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Cycle Science in Broadacres Sells Fake Pinarello

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I hope Richard DB didn't take too much skin off his malleolus cushions, he certainly spun off here like a wild dog that had his ass dunked in turpentine .

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Happy bday Andrew.. hopefully as a bday pressie you will receive your money back and redo that garden.

Edited by Gen
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After all is said and done, I will now give my opinion.

I think the OP duped these extremely honest and upstanding individuals of society.

I was watching a show on body make overs on DSTV and all the ladies that wanted more "racy" and nicer boobies were given fakes, even though they were invoiced for 36 c's or d's or whatever the invoice said.

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Couple of reasons

Firstly a big one would be to get an idea of what the motivation is for a bike shop to sell fake products. What is the actual difference and therefore the temptation to line a pocket. A once off payment with big rewards is always there.


Secondly there is an old adage that says "Let the buyer beware". If the price difference is too large then alarm bells should go off in a purchasers mind. If it sounds to good, then there is an excellent chance it is.


I do not know what these things cost, i am asking for some help. There are plenty of threads on the Hub that warn people of web sites, users etc who are fleecing the public. It was just a matter of time before a well known bike shop got caught up in the spiraling fraud and deceit that is rife in this country. Plenty of examples of that i the country and media right now.


I do not want to believe that either party in this debacle is deliberately trying to deceive anyone, but it would seem i am wrong in this. The invoice from the shop being the biggest one of all. Complete stuff up on their behalf which will be difficult to get away from. I would like some additional info for my own peace of mind so i know what to look for in my future dealings with bike shops.

Well lets say a fake costs R6000 and the OP was charged R36000 for a genuine frame so there's R30000 of reasons why they ripped him off. Edited by Pusher
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Well lets say a fake costs R6000 and the OP was charged R36000 for a genuine frame so there's R30000 of reasons why they ripped him off.

Thats the point i am trying to make.


Not trying to be a chop or anything, but DT Swiss make a couple of different types of wheels. The R37 500 included frame and wheels. Well that's what the lawyers letter said. Its a piss poor effort by them to stay in business if they think they can get away with it. If its for R50 or R50 000.

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Well lets say a fake costs R6000 and the OP was charged R36000 for a genuine frame so there's R30000 of reasons why they ripped him off.

Dont forget the fake wheels, handle bar, stem and even a fake seat, lots of RRR reasons

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I've started to read this thread yesterday from the first page... When I gots to about page 30, I saw that this thread is getting more pages faster than I could read through them. I then decided to start reading it from the back, and now I am stuck, because there are so many more pages that I actually have not started reading from the back but actually the middle...


Besides the fact that I am well and truelly boggled, this thread is ENTERTAINING of note no matter what side you read it from!


From myself, thank you AA! From my company... :cursing:

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After all is said and done, I will now give my opinion.

I think the OP duped these extremely honest and upstanding individuals of society.

I was watching a show on body make overs on DSTV and all the ladies that wanted more "racy" and nicer boobies were given fakes, even though they were invoiced for 36 c's or d's or whatever the invoice said.

Its the lack of a proper serial number that gives them away...
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Thats the point i am trying to make.


Not trying to be a chop or anything, but DT Swiss make a couple of different types of wheels. The R37 500 included frame and wheels. Well that's what the lawyers letter said. Its a piss poor effort by them to stay in business if they think they can get away with it. If its for R50 or R50 000.


I think the perception is that R91k was a "bargain" price which it was not. It was ballpark for the bike with DT Swiss wheels. If it had Boras & Super Record then it was a "bargain".


Happy Birthday Andrew A

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Regarding the bike spec; a friend and cycling partner of mine bought a fake Pinarello before me at Cycle Science. I said I wanted the same bike, except the electric Record whereas my friend got the manual Record, and I wanted the 'black on black' colour scheme.


(Before you start thinking what an utter moron, I have been going to the same LBS for over five years. I have bought my son a Bianchi there and my gardener two bikes. I trusted Cycle Science implicitly as the good person from Boksburg who got my old bike will attest. I didn't haggle or try and 'nickel and dime' them as the Americans would say.)


So they quoted me R91,000 for the bike, and we went through it in John's book, and recorded it manually. I do not have a record of this and the cost of each item. Similarly, it sounded reasonable and in line with market prices, or at least I thought so at the time. If only I had the benefit of hindsight, I would have been more astute when choosing my LBS and probably not eat curry before flying!


Note to Cycle Science: You might want to think of getting rid of 'The Book'


p.s. As I mentioned in an earlier post, one person, let's call him invoice number one, did get his money back. He got his money back a couple of hours before Carte Blanch came knocking... He called to thank me and was very gracious and; even though he got his money back, he stood by me with CB.

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Well guys and girls its been great fun and really entertaining. I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread the past couple of days. Between the Hub, Devi from Carte Blanche, the lawyers, 702 and The Mix radio stations, even perhaps something from ASG or Pinarello international it appears that Cycle Science may have realised that they were doing something wrong. I have heard that a refund was made to a Cycle Science Chinarello customer in the last 24hrs.

Its nice to see that Robbie and John have started cleaning up what is surely the biggest scandal to hit a cycling shop in a long time. It didn't have to blow up into the size scandal it has become, if only they had handled it differently from the start.

Perhaps we have all learnt something from this as it has been quite educational. Loads of laughs and a really cool vibe between Hubbers.

I hope the store will make good with the rest of the affected customers so they can try regain some of the reputation they had before they changed their ways. I look forward to seeing that.

Bro, now you're just stirring. The refund info did not come from Cycle Science, it came from a friend of mine who found out quite some time ago that his bike was fake. The refund is real. Although he seems to be the only one who has received a refund.


Your post last night implied a refund was made to the OP. I'm happy your mate got his cash back, but this thread is ultimately about Andrew Armstrong's battle against Cycle Psychos (notwithstanding the many other client's they have fleeced of course).

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Andrew, the real question now is? Which episode of CB will it be???? We're all amped like teenage boys at 'the prom'!

Edited by Tubehunter
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