and World Championship medals and major international marathons, including a record 10 wheelchair-racing titles at the prestigious Boston Marathon. Van Dyk happily endorsed the life-saving product, testing it on the back of his racing wheelchair. Struwig said: “The idea for Backtracker was born through a chance meeting with an elderly cyclist, who had resorted to riding in the face of oncoming traffic, for fear of motorists behind him. It inspired us to create a safety product that could bring confidence back into every ride.” From there, the idea started taking shape through many hours of discussion and preliminary sketches, followed by a hand-built prototype which put the thinking to the test. High- frequency antennas were developed several months later before a more refined second prototype was built. This was, then miniaturised to ensure the components were as lightweight and small as possible, making it ideal for even serious cyclists. Safety-conscious road cyclists will be able to order the device via Dragon Innovation, a platform that has helped to launch other crowd-funded success stories such as the Pebble smartwatch and Hammerhead navigation system. Backtracker’s success relies on about 1000 supporters financially backing the product before it can make it past prototyping and on to handlebars. The device will be available in variously priced packages, including an early-bird special of about R1590, while the standard Backtracker price will be around R2125. SAFETY TIPS FOR CYCLISTS - Use pedal cycle lanes where these are available. - Keep as close as possible to the left edge of the roadway. - Obey traffic signs and signals. - Ride with, not against traffic. - Watch out for car doors opening in your path. - Wear brightly coloured clothing in the daytime, and reflective clothing at night. - Fit and use effective front and rear lights when riding in hours of darkness and when visibility is limited. - Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. - Be aware of hazardous road conditions. - Be aware of other road users, especially at intersections. - Ride in a straight line. - Wear a helmet that fits properly. - Never ride with headphones. FOR DRIVERS - Yield to cyclists, especially at intersections. - Leave a distance between the motor vehicle and the cyclist of at least 1m. - Check your blind spots and look before opening the car door. - Do not drive, stop or park in a bicycle lane. Source: Safely Home Campaign http://www.iol.co.za/motoring/bikes-quads-karts/new-radar-device-makes-cycling-safer-1.1731167#.U-Hfl_oaKUk
  18. Hi Hubbers I'm interested in finding out which South African cycling publications you guys are reading monthly and which is you're favorite.
  19. Don't miss this. Massive deals!
  20. CAPESTORM SALE happening next Saturday 29th March. Good deals and clearance on large amount of cycling, outdoor, running and more.
  21. Hi All! I'm a fine art student at the University of Pretoria and also a cyclist! We are currently doing a project on silkscreen printmaking. I have chosen to use textiles as a medium. It is quite a lengthy and sometimes complicated process, but in the end the prints always look fabulous!I've done some designs on my computer that I can then print on any size white t-shirt or tank top and would like to know if people will be interested in buying silkscreen t-shirts. I thought this might be a nice way to make a few bucks to pay off my new bike .The nice thing about these shirts will be that there will only be a few made and the inks that are used are of very high quality. I have printed some t-shirts for myself and my boyfriend already which have came out great.Please have a look at the designs at let me know if you think that this is something you will be interested in buying or if this is a horrible failed attempt . Also if you like them, which designs do you prefer? I will be asking around R120 for ladies shirts and R150 for mens, which includes postage in South-Africa. I'm only doing black and white prints as color inks tend to get really expensive.
  22. Hi, Anyone perhaps have the profile of the WP road champs 23 March
  23. Edit: taking a leaf out of Peter Sagan’s book of 100 riders each having their own story. 100 riders, 100 different stories. Here's my story of "lockdown", with some data leading into it. Having come off a club Tour to Durban, a few half marathons and the 947 Ride Joburg, I took a break that had some riding, but not much. I got back into it in mid January with the hope of planning for the Maluti D90 in April 2020. Some green spikey thing had other ideas plunging us into a lockdown never before seen in our lifetime. Rouvy and Zwift kept me busy when work (essential services) allowed me a break here or there. Then we had something called the 5Km radius and a curfew of 6-9), later extended to some hours I cant remember. Then the radius of "you shalt not go out of" was dropped and we returned to some normality, as a cyclist. In the meanwhile golfers were fuming that they couldn't play a round at their locale. Events popped up, and I did one for the entire 365 days of lockdown... the Winter Fast One. Really enjoyable, even though I was "spinning out" on some descents. Plans to return to racing came, and were gone (with the wind). By year end, I was about 600Km short of hitting what I thought was an impossible target when we went into lockdown. Thanks goodness for some Challenge called the Rapha 500, as it forced me to put in 3 big rides (140Km each) in 4 days (with Christmas day giving me a 30Km IDT ride). As I was travelling to the land of the Disa on the 28th, I had 60Km to do in 4 days, of which 2 would be spent driving from the highveld to the Overberg. 8pm on the night we slept over in Beaufort West, el Presidente told us all beaches were no-go areas... what did he think us Vaalies would react? Luckily I had the dikwiel, some awesome trails around Kleinmond and two weeks of sublime weather. 2021 carried on where 2020 left off, and was again disappointed when the 2021 Maluti D90 was also called off. Oh well, riding has been a joy over the last 365 days. My 2021 goal has been stepped up a touch... 220Km (minimum) every week, to the end of the year. So, what's your story... let's keep it going and have something to look back on in 1, 2, 5, 10 years from now.
  24. Hi Hubbers If you commute too and from work in the Stellenbosch or Somerset West areas and are interested in testing a new cycling sensor, please drop me an email Benoit.Capostagno@garmin.com. We have a prototype that we are currently testing, which is integrated into our test bikes (we will provide you with a bike for the testing) The ideal use case would be commuters, but anyone who regularly rides in the areas (our offices are in Techno Park) and is interested in testing a new cycling sensor, please feel free to respond too. Thank you. Ben
  25. Satellite Classic, presented by Everything.Insure, defending champions David Maree and Joanna van de Winkel will have their eyes on another win when the road race takes place at Hoërskool Bekker, Magaliesburg, on October 1. This year marks the 18th edition of the event, which was first hosted in 2003. Due to Covid-19 regulations, the race last took place in 2020. The event also consists of an MTB Relay (October 2). Now in its third year, it provides four hours of cross-country off-road fun and takes place on the former SA Schools Final trail. Maree's track background came to good use when he sprinted to victory in the 2020 race, to get the better of Flavio Venceslau and Jaco van Dyk. The Team DMS rider said it was a great feeling to be back at one of the country’s iconic races. "Having my big disappointment in 2018 and winning in 2019 makes it special. Winning the last event, I'd like to successfully defend the title." He added that having won a few races and getting to the end of his career soon, he would use another win as an opportunity to teach the younger riders. The 33-year-old felt that it was "quite a hard race" with a few climbs, but it always turned out to be one for the riders who put in the work. "Hekpoort will always be tough - it's the big one. "Once I make it over there in the front group, I know I have a chance with the tricky sprint finish." Maree, who lives in Fourways, felt that this event was great preparation for the end of the year. "It also has some great scenery, and the weather is always great." Van de Winkel captured her third straight Satellite Classic title at the last edition. The Sandton City Cycle Nation rider crossed the line half a minute ahead of Parys Edwards. Azulde Britz finished third. "I'm excited to be back on the start line of this Classic. The last time I raced it, I had just come back from a stint of racing in Europe and the UK, so I was in good form. "They say 'pain is temporary and memories are forever' and it's true for this race, which I've won a couple of times." She added that this year there would be other riders returning from overseas racing, which would make it more of a challenge for those who have remained local during the winter. "It's exciting that a few of the young women have been racing internationally and will come back strong for the end of the SA season. "It will be challenging competing against a strong field of women. Cherise [Williet] and I will have to work together and communicate well during the race to maximise our strength as a team." She added that they always went out with the goal of winning. "Cherise and I work well together. The hill comes quite early in this race so I'll be maximising on that, but I know she always has my back if it doesn't work out - as a natural sprinter who has won almost every Classic in SA before." The 40-year-old said that she would be very happy if they could win this race again. "I'm at the point in my career that a personal win doesn't mean the world to me anymore, but if I can help our team win, help others achieve, or inspire others, then I'm just as happy." Due to Van de Winkel being an endurance climber, she feels that a long and gradual hill such as Hekpoort suits her. "The race is not only suited to a climber though. The hill comes early while everyone is still fresh and there's a long stretch afterwards to catch back. "A few groups re-joined after the climb in the last race, and we'll be looking to work as a team to manage the breaks and maximise on the technical finish, if this happens." The Hillcrest local said she loved riding out in Magaliesburg and up Hekpoort. "It's a fun day out with a real challenge, beautiful scenery and comradeship!" This year's Satellite Classic is a seeding event for the Virgin Active Ride Joburg cycle race. Entries close September 18. Visit www.facebook.com/satelliteclassic to win a road or MTB entry. Enter at satelliteclassic.bike.
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