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Cycle Science in Broadacres Sells Fake Pinarello

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Obviously they have to contest else will be an admission.


The counter action is a smoke screen just to try put Andrew off with the quote of a huge sum.


Fortunately Andrew has deep pockets so expect them to consider a settlement once going to court.


As pointed out no where on the invoice did it say fake or Chinarello, be interesting to see how they counter that in court with providing fake invoices.


Agreed that I think CB should at least be notified as they have been mentioned in the counter claim. Am sure they will be interested in a follow up.


CS, the more they put their foot in it the more they sink and stink !!

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Anyone one remember the PINA mountain bike, sold by ASG.

It was not a fake but was old on the impression of being a Pinerello

Flame suit on. :whistling:

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Anyone one remember the PINA mountain bike, sold by ASG.

It was not a fake but was old on the impression of being a Pinerello

Flame suit on. :whistling:


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is he the barry roux of cases of this nature??

its actually typical, bike forum FULL OF CYCLISTS read this thread, all swear they wont use the shop,the "MIGHTY CB" does a "in depth slating" of the bike shop, and gues what,,,,,,,,,,THEY STILL OPERATING :eek:



nope. Grey Mandrod was/is the fake legal firm Floyd Landis invented to 'represent him' once things started hotting up with the uniballer. He even made a swish website and all to make it look half decent, but mostly used a twitter handle to taunt/respond to all the Armstrong legalese.


It was (until he got a bit carried away) quite brilliant.

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Not a chance in hell that I would buy a single thing from this bunch, they should be run out of the industry like the crooks they are. I have coffee after my rides at the Europa next door and twice I have needed to buy cycling stuff and refuse to take a step into their door.


The fact that their doors are still open, proves more than enough that people get easily blinded by good deals and cheaper prices, they say they vote with their wallets, that is true.

Cheaper is better for some, as I said way back, they will remain open as there are more than enough cheapskates supporting people like that.

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The fact that their doors are still open, proves more than enough that people get easily blinded by good deals and cheaper prices, they say they vote with their wallets, that is true.

Cheaper is better for some, as I said way back, they will remain open as there are more than enough cheapskates supporting people like that.


And that the Hub is not the be all and end all of cycling ......

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And that the Hub is not the be all and end all of cycling ......

I MENTIONED THE HUB, but i was more focusing on the CB factor, many chirps thought that CB would be the nail in the coffin

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I also wonder how many people actually still watch CB, we have stopped watching it. It's not what it used to be.

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I also wonder how many people actually still watch CB, we have stopped watching it. It's not what it used to be.


As it is the 'death knell' to the weekend and pretty depressing we have also stopped watching it ....

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